The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 227: her conditions

Chapter 227 Her Conditions

Ruan Xiang understood. It turned out that she had only allowed herself to come to Long's house with the idea of ​​giving it a try. Now she was tolerant to herself again and again. It was also because what the Thirteenth Elder said to them made them convinced that their soul-controlling bloodline talent was better than theirs. Everyone is strong and has hope of opening this box.

“I see, that is to say, you just want me to try to open this box?”

The head of the Long family nodded, "Yes."

"It goes without saying that it cannot be opened. If I leave, it will have nothing to do with you anymore. However, if it is opened by any chance, you should also know that the variables are beyond human control. What will you do to me then?" Yan Xiangluo asked with raised eyebrows.

Since it contains the practice skills of controlling the soul, there are no variables. Who knows how the practice skills inside are passed down?

It's fine if it's a book of exercises, she's not greedy, just let her read it once, but what if the method of inheritance is not a ready-made exercise book?

 She thought in her heart that if there was a ready-made exercise book, it would not be sealed in this way, and it would have to be opened by a destined person with sufficient strength.

 Obviously, this technique is not wanted to be seen by people who are not talented enough. So if you really open it, it means that you can practice it, but it is probably not possible to pass it on to others. So how will the crazy Long family treat you?

 So, she had to get the Long family's definite promise not to harm her before she would try to open the box.

 She wouldn't have tried to open the box otherwise, she wasn't stupid enough to dig her own grave.

 The question raised by Yan Xiangluo left everyone speechless. They discussed it all night last night but failed to come up with a result, mainly because of this matter.

 After all, they have no control over the variables, so they just want to wait for things to happen and make decisions based on the situation.

But now Yan Xiangluo raised this issue first, she put the matter in front, and they all knew that Yan Xiangluo would not try to open the box unless it was solved.

If it were them, they would have the same concerns and thoughts as she did. After all, they knew very well how they treated their mother. If the matter involved the interests of both parties, they would never show mercy to Yu Xiangluo. This was something they knew very well. clear.

But now Yan Xiangluo has brought the matter out clearly. The problem cannot be solved by escaping.

The head of the Long family glanced at the great elder and said with a desperate struggle, "You also said that there are variables in the matter. We don't know how things will develop now. It would be best if everyone is happy. Now all this can only wait. It won’t be decided until the box is opened.”

Yan Xiangluo sneered, "The Master of the Long family said this, but he didn't say it. This is a good look. Unfortunately, I am not a three-year-old child, and I am not my mother. You can't coax him with a few nice words." Just do as you ask.”

 Open it and then decide, do you still have the initiative?

Everyone's expressions were not very good. They thought they had done everything they could, including condescendingly receiving her with the highest reception etiquette. In their opinion, Yan Xiangluo just didn't know how to show appreciation, and she was prepared to be a lion. Large opening.

Except for the great elder who always had a cold expression, there was only one person whose expression remained unchanged. He was the man who was sent to find Yuan Xiangluo.

He actually admired Yan Xiangluo in his heart. If his mother had been as decisive as her, she wouldn't have to suffer so much. He also knew that Long Moran and her daughter Yan Xiangluo were different after all. The Long family had affection for Long Moran in childbearing and nurturing, but they had no kindness towards Yan Xiangluo.

"Xiangluo, even if you don't have any sense of belonging or affection for the Long family, it is an undisputed fact that the Long family has given you the blood talent with the power of controlling souls. For this reason alone, you must repay the Long family for this gift. Kindness.”

Yan Xiangluo sneered, "The blood in me is inherited from the ancestors of the Long family. It was my mother who gave birth to me in ten months of pregnancy. Even if you want to thank me, you only need to thank the ancestors of the Long family and my mother for this kindness. What does it have to do with all of you here?"

Yan Xiangluo's contrary words left the head of the Long family speechless again.

Because what she said was true. They were not from the lineage of Yan Xiangluo's grandfather, and they had never done anything for Yan Xiangluo, but they asked her to listen to their arrangements regardless of her own safety because of her bloodline, even if they heard it themselves. There are also some strong words, and I even feel a bit shameless.

The head of the Long family looked at the great elder and asked for his opinion.

The meeting hall became quiet again, which made the housekeeper guarding outside feel anxious, fearing that the scene that happened before would happen again in the next moment.

Although he didn't dare to look inside, nor did he dare to use his spiritual sense to check the situation inside, after all, the great elder inside was one of the eight-level cultivation experts in four of the nine families. But he kept his ears open and listened to what was going on inside.

Yan Xiangluo waited quietly for their decision. The Long family was more eager to open the box than she was. On the contrary, she was dispensable, so they were anxious because they were not her.

 Time passed little by little, and the great elder who had been silent finally spoke, "What do you want?"

Yan Xiangluo smiled, and she was waiting for him to speak. She finally understood that among the nine families, the head of the family seemed to have the final say, but in fact, the elder who had the highest level of cultivation had the most say.

And she knew as soon as she saw the Great Elder that the powerful figure who disappeared after talking to her when she went to get the box was the Great Elder.

It shows that the great elder with a clan-level cultivation ability can form a clone and leave here. She doesn't know whether he will be punished, but she knows that a clan-level cultivation can shrink the ground to an inch. Now that she knows that she can condense a clone, she is indeed strong enough. .

"You can try to open this box, but the prerequisite is that all of you present must swear an oath. No matter what the outcome is, the Long family will no longer have anything to do with me. They can't restrict me from leaving, let alone take action against me. In any crisis, I will You can’t do anything about life, otherwise the Long family will be trapped here forever, and no one will be able to leave. "

The First Elder's eyes narrowed sharply. Although it seemed that this condition was set by Yuan Xiangluo in order to protect herself, and the Long family had nothing to do with her, it actually did not harm the Long family's interests. From Yuan Xiangluo's point of view, this request Not too much.

 She held them accurately without making them too offended.

  What the people of the nine families care about most is to leave here and return to the higher continent. Although after hundreds of thousands of years, the goal of going back has not yet been achieved, but who is willing to give up hope.

 (End of this chapter)

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