The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 225: My surname is not Long

Chapter 225 My surname is not Long

Ji Jiudian nodded and glanced at the head of the Long family, "Okay, I will wait for you here. Don't worry, you don't have to be afraid of any family here. No matter where you are, I can clearly know your situation."

These words are not so much for Yu Xiangluo as they are for the head of the Long family. The implication is to tell the head of the Long family, don't think that you can do whatever you want without me by her side. Since I dare to let her go alone, I have the ability to protect her.

The head of the Long family raised his eyebrows. Although he already knew Ji Jiuzhong's strength from the Xu family, hearing Ji Jiuzhong's arrogant words with his own ears still made him feel very uncomfortable.

No matter how strong you are, can you still be stronger than the entire Long family? What's more, the Long family's ability is the unpredictable power of soul control.

 Therefore, although the Long family did not intend to offend Ji Jiuzhong before, when forced to do so, they would still put the interests of the Long family first.

Even though Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo didn't care about the agreement between the nine families, the nine families had always abided by it. As long as the Xu family doesn't take action, the combined power of the Long family and them can't deal with Ji Jiuzhong?

Although he was thinking this in his heart, he had a kind smile on his face, "Young master Ji, don't worry if something happens at home."

Yan Xiangluo understood what Ji Jiuchong meant, and said with a smile like a flower, "I understand, with your support, who should I be afraid of?"

The head of the Long family was speechless, each one was really more arrogant than the other!

 Looking at the pair in front of me is even more troublesome than the pair of Long Moran and Jue Chengye.

 At least Long Moran and Jue Chengye are relatively low-key and reserved, but this pair does not hide their arrogance at all.

They are already so arrogant, what can he say? At this time, he can't compete with others, and besides, he can't compare.

For a person who has lived for decades, he has always been cautious and has never been arrogant. Even when I was young, when my talent was the best among my peers in my family, I was a little proud, but I didn't dare to have the slightest arrogance. I actually envied them for their freedom and ease.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the head of the Long family who was a little distracted and said, "Head of the Long family, let's go."

The head of the Long family finally came to his senses and quickly made a gesture of invitation. Yuan Xiangluo was not polite and turned around and walked out of the main hall. The head of the Long family quickly followed.

Ji Jiuzhong watched the two people leave the yard. He snapped his slender fingers, and a bird smaller than a sparrow flew in and landed on his fingers.

 The bird's feathers are gray and bulging, and its size is too small to really attract anyone's attention.

"Wuzhi, follow me and watch." Ji Jiuzhong stroked Wuji's feathers with one finger.

Wuji nodded, and as he took off, he turned into a ray of light and rushed out. He was no longer visible in an instant. The speed was so fast that it was scary.

Wuzhi caught up with Yan Xiangluo in the blink of an eye and followed them quietly.

Neither Yan Xiangluo nor the head of the Long family noticed a bird following them. You must know that Yan Xiangluo's spiritual consciousness can be discovered by even the strongest at the top level.

It can be seen how powerful Wuji is at hiding.

The meeting hall of the Long family is not far from the yard where Yan Xiangluo lives, and we arrived quickly.

As soon as she walked in, Yan Xiangluo saw a dozen elders sitting inside, all of them were men, and there was no female. Of course, the thirteen elders were not among them. Yan Xiangluo didn't know how the Long family dealt with the thirteen elders.

 Everyone in the house looked towards the door when they heard the noise. Yan Xiangluo also saw the man who went out to look for her. It turned out that he was also one of the elders of the Long family, and he seemed to be the youngest one.

 The man saw her, nodded and smiled faintly at her.

Yan Xiangluo also nodded to him, but his eyes clearly saw the situation in the meeting hall.

 The main seat must be that of the head of the Long family, and the elders should sit in order of their status.

There was a chair placed under the elders. Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. Is this seat prepared for her?

The head of the Long family walked in first and sat down on the main seat. He glanced at Xiang Luo and said, "Xiang Luo, please sit down too."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at that position and looked at everyone with cold eyes, "I thought you guys had been discussing it all night and decided to have a good talk with me. It turns out that you were just talking about how to give me a blow, and there was also talk. Is it necessary?”

The head of the Long family frowned, "Xiangluo, your seniority can only sit below the elders. This is not a show of authority, but the rule of the Long family."

Yan Xiangluo raised her lips and looked at the head of the Long family indifferently, "It seems that none of you understood what I said yesterday."

 Everyone was not in a good mood. Anyone who was treated like this by a junior would not be in a good mood. However, there was still a trace of doubt in their eyes as to why Ruan Xiangluo was angry.

Yan Xiangluo didn't wait for the Master Long to say anything, and continued, "Since none of you understand, let me say it again. If you still don't understand, then there is no need for us to talk. I can come here." leave."

Yan Xiangluo’s rude words made everyone present look even worse.

 I think she is a little arrogant. Her strength can indeed be regarded as a strong one in the outside mainland, but in the Long family, which has a lot of cultivation at the clan level, she can't even leave the Long family. Such blatant talk is not arrogance.

The head of the Long family didn’t understand what was dissatisfied with Yan Xiangluo. Wasn’t he fine before? The seats were indeed arranged according to the rules, and I really had no intention of giving her power.

But he didn't dare to speak easily because he could see that Yan Xiangluo was indeed very dissatisfied.

"It's not that I want to come here, it's that you insist on letting me come. I'm not interested in anything about the Long family. Another thing you have to remember is that my surname is Yuan, not Long. Don't use the rules of the Long family to restrict me. ”

As soon as Yan Xiangluo finished speaking, everyone understood what she meant.

They all looked at the First Elder and the Head of the Long Family. To be honest, they really didn’t think anything about the seats. They just felt that Ruan Xiangluo was a junior and had no status in the Long Family, so they could only sit here. The elder's first bow.

But they were unwilling, which also meant that Yan Xiangluo told them with facts that they should not talk about feelings with her. She had no feelings for the Long family at all, and she did not admit that she was a Long family member.

If you want to talk about something today, then treat me with the etiquette you would treat a guest. As for the rules of the Long family, she has nothing to do with her.

 She positioned herself as a guest.

The head of the Long family was shocked. Only then did he truly understand that what Yan Xiangluo said was not just talk or to scare them, but what she really thought in her heart. Thinking of how indifferent she was to her grandparents at yesterday's dust-washing banquet, she no longer had any luck in her heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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