The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 218: important place

Chapter 218 Important Places

Yan Xiangluo did not expect that Ji Jiuzhong did not break the formation for this reason. After all, he had been in contact with the people of the nine families since he was ten years old, and his understanding of the people of the nine families was still very deep.

This also reminded her of the eldest elder of the Xu family, the thirteenth elder of the Long family, and Yu Ge, who would do whatever it took to get to the higher continent, even practicing evil arts. This is what she knows. There are only a lot more people who don't know and are hiding in the dark.

The main reason for all this is that the people who were demoted in the first place were not people of good moral character. They were unwilling to live here and would not reflect on their own mistakes. They would only solve problems in the usual way. Such people teach How can the offspring have good moral character?

 It does not mean that all people will not have good virtues, but most people will follow the path of their ancestors.

 In this case, she also gave up the idea of ​​breaking the formation.

  However, it does not affect her curiosity about this trap, and it is still possible to study it.

"If this is the case, they should continue to stay here, so as not to harm others." There was an indescribable emotion in Yan Xiangluo's tone.

 She feels very sorry for her mother. How she maintains her true nature in such an environment should be different from her experience when she left here when she was a teenager. Later, she met her father, and her life experiences changed her, allowing her to have her own thoughts. She could understand the thoughts of her family members from her own perspective on life, and learned to distinguish right from wrong.

Perhaps my mother tried very hard to change her family’s thinking, but what her family did to her made her fail and disappointed.

Ji Jiuzhong noticed that she was not in a good mood and interrupted her train of thought, "Are you interested in this formation?"

"I used to learn formations from my father. When I saw a special formation, I wanted to try it. But we just need to study it. The formations laid out by the rules of heaven still have reasons for their existence. Let's not go against the law of heaven. ." Yan Xiangluo shrugged.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, why is this girl so cute? I don’t want to meddle in other people’s business but I still say it in such a high-sounding way.

"That makes sense. I have studied some ideas before. Please tell me what you think." Ji Jiuzhong pulled her to the highest mountain and dropped her down.

 Here you can clearly see the living quarters of the nine families. It was here that he studied this trap.

Moreover, the top of this mountain is bare, so there is no way to hide anyone, and there is no need to worry about anyone eavesdropping.

Yan Xiangluo didn't notice Ji Jiuzhong pulling her, nor did he reject it. She was focused on the formation.

However, the hidden guards of the Long family who followed them secretly saw their natural closeness and immediately sent the news back.

The head of the Long family was busy dealing with the Xu family. After receiving the news, the housekeeper of the Long family believed that they were indeed an unmarried couple, otherwise they would not be so close.

The atmosphere in the main hall of the Long family was very bad, and the housekeeper did not dare to go in and report the matter at this time. He could only wait until the matter was over before telling the head of the Long family.

Contrary to the atmosphere in the Long family, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were very comfortable at this time.

Yu Xiangluo was talking about her thoughts on how to break the trap. Ji Jiuzhong listened patiently. From time to time, he would share his thoughts with her, but he mainly listened to her thoughts.

It was the first time in Yan Xiangluo's life that someone had talked with her so patiently, and she still had a common topic to talk to.

The more she talked, the more excited she became, and her joyful mood made her already outstanding appearance even more brilliant. Ji Jiuzhong watched infatuatedly, imprinting her happiness and joy at this moment in her heart.

“Sure enough, my formation talent follows my father.” Yan Xiangluo said with a bright and proud smile. "Well, that's true." Ji Jiuzhong followed her words.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that the two of them had been sitting on the top of the mountain all morning. She turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong, just in time to catch his gentle gaze.

She was stunned. In her impression, Ji Jiuzhong was an indifferent person with no emotions. When did he become so gentle?

If Ji Jiuzhong knew that his gentleness was just gentleness in Yan Xiangluo's eyes, I wonder if he would be even more helpless.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo saw from the corner of her eye that the door of the Long family opened, and the head of the Xu family and the elders came out. The head of the Long family and several elders escorted them out.

Yan Xiangluo watched the head of the Xu family and the others go back to the Xu family over the mountain, and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "In such a big place, with so many families living in it, what interests can they compete for?

Ji Jiuzhong also looked in the direction of the Long family, "Although this place is not big, there is a very important place."

 “Important place?”

Yan Xiangluo looked around. The entire residence was where they were. It could be said that she could see it all at a glance. Except for the family residence, which was just a crop field, she didn't find anything important.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up, pointed in one direction and said, "Do you think there is a separate house there?"

Yan Xiangluo looked along Ji Jiuzhong's hand and saw an independent house not far away from the residence of the nine families. It was not big. From their perspective, it looked more like a temple. It was the same building, although it was a little far away, but she could also see people coming in and out.

“Where is that place?” Yan Xiangluo asked. Such a single house does not look like it belongs to any family.

“That’s why the aura here is so strong.” Ji Jiuzhong retracted his hand and said.

The fragrance fell and it became clear that there was a reason for the strong aura here.

Ji Jiuzhong continued, "The reason why the spiritual energy of the nine family residences is richer than that of the mainland outside is because there is a well in that house, and pure spiritual energy is constantly flowing out of it. Not only does the spiritual energy here remain so rich, It also affects the spiritual energy in Wanghai Forest. In fact, the spiritual energy disperses outward from there, and the farther away it is, the less intense the spiritual energy is. This is why the closer to the residence of the nine families in Wanghai Forest, the more intense the spiritual energy is."

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo let go of her spiritual consciousness and sensed it. Sure enough, the aura of the residence of the nine families became stronger the closer it got to that house.

“So that’s the best place for cultivation for the nine families.” Yan Xiangluo said clearly.

"Yes, but the house is too small to accommodate all nine families to practice, not even one family. Therefore, according to the rules, one family will practice for three months, and any family will practice for three months. , each family guards it closely and does not allow people from other families to get close." Ji Jiuzhong looked at that house, he had never been there before.

 Leave aside whether he would be there when it was the Xu family's turn. Even if he was there, he had no intention of going. Although it was important to absorb spiritual power and practice, talent and experience were more important.

“So, the Xu family wants the Long family’s next training time?” Yan Xiangluo immediately understood why the Xu family and the Long family had been talking all morning.

 (End of this chapter)

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