Chapter 219 So old

 “I want more than just once.” Ji Jiuzhong said, otherwise the conversation would not have lasted so long.

The Long family is not that easy to talk to. Both families argue with each other, and it depends on who is more talkative.

However, based on his understanding of the Xu family leader, he has the initiative this time. He will never give up this opportunity to benefit the family. He will at least require the Long family to practice three times, which is nine months, nearly a month. years.

The training time of the Long family is always next to that of the Xu family. The training time of the two families is six months together. Three consecutive six months. If the cultivation reaches a critical moment, in that room After practicing for six months, you can know the effect without even thinking about it. What's more, it's still three to six months. For the nine families, this is already a great benefit.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "With such good cultivation conditions, why are there so few people from the nine families going to the higher continent?"

In her opinion, with such training conditions, no matter how bad your talent is, you will be made strong by the spiritual energy. What's more, the nine families also have special blood inheritance, so you can't be worse than the poor talent People from the lower continent outside.

Ji Jiuzhong explained to her, "They have been punished by heaven, and the conditions for ascension are different from those of mainlanders outside. People from the nine families can only ascend and leave after breaking through the emperor level. After their cultivation reaches the clan level, it is very difficult to advance. Compared with the outsiders, It is many times more difficult for people in lower continents to advance to the human level.”

Yan Xiangluo couldn't figure it out. In this case, why not let the descendants leave here and go out to live and practice as lower-class mainlanders and leave?

“Then why don’t they leave here and live?” Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "Firstly, after they go back in this way, the family in the higher mainland will not recognize their identity. Secondly, they feel that they are superior and disdain to marry with lower-level mainlanders. The only exception is the Long family, but Not all descendants are allowed to go out, only those with particularly good talents will be let out, just like your mother."

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. He has been punished for nearly a thousand years. What does it matter whether my family accepts it or not after he returns?

At this time, she didn’t know how important it was to have family protection or not after going to the higher continent.

 Mainly because she has never relied on family protection. Even if she thought about it, the entire Long family was punished, and there was no family in the higher continent that could protect her.

"How many descendants of the Long family are outside?" Yan Xiangluo also understood why other families in the Long family thought differently. Only when the whole family returned could they rely on each other.

 But although they had the right idea, they used it in the wrong way.

 “Not many, one per generation.” Ji Jiuzhong said.

“Just one person?” Yan Xiangluo was surprised.

She thought that the Long family was so open-minded that there would be many descendants outside, but only one person from each generation would go out.

“Well, the person who goes out is the most talented one.”

Ji Jiuzhong understood the reason why the Long family did this. They just wanted to obtain people with stronger bloodline to decipher the secrets of the Long family, but they did not want to lose the power to control their descendants.

"My mother has gone to the higher continent. Who is the next generation of the Long family?" Yan Xiangluo didn't understand the brain circuits of the nine family members.

“It hasn’t been chosen yet.” Ji Jiuzhong shook his head.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes, now she even more suspected that the secret of the Long family was related to opening the box, and the reason why the next generation of the Long family did not go out was because they had their thoughts set on themselves.

Yan Xiangluo has no doubts about her idea now. After all, the letter left by her father specifically told her not to open the box.

Thinking of the hidden compartment on the bed in the room, she was sure that her mother must have left something for her.

But that was the Long family, and all her actions were under their surveillance. She could only wait until she went to bed at night to see if there was anything in the secret room. Suddenly she had no interest in wandering around anymore. Yan Xiangluo stood up and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Let's go back, otherwise the Long family will send someone out to invite us."

Ji Jiuzhong also stood up and stood side by side with her, "I don't need to be afraid of any of them as long as I am here."

Yan Xiangluo looked at him with strange eyes.

Ji Jiuchong was a little confused. She lowered her head and looked at herself. She was so handsome and handsome, and there was nothing wrong with him. Why did she look at him like this?

“What’s wrong?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiang frowned and said, "What you said just now, your expression and tone are very similar to my father."

Ji Jiuzhong's words suddenly reminded Yan Xiangluo that her father had always told her this before. As long as her father is here, she doesn't have to be afraid of anyone.

Ji Jiuzhong’s face turned dark after hearing her words, “Am I that old?”

Although he is indeed a few years older than Yan Xiangluo, he is not too different, at least not to the same generation as her father.

If you go to a higher continent, the lifespan of monks is very long. The age difference between husband and wife is normal, let alone a few years. Some even have a difference of one or two hundred years. Does she think she is old?

Yan Xiangluo saw Ji Jiuzhong's unhappy expression and said quickly, "I'm not saying you're old, I just think you care about me as much as my father."

Ji Jiuchong looked much better after hearing her explanation.

But Yan Xiangluo's expression was even more strange. She suddenly felt that Ji Jiuzhong really cared about her. Although I detoxified him, I also got benefits from him. It was just a fair transaction. There was no need for him to be so kind to himself, right?

Although Yan Xiangluo wanted to ask Ji Jiuzhong the reason, she thought of his not so good expression just now and swallowed the words that came to her lips.

People have helped her so much, she can't be ignorant.

Ji Jiusheng was afraid that she would say something scary again, so he quickly said, "Don't you want to go back?"

Yan Xiangluo immediately nodded and took off into the air, flying towards Long's house. Ji Jiu's heart dropped to his stomach and he followed behind.

 She made a plan in her heart to protect her face. She cannot change it if she is older than her. However, this face is still good-looking, so she must keep this capital.

So that after he became a truly strong man, everyone knew that he cared about his face.

When the two returned to the door of Long's house, the people sent by the head of Long's house to invite them back just went out. Seeing that the two of them were back, they were obviously relieved and quickly invited them in.

 Back to the yard prepared for Yan Xiangluo, the head of the Long family was also there.

  It can be seen that the face of the head of the Long family is not very good, but after seeing Yan Xiang, he immediately put on an amiable smile and said, "Xiang Luo is back."

 It can be seen that in the negotiation with the Xu family, the Long family lost interests and made him very uncomfortable.

 (End of this chapter)

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