The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 220: Give you half

Chapter 220 Give you half

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Master Long, are you done?"

The head of the Long family laughed and said, "There is nothing to do anymore. Today is the first time Xiangluo has come back. I have prepared a banquet for you. The banquet will be held in the Baihua Hall. I asked someone to come over and invite you over. Only then did I know that you had gone out. Where did you go to play? "

Yan Xiangluo felt that the head of the Long family was extremely hypocritical. He was obviously in a bad mood and didn't treat her well, but he could still pretend to be such an amiable elder.

“Let’s go to the beach for a walk. The place here is too small and there’s really nothing interesting to do.” Yan Xiangluo naturally said something disgusting.

No one from the lower mainland outside would want to come to their place. Yan Xiangluo said this. The head of the Long family thought she did it on purpose. This was a clear way to tell him that she disliked them.

The head of the Long family doesn't believe that Yan Xiangluo doesn't like this place at all, but he also doesn't believe that Yan Xiangluo likes this place very much.

From the first time he saw it until now, he had never seen the slightest yearning or curiosity about this place in Yan Xiangluo's eyes.

But he didn't believe she didn't like the rich spiritual energy and excellent cultivation environment here.

"The banquet is ready, let's go over." The head of the Long family decisively ended this obviously unpleasant topic.

Yan Xiangluo didn't refuse. She wanted to see who from the Long family would be at the banquet.

Turning to Ji Jiuzhong, he said, "Let's go see if the food at Long's house is as delicious as yours."

Ji Jiuzhong gave a rare smile, "Not everyone has the rice and vegetables used in my meals."

Even the Xu family can’t eat it, let alone the Long family.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and felt a little confused. Didn't the Xu family grow the rice and vegetables he had there themselves?

She thought it was because the spiritual energy here was particularly strong, so the spiritual rice and spiritual vegetables grown had purer and richer spiritual energy, making them more delicious.

Now listening to Ji Jiuzhong's meaning, it seems that this is not the case.

The head of the Long family was here, so she didn't ask any more questions. The two of them followed the head of the Long family and walked to the Baihua Hall.

The Baihua Hall is actually the place where the Long family gathers every New Year. It is very large and spacious, and is surrounded by various flowers. It is the season of blooming, which makes the name Baihua Hall worthy of its name.

Along the way, Yan Xiangluo could see that although the head of the Long family did not take special care of Ji Jiuzhong, he had obviously been observing Ji Jiuzhong's expression.

 It must have been during the negotiations with the Xu family that they learned that the eldest elder of the Xu family had been defeated by Ji Jiuzhong, and felt a little afraid of him.

The thirteen elders of the Long family were defeated by Ji Jiuzhong. The head of the Long family would not be afraid of him yet, but the elder of the Xu family, one of the four eighth-level cultivation powerhouses among the nine families, was defeated by him. It’s impossible not to be afraid.

I was also wondering in my heart. Although Ji Jiuzhong was at the peak of the ninth-level cultivation level, the Great Elder of the Xu family was at the eighth level of the Zong-level cultivation. How did he defeat the great elder? It is obvious that Ji Jiuzhong is really capable of allowing the Xu family leader to be so humble. I originally thought that even if Ji Jiuzhong supported Yan Xiangluo, he would not be afraid of him, a person with a high level of cultivation. However, the negotiation with the Xu family leader After it was over, the head of the Long family didn't think so anymore.

He has already discussed with the elders of the Long family that he must not treat Yuan Xiangluo the way he treated his mother. It would be best if the problem could be solved amicably.

Back then, Long Moran had the support of Concubine Chengye, and now Concubine Xiangluo has the support of Ji Jiuzhong, who made them even more afraid. They couldn't afford to offend him.

  After all, they know very well that the Long family is now a strong force on the outside and can no longer withstand any storms.

Yan Xiangluo knew their plan when the head of the Long family appeared in her yard.

After all, he is the head of the family. Whether it is for Ji Jiuzhong's sake or not, he sincerely wants to solve the problem with him in a peaceful way. Being able to condescend to him already shows his attitude.

If the problem can be solved peacefully, Yan Xiangluo naturally does not want to have a quarrel with them.

When we came to Baihua Hall, there were not many people inside. In addition to a few elders of the Long family whom we had seen before, there were also two old men, a man and a woman. When he saw them coming in, his eyes kept falling on Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo just glanced at them naturally and then looked away, but she could still see the changes in their expressions from the corner of her eye and clearly sensed the complex emotions in their eyes.

Perhaps because of the presence of Ji Jiuzhong, a powerful person they feared, the two of them were placed next to the head of the Long family.

 This action further showed the attitude of the Long family towards her.

Ji Jiuzhong sent a message to her, "The first elder of the Long family is not here. Among the nine families, if the first elder does not attend, it means a different meaning. If it is a banquet for other family heads, if the first elder does not show up, it will not give them face. . But in your situation, the Great Elder’s absence means that he will not use his strength to suppress you.”

Yan Xiangluo understood that the Long family was using actions to show that they only wanted to solve the problem and did not want to use force with her.

"They have a good attitude, and I am not an unreasonable person. No matter what disputes they have with my parents, my parents have been merciful. As long as they don't go too far, I won't do anything. After settling the matter here, I will I won't come again, it's best if we can live in peace." Yan Xiangluo also told Ji Jiuzhong clearly her thoughts.

"We are somewhat connected by fate, but you are luckier than me. At least your mother is still alive, and your family will be reunited in the future." Although Ji Jiuzhong used voice transmission, Yan Xiangluo could also feel his low mood.

Thinking about his identity and situation, what he has lacked most since he was a child is family affection. It is what every child expects, but he has never had it. Although the late emperor of the Tianshun Empire loved him very much, how much love would the emperor's father have if he was born into the royal family? What's more, the late emperor of the Tianshun Empire was gone when he was six years old. His survival depends on his wisdom and intelligence, coupled with his super talent.

Now Yan Xiangluo somewhat understands why Ji Jiuzhong is always so cold. Growing up in such an environment, if you can still develop a cheerful and optimistic character, you would have to be so heartless.

"When you find my parents, I can share half of their love with you." Yan Xiangluo suddenly softened her heart, thinking that Ji Jiuzhong accompanied her to Long's house for her, and they could still make friends.

"Okay, it's a deal." Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect such a surprise. If he had known that suffering a misfortune would make her soften her heart, he would have used this trick a long time ago.

He knows that Yan Xiangluo only regards him as a friend in his heart, but even if he knows, he will be very happy. After all, she has been upgraded to the level of a friend in her heart, and getting closer is not out of reach.

 (End of this chapter)

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