The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 229: open the box

Chapter 229 Opening the box

No matter what they did to her mother, her parents didn't do anything to the Long family. As long as they knew how to deal with her, she would not kill them all.

The smile on the elder's face became more genuine, "No wonder Mo Ran and his wife left with peace of mind. You are indeed outstanding. There is no one of your generation in the Long family who can compare with you."

The great elder's comment was definitely unprecedented. The elders present and the head of the Long family were very surprised. They never expected that the great elder would praise Xiangluo so openly.

In fact, the Great Elder has left some room. He thinks that not only among his peers, but also among the talented disciples of the Long family who have the talent of soul control in the past generations, except for the ancestor who obtained the power of soul control to practice the technique, he is also the one who can keep the Long family. The descendants of Ming's ancestors can compare with Yuan Xiangluo's talent.

Even now, his soul control talent is the strongest in the Long family, but he still doesn't realize the depth of Yan Xiangluo's soul control talent.

He also understood that Long Moran and his wife were merciful to the Long family. Just because they could teach such a girl, how bad would their skills be? It was just that Long Moran still cared about blood ties.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "Don't think that if you praise me a few times, you guys don't have to make an oath."

The great elder laughed even louder, and people in the entire Long family's courtyards could hear it. They were all curious about what could make the great elder laugh so heartily.

The great elder smiled and waved to everyone, "Everyone is ready, let's make an oath together."

Everyone stood up and faced Yan Xiangluo, and swore an oath neatly, exactly as Yan Xiangluo asked.

Once the oath was made, everyone present was enveloped in the red light of the oath, letting Yu Xiangluo know that no one had cheated.

These people have not all figured it out, but they are all accustomed to listening to the words of the head of the house and the chief elder. Especially for such important matters, even the head of the house listens to the chief elder.

 In fact, it is not necessary for everyone to take an oath, as long as the head of the Long family and the great elder take an oath. Because the oath was aimed at restricting whether the Long family could return to the higher continent, no one dared to risk the fate of future generations.

But now that they had made an oath, Yan Xiangluo did not hesitate, pointing to the box on the table and said, "Tell me, what needs to be done to open this box?"

The implication is to ask them how to open the box.

The great elder said in a kind tone, "As long as you hold the box with your hand and input the power of soul control, you will know whether it can be opened."

So simple?

Yan Xiangluo picked up the box with one hand and held it, placed the other hand on top of the box, and then mobilized the soul-controlling power in her body to input it into the box from both hands.

The eyes of everyone present fell on the box. The slender and white hands unique to the girl seemed to them to be able to hold up the sky and the earth.

 Yan Xiangluo sensed that the power of soul control touched the box, and she automatically got into the box. She kept inputting the power of soul control, and the box kept absorbing it, with no intention of stopping.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me?" Yan Xiangluo looked up at the head of the Long family and the elder and asked.

The head of the Long family and the great elder said in unison, "We didn't lie to you. Don't be distracted and focus. You should be the person with the super talent that the box needs. Everyone who has tried it before has no soul control box at all. absorb."

The voices of both of them were vibrating, which showed how excited they were.

They are worried that Yan Xiangluo will be distracted and delay things. Don't they know that Yan Xiangluo can do three things at once, and this dual task has no impact on her at all.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless at this time. Even if she wanted to let go, she couldn't because she had already tried and her hand couldn't leave the box at all. It was sucked tightly by the box, as if it was stuck to it. She no longer has to output the power of soul control, the box is absorbing it by itself, as if it was extracted from her body. Yan Xiangluo didn't know how much soul-controlling power she had in her body. Anyway, the box didn't absorb spiritual power or vitality, so she didn't have anything to worry about.

If it was destined that all the soul-controlling power in her body would be absorbed, she would just think that she had no chance of controlling the soul.

After she figured it out, she stopped worrying and let the box absorb her soul-controlling power. It took a full quarter of an hour for the box to stop absorbing, but her hand was still tightly attached to the box.

At this moment, an extremely bright white light burst out from the box, and the box opened with a snap.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they tried hard to open their eyes to see clearly what was inside the box.

 But even though the box was opened, the light did not disappear. Instead of disappearing, it became more intense, making it impossible to see what was inside. It seemed like it was filled with dazzling white light.

The desire for the soul-controlling power in the box engraved deep in their bones made several of them with weak self-control couldn't help but move forward.

The great elder raised his hand and waved out a strong spiritual power, blocking the person who was about to walk towards Yuan Xiangluo. Several people suddenly came back to their senses, looked at the great elder's warning eyes, woke up, and quickly retreated.

At the same time, the increasingly dense white light in the box condensed into a ball, flew up from the box, and rushed towards the center of Yan Xiangluo's eyebrows.

The light blended into the center of Yan Xiangluo's eyebrows. The box in her hand was empty. Everyone saw an indescribable feeling in their hearts when they saw the situation in the box.

Even though they had been mentally prepared before, whoever could open this box would get the inheritance of the soul-controlling power inside, and even they couldn't see what was inside, but when it came to this moment, they were still very disappointed.

Who doesn’t want to be strong?

When the light rushed towards the center of her eyebrows, Ruan Xiangluo instinctively closed her eyes. When the light merged into the center of her eyebrows and rushed into her consciousness, it was like an explosion in her consciousness. She didn't have time to think about anything. Begin to accept the inheritance of the power of soul control.

 The box in her hand disappeared after the light merged into the center of her eyebrows.

The dozen or so elders of the Long family who witnessed all this with their own eyes knew that the Long family’s biggest secret, as well as their greatest reliance and hope, no longer exists from today on.

 Obviously, this kind of inheritance is for one person. Now they can only wait for Yan Xiangluo to accept the inheritance and see if they can learn a thing or two.

 Therefore, everyone returned to their seats and waited quietly for Yan Xiangluo to accept the inheritance.

On a tree in the yard, an unruly black eye smaller than a sparrow looked at the situation in the meeting hall.

Ji Jiuzhong, who has been sitting in the Yuanxiangluo courtyard drinking tea, is receiving the message from Wuji.

Feng's eyes lit up, and she really opened the box. The biggest secret of the Long family was actually the opportunity they were prepared to give her.

 (End of this chapter)

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