The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 224: Don't take advantage

Chapter 224 Don’t take advantage

Yan Xiangluo didn't answer the maid's call anymore. She didn't want to hear anyone here say anything about her mother's stay in the Long family. She didn't believe it. When she sees her mother in the future, she will tell her herself.

Yu Xiang was washed and combed her hair by the maid. During this period, she saw from the corner of her eye that the maid who was making the bed was checking the bed over and over again although she was folding the quilt.

Yu Xiangluo just pretended not to see it. If someone hadn't known about the hidden compartment, they would never have discovered it. After packing up, she changed into a red dress, opened the door and walked out.

In the main hall, Ji Jiuzhong was sitting on the left side of the table, drinking tea. From the angle of Yan Xiangluo, you could just see his perfect profile. His eyes paused. No wonder he has the reputation of being the most beautiful man in the world. This appearance is indeed responsible. rise.

Ji Jiuzhong saw her coming out. When he looked up, his originally indifferent eyes suddenly became soft and gleaming.

 No one else knew about it last night, but his consciousness could sense the fluctuations of Yan Xiangluo's consciousness, and he understood that there must be a secret that only Yan Xiangluo knew in that room. It should be something her mother, Long Mo Ran, left for her.

At this time, seeing that her mood was still as calm as ever, no, it should be said that she was even calmer than before. He knew that he didn't have to worry about losing her fragrance.

Yan Xiangluo should already know some secrets about the Long family and how to deal with them next.

How could people like her parents do nothing and leave the ten-year-old girl alone to make a living?

"Breakfast will be delivered soon. Sit down and have a cup of tea. The tea here is delicious no matter which one it comes from." Ji Jiuzhong picked up the teapot with his slender hand and poured her a cup of tea, saying naturally.

Yan Xiangluo averted her gaze and sat down on the chair on the right. She took the tea cup and took a sip. Sure enough, her throat felt refreshed all the way to her heart.

 Sure enough, the tea leaves grown in an environment rich in aura are different from those grown outside. If this tea were sold outside, it would definitely sell for a sky-high price.

 Drinking tea was like drinking spiritual energy. This was the first time she experienced this feeling. She couldn't help but take two more sips, and the tea in the cup was gone.

Yan Xiangluo frowned for a moment, realizing for the first time that the teacup was so small.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately poured her another cup of tea with a wink. This time, Yan Xiangluo did not take a sip, but drank it all in one gulp. Then she raised the tea cup, with the obvious intention of having another cup.

Ji Jiuzhong poured her another glass lovingly, "Breakfast will be delivered soon. I drank too much and can't eat later."

Yan Xiangluo nodded and drank all the tea in the cup, "This tea is so delicious, it feels very comfortable to drink."

"I have a lot of it over there. I'll prepare some for you. You can drink it at any time. If you run out, I'll give it to you again." Ji Jiuzhong looked at her funny.

 For the first time, I discovered that in addition to practicing and improving her cultivation, she also had something she liked. If her cooking skills are so good, she must be very particular about food and have high requirements. The cooking skills of ordinary cooks simply cannot meet her requirements, so she has developed such good cooking skills by herself.

 After hearing Ji Jiuzhong's words, Yan Xiangluo's big apricot eyes suddenly burst out with burning light. The shining light deeply attracted Ji Jiuzhong, making him reluctant to look away.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly flashed. Ji Jiuzhong had promised to prepare some spiritual rice and vegetables for her before, and now he promised to give her tea. This is both food and drink. Isn't that too much?

 As the old saying goes, if you eat someone else's mouth and use their hands, it seems like she has them all.

 It’s a bit bad to take advantage of this, isn’t it?

"Since you are so generous, I won't be stingy. From now on, you will not be charged for medical treatment from me, but you can provide the medicinal materials yourself." Yuan Xiangluo said generously.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and nodded, "In this case, I am taking advantage." Others don't know whether he knows how advanced Yan Xiangluo's medical skills are. With a body like his own, he doesn't know if he can wait until he gets the spiritual spring and the Nine-leaf clover was also saved by her superb medical skills.

With her level of medical skills and alchemy, the cost of just asking her for diagnosis and treatment was not high. She just gave him some spiritual rice, spiritual vegetables and spiritual tea. She made such a promise to herself. She was obviously not someone who took advantage.

 She is a person who will repay you every time you treat her well.

Ji Jiuzhong was very curious about how Yan Xiangluo, who had lived alone since she was a child, managed to maintain her kind heart.

Ji Jiuzhong knew very well what she had experienced and how she had been treated in the imperial city of Tianshun Empire, and he was even more curious because he knew about it.

After all, in the three years when so many people were maliciously mocking and belittling her, how did she manage to ignore those hurtful rumors and remain calm?

his own experience is very similar to that of Yan Xiangluo. He is still a man, but he is becoming indifferent little by little. How can he, a little girl, still maintain the kindness that normal people may not have.

"Miss Xiangluo, Mr. Ji, breakfast has been delivered." The maid's voice came from outside the door, interrupting Ji Jiuzhong's thoughts.

 “Send it in.” Yan Xiangluo put down her tea cup and said outside.

A group of maids came in carrying a tray. Even though it was breakfast, they didn't mean to neglect it at all. It was still the same ten dishes and one soup as last night. The amount of each dish was not very large. Although it looked like a lot, it was enough for them to be full. There is some leftover, but not much is wasted.

 The two had breakfast together, and the atmosphere was still harmonious, as if they had always gotten along like this before.

 At least the people waiting on the side could not tell that there was any sense of alienation between them.

As soon as breakfast was finished, the head of the Long family came over at just the right time, obviously waiting for them to finish their breakfast.

"Xiangluo, all the elders are in the meeting hall. Is it convenient to go there now?" the head of the Long family asked politely.

They discussed it for most of last night, and they all agreed that since Yan Xiangluo had made it clear and the people had come to the Long family, she had no intention of rejecting them.

Now they are putting their hopes on Yan Xiangluo. To put it bluntly, they want something from Yan Xiangluo. If they can resolve the matter calmly, it is better than ending up with both sides hurting like they did with her mother.

It is not certain whether Yan Xiangluo can open the box. If she can really open it, it will be a good thing for the Long family. We will decide how to treat Yan Xiangluo based on the situation.

The Long family's calculations were ringing loudly, but they never thought that Yuan Xiangluo was someone they could handle.

"Solve it early, and I can leave early, so let's get over it." Yan Xiangluo did not shirk.

After finishing her words, Yan Xiangluo turned to Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Wait for me here, and we will leave after finishing the matter with the Long family."

 (End of this chapter)

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