The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 223: Mother’s letter (2)

Chapter 223 Mother’s letter (2)

The smile on Yan Xiangluo's face disappeared. No wonder her mother was so disappointed. It was because the tribe had planted such an inner demon that was difficult to eliminate. Such people would never reach the highest level of cultivation.

Like my mother said, such a Long family can only survive safely if they stay here.

"Xiao Luo'er, since you have seen this letter that my mother left for you, it means that the Long family has set their sights on you. Mother, I don't know if you can open the box, but whether you open it or not, mother We all hope that Xiao Luoer will remember the teachings of your parents and keep your true intentions. Only in this way can you go higher and further in your cultivation."

Yan Xiangluo understood that her mother was worried that she would have the same inner demons as the Long family because of the benefits this box could bring.

It would be a lie to say that she is not tempted at all. The path she wants to take is the path of the strong. The most important thing in the path of the strong is to have super abilities, and the super soul-controlling power of the Long family is precisely A superpower that is unique and hard to find in the world.

How could Yan Xiangluo not be moved at all?

But one thing she knows very well and insists on is that even if she takes the path of the strong, she must do it cleanly. If she wants to walk the path of the strong cleanly, she must keep her mind pure.

Therefore, although she is also moved, she will not give up her original intention because she knows very well that if she wants to go far and high, her state of mind is the most important thing.

 Otherwise, why are there so many strong people and so few super strong ones?

 In her opinion, the state of mind of a super strong person is also super strong. Although she still cannot understand what kind of state that super strong state of mind is, it does not prevent her from pursuing this state. Therefore, the most important thing for her now is to keep her true heart.

"Xiao Luo'er, there is only so much that mom can say. You have to remember that as long as you keep your heart, you can make the most correct choice no matter what the situation. Mom and dad are waiting for you. Mom left a message ”

Although her mother didn’t mention anything about her and her father in the letter, after reading the letter left by her mother, Yan Xiangluo felt much more at ease.

Since my parents have gone to the higher continent, they will meet again one day, and it will only be a matter of time before the family reunites. Besides, with her father's clever and cunning temperament, he would definitely do better there.

 Now Yan Xiangluo is more concerned about the box. Since opening the box required conditions, she didn't have to worry about anything.

My mother didn’t say not to let her try to open the box, so just give it a try.

 The one who benefits from opening it is herself. If she cannot open it, the Long family will completely give up on her and stop pestering her for this matter.

However, she felt that she should first learn how to use the power of soul control. After all, she had not yet learned how to use the power of soul control to pull people's souls out of the body and completely destroy them. She was already shocked by the power of soul control. The power is getting stronger.

If you can learn the Long family's method of controlling soul control, even if you can't open the box and gain super soul control skills, you can at least be as powerful as your mother in the future.

Her mother can separate her soul, accurately reincarnate each soul into another world, and accurately calculate the time of her soul's return. In her opinion, this is something that humans cannot accomplish, but her mother can do it arrive.

She also wants to be as powerful as her mother, no, more powerful than her mother, so that she can protect her parents and let them live a leisurely life.

Just when Yan Xiangluo was putting away the letter her mother had left for her and preparing to restore the secret compartment to its original state, she discovered that there was another jade slip in the secret compartment.

The jade slip is a piece of green jade, flat and rectangular, not big, and can be held in the palm of your hand.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it. The fantasy world likes to use jade slips to carry the inheritance of martial arts. Could it be that this jade slip was specially left to her by her mother, and it was a jade slip about the soul control method?

 You can get whatever you want. Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, and she reached out to pick up the jade slip. Without getting out of the bed, she directly followed the method mentioned in the fantasy novel she read before, pressed the jade slip on her forehead, and input a stream of spiritual power.

  After all, she has never accepted the inheritance of skills in this way in this life.

Sure enough, the jade slip shone and a ray of light flew into her eyebrows. The jade slip shattered into dust and fell on the mattress.

Yan Xiangluo remained motionless, digesting the scenes that appeared in her consciousness, as if someone was teaching her how to use the power of soul control.

Yan Xiangluo could only see a silhouette, but could not see his appearance clearly, but he could tell from his clothes that he was a man.

 Every movement of the man was slow, as if he was worried that she would not understand or remember.

Yan Xiangluo watched every move of the man intently. The amazing thing was that she could know what the man was thinking and saying when he made every move.

Yan Xiangluo kept doing this, and after two hours, it was finally over.

Yan Xiangluo's consciousness returned to normal, but Yan Xiangluo still maintained the posture of lying on the bed, constantly rehearsing every move of the man and what he was thinking and saying in his consciousness.

Over and over again, until dawn, a voice came from outside the yard asking if she had gotten up. Yan Xiangluo heard Ji Jiuzhong say that she hadn't gotten up yet, so just bring her breakfast.

Since Ji Jiuzhong helped her deal with it, she was not in a hurry to get up. She collected the dust on the mattress and threw it into the space. She restored the dark grid to its original state and put away the lighting beads.

 Then he opened the quilt and got out, stretched out and got up from the bed.

  She had not slept all night and had consumed so much mental energy. Not only did she not feel tired, she was also very energetic.

Hearing the sound of her getting up, the maid standing guard outside immediately whispered, "Miss Xiangluo, let's go in and wait."

Yan Xiangluo raised her apricot eyes and said in a cold voice, "Come in."

Although she has never been used to being waited on since she was a child, she still understands the principle of doing as the Romans do.

 Coming in to wait on her was just a pretense, monitoring her was the real thing. She knew this very well, but she just pretended not to know.

With her permission, the two maids opened the door and walked in. Their eyes looked around her bedroom calmly.

 One of the maids smiled and asked, "How did Miss Xiangluo sleep last night?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her and said, "Of course it's great. After all, it's the house where my mother slept. I even dreamed of my mother in my dream last night."

The maid's smile was still very decent, "Miss Xiangluo, you miss your mother, right? My mother is the most talented person in our Long family. She became the young master of our Long family at the age of six. It's us who A presence that people admire.”

The maid used the word "admiration" instead of "envy", which shows that Long Moran's talent at that time could no longer be envied.

 (End of this chapter)

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