The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 226: Not as good as her

Chapter 226: Not as good as her

The atmosphere was a little condensed for a moment, and Yan Xiangluo stood at the door calmly, waiting for their decision.

A while passed. The first elder nodded to the head of the Long family, then stood up and glanced at the second elder. The second elder immediately understood what he meant and stood up.

 Several elders behind him immediately stood up and moved down one position without saying anything. He gave up the position of the previous great elder, but he stood in front of his position without sitting down.

The head of the Long family stood up and said to Yan Xiangluo, "This is the etiquette standard for the Long family to receive the highest guest. Please sit down."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at everyone, then stepped into the meeting hall, walked to the seat, and waited for the head of the Long family to sit down before she sat down.

 The elders then sat down one after another. This was really the highest standard of etiquette for the Long family to receive guests.

This also means that the Long family agrees to treat Yan Xiangluo as a guest.

This is exactly what Yan Xiangluo wants. Guests have different rights to discuss matters with her own family, and they are not qualified to ask her to make any sacrifices for the Long family.

 The decision-making power was in her hands, and she took the dominant position in the first confrontation.

 The housekeeper of the Long family saw all this and sighed, Long Moran's daughter was more decisive and wiser than her.

Long Moran was restrained because she was from the Long family, this was the place where she was born and raised, she still had blood relatives, and she still had feelings for the Long family, so she had some scruples.

 But her daughter has not received any favors from the Long family. On the contrary, it is because the Long family has lost the blessing of her parents early, so she is generous not to become an enemy of the Long family.

It seems that what we are going to talk about today is not going so well. I hope the head of the family and the elders can see the facts clearly and stop arguing with Yuan Xiangluo.

With a wave of the steward's hand, the maids entered one after another, poured tea for them, and then exited one after another. The steward also retreated outside.

Everyone took a symbolic sip of tea. After Yan Xiangluo put down the tea cup, the head of the Long family spoke.

“Since Xiangluo likes to be direct and straightforward, I won’t be too long-winded, so let’s get straight to the point.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "This is best. I will leave immediately after solving the problem. I hope the Long family will not disturb me again in the future."

The head of the Long family didn't answer her words. He didn't know how things would progress now, and he didn't know whether the Long family would disturb Yu Xiangluo again.

 I don’t even know if the problem can be solved amicably today.

 As soon as he raised his hand, the box that Yan Xiangluo dug out and handed to them appeared on the table.

Seeing that Yan Xiangluo's expression had not changed at all, the head of the Long family said, "Has your mother told you about this box?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I didn't know the existence of this box before you came to me. My father left me a letter, telling me that when I encounter life threats from some people whose strength exceeds that of mainlanders, When I opened it, I found out that there was a box buried under the tree in my yard, but my father told me to dig it out and give it to you guys without trying to open it. I listened to my parents and gave it to you directly. "

The head of the Long family and the elders were a little surprised. They didn't expect that Long Moran didn't tell her daughter at all about the box in the Long family. I don’t know if Long Moran is trying to protect her daughter or if she is really not interested in the box that holds the secrets and hopes of the Long family.

“Then let me tell you!” The head of the Long family sighed.

Yan Xiangluo nodded. Although she had gotten the information about what was in the box from the letter left by her mother, she still pretended not to know. She just had an idea.

The head of the Long family didn't see anything from Yan Xiangluo's expression, but he somewhat believed that Long Moran had indeed not told her daughter the secret of the box.

I felt a little uneasy. I hoped she could open it, but I was also worried that she would be greedy because she knew what was inside.

After all, no one has opened this box. Although it is known that it can give the Long family super soul control ability, no one knows the specific method.

 Whether it is a book of exercises, a jade slip to teach the exercises, or some other method, no one knows, so there are always variables.

The head of the Long family spoke slowly, and Yan Xiangluo listened attentively. The matter was similar to what her mother said, but what the head of the Long family said was a lot more beautified.

No matter how powerful and lucky the ancestors of the Long family are, and how powerful the Long family was in the past, that is still without opening this box. If you open this box and get the super powerful soul control power training method inside, the Long family will inevitably It can return to its previous peak era and even surpass it.

Although your surname is not Long, you are half of the Long family. Being good to the Long family is only good for her.

Yan Xiangluo didn't take it seriously. He was looking down upon her by drawing a cake for her. Her mother was 100% of the blood of the Long family, so she was not abandoned by the Long family. She, a person with only half blood, still expected them to be kind to her.

The head of the Long family had been talking for a long time, but when he saw that Yan Xiangluo still had a calm expression, he knew that what Xiaozi said with emotion and reason had not left even a single ripple in Yu Xiangluo's heart.

  Simply gave up the idea of ​​persuading her to turn her heart to the Long family.

Going directly to the topic, "Everyone in the Long family who has the talent of soul control has tried to open this box, but no one can open this box, including your mother who was the most talented at the time. Now you are the only one who has not tried it. ”

Yan Xiangluo interrupted Clan Master Long curiously, "Since this box can only be opened by those with the talent for soul control, how are you sure that I have the talent for soul control?"

Even she only found out how they knew it when the Thirteenth Elder used the power of soul control and the empty soul talent hidden in his bloodline awakened.

The head of the Long family said truthfully, "We didn't know that you had the talent to control souls before. Just because you are the only one with the blood of the Long family, we wanted to try it. But the Thirteenth Elder said, you just want to see After he used his soul-controlling power, he awakened his soul-controlling bloodline talent and used it freely, which your mother never did. Therefore, we are now sure that your soul-controlling bloodline talent is even stronger than your mother's."

 This is also the main reason why they repeatedly made concessions in front of Yan Xiangluo.

 Just because Yan Xiangluo's bloodline talent is the strongest in the Long family's history, it gives them great hope to open the box.

All the descendants of the Long family awakened their bloodline talent through artificial guidance. Yu Xiangluo actually awakened his bloodline talent naturally when he saw the thirteenth elder using the power of soul control. For this reason alone, all the descendants of the Long family who have the soul-controlling bloodline naturally awakened their bloodline talent. No one is as talented as her.

 (End of this chapter)

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