The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 221: outspoken

Chapter 221 Speaking out

"Well, it's a deal." At this time, Yan Xiangluo hadn't realized what it meant to give half of her parents' love to Ji Jiuchong.

There is no way. Although she lives in two time and space, she is not very old and her health in the other life is not good. She has no chance to fall in love at all. It can be said that he knows nothing about the feelings between men and women.

 This is also the reason why Ji Jiuzhong showed his kindness to her repeatedly, but she didn't even think about it.

Ji Jiuzhong also saw that she really didn't think about their relationship in terms of love between men and women, and it seemed that there was never a place for her partner in her heart.

So if he wants to squeeze into her heart, he can't rush and can only take his time. Fortunately, things are going in a good direction now, and he has plenty of patience with her.

 After the head of the Long family, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong sat down, the head of the Long family introduced everyone present to Yan Xiangluo.

There are five elders of the Long Family present here, from the second elder to the sixth elder.

Sitting next to the head of the Long family is the wife of the family. Probably because Yan Xiangluo is a woman, the wife of the family attended. When introducing her, the wife of the house said kind words to Yan Xiangluo with a gentle smile. Yan Xiangluo looked at her, and the wife of the house specially gave her a smile, obviously treating her as a guest.

After introducing them, the head of the Long family introduced the two old men, a man and a woman.

“Xiangluo, they are your maternal grandparents, and you have two uncles.” The head of the Long family had been observing the changes in Xiangluo’s expression as he spoke.

When the old couple heard what the head of the house said, they both looked at Yan Xiangluo, who looked at them generously.

"I'm sorry, I have never heard my mother say that she has other relatives here. If the Long family hadn't come looking for me, I would never have come here. I think this is good now."

The meaning of Yan Xiangluo's words is very clear. You don't need to talk about feelings with me. I have no feelings for you just like you do for me. If you have something to say, I will leave after solving the matter. It's completely unnecessary. What kind of family card are you playing?

If there was really any family affection, the Long family would not treat her mother like that, and her father would not abandon her when she was still young and risk everything to save her mother.

 She would not start a lonely and helpless life at such a young age. It can be said that the main reason why her life has fallen into this state is because of what the Long family did to her mother.

As soon as she spoke, the scene suddenly became awkward. The old couple looked disappointed, but there was also a trace of happiness mixed in.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what they were thinking. They felt that it was good for Yan Xiangluo to do this, because at least they would not be manipulated by the family owner because of them.

 As for whether you have feelings for them or not, that doesn't matter. As she said, she never knew about their existence. They had never appeared in her life, and they had never done anything for her. They could not help her when something happened. Instead, they would become a drag on her. Let’s not talk about it. Feelings are the best choice.

Yu Xiangluo's words made the head of the Long family and the elders look at each other. Only they knew the meaning of this look.

The last glimmer of hope was shattered. It was impossible to use the family affection that we had never gotten along with to soften her heart and manipulate her.

 People have made it very clear that she is not here to recognize her relatives.

"Master Long, you know very well why I came to the Long family. I don't think you need to pretend to have deep feelings. You have no feelings for me, and you and I are the same. So, we might as well talk openly. This is The best way to solve the problem." Yan Xiangluo looked at the head of the Long family, she didn't want to be with them and Shewei, that was not her way of doing things.

 Even though she is young and has little experience, she still has her own ideas and rules of conduct, and she is not willing to perfunctory anyone.

The head of the Long family laughed when he heard this, and said to lighten the atmosphere, "Xiangluo has the same temperament as your mother, straightforward, so that's fine. You just came back today. If nothing else, this meal is just for you to cleanse yourself from the wind and dust. The thing is... It won’t be too late to solve it today. It won’t be too late to talk about it tomorrow.” “Thank you very much, Master Long, for your hospitality.”

Seeing that Yan Xiangluo was willing to live in peace, the head of the Long family felt a little relieved. He couldn't help but think that if he and Long Moran had settled things like this back then, they wouldn't have ended up in this situation.

It was useless to regret. He picked up his wine glass and said to Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong, "Welcome Xiangluo and my future uncle back."

The master of the Long family turned Ji Jiuzhong into one of his own with his clever words. It is the wisest choice to turn someone you can't afford to offend into one of your own.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't care about the little thoughts of the head of the Long family. Instead, because his uncle was still very happy, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

At the same time, he took the wine glass from Yan Xiangluo's hand, drank it all in one gulp, and then explained, "Xiang Luo doesn't have the ability to drink, so I'll drink for her."

Yan Xiangluo looked at his empty hands and wondered, how did he know that he didn't have the capacity to drink? I know very well whether I can drink or not, and I won’t get drunk after just one glass of wine.

But he instantly understood that he didn’t want to drink, so it was right to be more cautious.

So he nodded cooperatively, "That's true, I don't have much drinking capacity."

Upon hearing this, the head of the Long family immediately asked someone to bring tea, "It's okay if the girl doesn't drink."

Yan Xiangluo’s maternal grandfather and grandmother sat there silently from beginning to end, not eating much, but drinking a few glasses of wine.

Yan Xiangluo never paid special attention to them from beginning to end. She did this for their own good.

 No matter what their relationship with their mother is, they are her mother's biological parents. Since her mother has done nothing, she is even less qualified to do anything. She can only do what she can for them without involving them.

 This point must be very clear to them.

The meal was quite harmonious. After the meal, the head of the Long family personally took them back to Yuan Xiangluo's yard, telling them not to be polite and just say what they needed.

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised by the attitude of the Long family leader. The only one left was the Long family leader. The person who followed him must be someone he could trust. Yuan Xiangluo said bluntly, "I don't have time to stay in the Long family for a long time. I hope things can work out." Solve it as soon as possible and I will leave as soon as possible.”

The head of the Long family was not disgusted with Yan Xiangluo being so frank and frank. On the contrary, he felt that this approach was very comfortable. It made him feel that the previous struggles of the Long family were in vain and were just a waste of worry and boredom.

"Okay, I will ask you to come over tomorrow to discuss how things should be done, and we also need to communicate." The head of the Long family also said straightforwardly.

 The implication is that Ji Jiuchong is not prepared to participate.

Yan Xiangluo had given in knowing that Ji Jiuzhong could live with her in the Long family, and she didn't want Ji Jiuzhong to be involved in the Long family's affairs. She nodded, "Master Long, go and do your work. I'm used to being casual and won't let anyone come." Just bother us."

 (End of this chapter)

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