The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 228: live transparently

Chapter 228 Living a clear life

People with particularly good talents can still hope to reach the imperial level in cultivation and cross the sea to go to higher continents.

 But even so, this decision is not easy to make.

If they don't agree to this condition, Yan Xiangluo will refuse to try to open the box. If they agree, if the box is opened and only Yan Xiangluo can get the contents, can they be willing to let her go.

 The room fell into silence once again, and the atmosphere could no longer be described as good or bad.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and walked out, "I'm going to go for a walk in the yard. You can discuss it. Although your oath is not a threat to me whether it is true or not, since I can come, I can leave without fear of your dragons." However, the oath represents your attitude toward me and your sincerity in handling this matter."

Everyone watched Yan Xiangluo walk out, but no one stopped her. They really needed time to discuss it.

 In my heart, I am very impressed that Yan Xiangluo can grasp people's hearts so accurately. It would be great if she grew up in the Long family. The position of young master must be hers, she should be better than what she did.

At this time, a thought came to my mind. If I had been kinder to Long Moran and not taken such extreme measures, would everything be different from today?

 There is no use regretting, they know that very well.

The head of the Long family was the first to speak, "Elders, what do you think?"

Although he was asking everyone, the head of the Long family focused on the great elder, and the other elders also looked at the great elder.

The great elder, who had been silent for a while, glanced at everyone and asked, "Do we have any other choice?"

 A rhetorical question made everyone’s eyes dim.

Yes, Yan Xiangluo is not Long Moran. From sending people to get the box to now, Yan Xiangluo's thoughts and actions have repeatedly exceeded their expectations. They know very well that Yan Xiangluo is emboldened not only because of Ji Jiuzhong. Supporting her is more about her confidence in herself.

Although they don’t know what she relies on to be so dismissive of the Long family, thinking that she awakened her soul control talent just by watching the Thirteenth Elder use the power of soul control, they don’t dare to risk offending her.

Seeing the silent crowd, the great elder sighed, "Agree to her conditions!"

He continued, "Let's not talk about whether she can open this box. This box has brought us more than just faith and hope to the Long family. If she can really open it, it may be a good thing for the Long family. Good thing."

Yan Xiangluo's words broke the great elder's state of mind that had been trapped for many years, so he realized clearly and understood why his cultivation had stagnated for so many years, and his state of mind could no longer break through.

The great elder's words made everyone present feel their hearts sink, because they were very familiar with this sentence. Long Moran had also said the same thing before, but in a rhetorical tone.

Long Moran asked them this way at the time, "Do you think that box is still the faith and hope of the Long family?"

At that time, they didn't care about Long Moran's words, but now that the great elder said it again, they felt different.

The head of the Long family didn't say anything, but he felt inexplicably relieved in his heart, as if something deep in his soul was disappearing.

 It was not just the head of the Long family who felt this way, but also several elders present.

Although they did not realize it immediately like the great elder, their state of mind also changed. Seeing everyone's reactions and the changes in their auras, the great elder laughed with relief and said, "Please come back to Xiangluo."

The head of the Long family was stunned, and all the elders were also surprised. Why is the eldest elder so happy?

The housekeeper outside heard the elder's instructions and felt relieved, and hurriedly ran to invite Yu Xiangluo who was walking in the yard.

He said with a smile, "Miss Xiangluo, the elder and the head of the family ask you to go back."

 The discussion was completed so quickly?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the housekeeper and asked doubtfully, "Are you happy?"

The housekeeper did not hide his good mood, "I am indeed very happy. Miss Xiangluo has done what Young Master Mo Ran failed to do before. The descendants of the Long family will thank you in the future."

Yan Xiangluo raised her brows and felt that she had not done anything, how could she reach the point where the descendants of the Long family would be grateful to her.

Although she was confused, she still walked to the meeting hall. As soon as she entered, she found that the atmosphere inside was completely different from before.

  Everyone had different thoughts before, but now they all seem relaxed, especially the Great Elder, whose mood changes have been too big.

 Those who don’t know will definitely think it’s a different person.

The Great Elder looked at her with a touch of kindness, which made Yan Xiangluo feel a little flattered.

"Xiangluo, come in and sit down." This time it was the elder who asked her to sit down.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes passed over their faces one by one, and she didn't want to understand what was wrong with them.

After Xiangluo sat down, the elder said, "Xiangluo is very confused about why there is such a big difference in our attitudes before and after, right?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded honestly, "I am indeed very curious."

The great elder laughed, "It's because we who have lived for decades are not as transparent as you, a teenager, and we need you to wake up. That girl Moran is smart and transparent. , you are worthy of being mother and daughter.”

Although Yan Xiangluo never said any big reason from the beginning to the end, her actions have always been based on keeping her true heart, and she has never focused on opening the box to gain the strongest soul-controlling power and practicing exercises. This shows that her Their pure state of mind put them to shame.

Xiang Xiang was clear. His decision was that he was actually trying to open. Perhaps the elder's cultivation was high, so he encountered a suitable opportunity to break the demon who was planted in his heart.

Although the other people are not as obvious as the Great Elder, they are obviously making breakthroughs in their mood, which is indeed a good thing for the Long family.

Only now did she understand what the housekeeper meant when she said that the descendants of the Long family would thank her. People who can be housekeepers are not ordinary people.

The housekeeper said that her mother once failed to achieve what she wanted to do, but she did it. She felt that she deserved the elder's praise. After all, she never wanted to help the Long family solve this inner demon.

"The Long family's talents are special, and their state of mind is naturally not comparable to that of other families. Moreover, the Long family did not really commit serious crimes and were demoted and punished. This is what distinguishes other families. The Long family must not want to get close to the other eight families. , It’s probably because of this. Since the Long family can hold on to the bottom line, opportunities for the Long family will naturally arise. I didn’t do anything, it’s just that the opportunity for the Long family has arrived.” Yu Xiangluo has no intention of taking credit.

These words were not meant to be flattering, that was what she thought in her heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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