The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 230: A strange combination of circumstances

Chapter 230 A strange combination of circumstances

Although Ji Jiuchong was also happy that Yan Xiangluo could get this opportunity, he was more worried.

 Because he always believes in a truth. If a great opportunity falls on you, it must be because there are equal responsibilities waiting for you to complete.

  The Long family's power of controlling souls is unique in the world, and now it has given her the greatest opportunity. I don't know what she will have to endure in the future.

“How are the Long family doing?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Now he is only worried about whether the Long family will be dazzled by the benefits. After all, this is what the Long family has wanted to do for generations.

"My mood has changed a lot. I was very dissatisfied with her before, but now I seem to be very grateful to her." came Wuji's voice.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his phoenix eyes, and found out that this was the case. He trusted his spiritual pet very much. Even though it was small, it was very smart, otherwise he would not have contracted a spiritual pet with little fighting ability. Over the years, Wuji has helped him a lot.

 It seems that the little girl is the lucky star of the Long family.

The main reason why Ji Jiuzhong insists on never breaking through the trap is that everyone in the nine families has an inner demon in their hearts, but because of their character, the inner demons are different.

Especially for the other eight families except the Long family, the bad roots passed down in their blood have already taken root in their souls under such a special environment. If a descendant with good conduct comes out of the family, it will not be easy not to say it, and it will not happen. They will be killed by themselves, just like his mother.

It is definitely not a good thing to let people like them go back to the higher continent. He doesn't want them to create more karma. If there is a cause, there will be an effect. If they go back because of him and create more bad karma, it will also affect him. of luck.

There is no one who is not selfish, and he is no exception.

But compared to the nine families, the Long family is relatively good. They are only affected by the secrets of their own inheritance and do not have much contact with people from other families. Except for necessary marriages, after all, it involves the inheritance of children.

Hence, the inner demon is quite simple.

Now because of the arrival of Yu Xiangluo, the inner demons of the Long family may be solved. Although not everyone can solve it, as long as someone solves it, the future of the Long family will be different.

If you can think about the issue of heir inheritance, I am afraid that the family among the nine families will be the first to leave here.

After all, the number of people from the Long family who have returned to the High Continent is now the largest among the nine families. If we think about the inheritance of the children, more and more descendants will return to the High Continent in this way.

For Yan Xiangluo, this is a good thing to accumulate merit. Not only will it not implicate her bad luck, but on the contrary, it will bless her luck and make it better and better.

 After all, because of her, many people have taken the right path.

"Master, the girl is receiving the inheritance." Wuji once again sent the message.

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes suddenly opened, "Is there anything unusual about the Long family?"

Ji Jiuzhong is not worried about whether Yan Xiangluo can fully accept the inheritance of the entire power of soul control. What he is worried about is the greed of the Long family.

"A few people wanted to go to her but were stopped by the eldest elder of the Long family. Now the eldest elder of the Long family has his back to Miss Yu, looking at the head of the Long family and the elders of the Long family, protecting Miss Yu." Wuji opened the meeting hall. The situation here was truthfully conveyed to Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuchong breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the elder of the Long family was a sensible person and knew what was best for the Long family. If the Long family had understood this earlier and not treated Long Moran like that, they wouldn't be in the current situation.

However, it is not too late to understand that the Long family is not beyond hope yet and is much stronger than the other eight families.

The meeting hall was extremely quiet. Yan Xiangluo closed her eyes and accepted the inheritance of the soul control technique.

She just learned how to practice the power of soul control from the letter her mother left for her last night, but she has not had the chance to start practicing yet, and now she will be forced to accept the inheritance of more advanced soul control skills, although it is not that great. Strange, but not entirely smooth either.

 Luckily, her memory is super strong. Without the blessing of this super strong memory, there is no guarantee that she would be able to successfully receive the entire inheritance of the technique.

Half an hour passed, and Yan Xiangluo finally received the inheritance of the soul-controlling technique. At this time, she was very lucky that she had not had time to practice the Long family's soul-controlling technique, otherwise it would be impossible to practice this advanced soul-controlling technique. It's impossible.

In other words, if she had directly practiced the Long family soul control technique that her mother left for her last night, she would not be able to open this box today.

 Because this advanced soul control technique is completely different from the Long family's soul control practice. If you want to practice advanced soul control techniques, you must abandon your original practice method.

This is too difficult for a monk. Thinking about the exercises that you have learned, you have to give up all the exercises and forget them as if you have never learned them. How is it possible?

Yan Xiangluo understood at this time that the reason why no one could open this box was not because the Long family's soul control talent was not strong enough. After all, the Long family had produced many soul control geniuses for generations.

The reason why no one has opened the box is because everyone who tries to open the box has practiced the Long family's soul control skills for many years and can no longer completely forget the skills they learned, and the inheritance of the skills in the box can be detected Whether the person trying to open the box has practiced soul control skills.

 She awakened her soul-controlling bloodline by accident, and her talent is very strong. The most important thing is that she has not yet learned the Long family's soul-controlling technique, and she meets all the conditions for opening the box.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know whether to be grateful for her good luck at this time.

She slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was the back of the great elder of the Long family. When she saw that opposite the great elder were the head of the Long family and the elders of the Long family, and she was the only one behind the great elder, she immediately understood. The elder is protecting her.

At this moment, she understood why her mother showed mercy to the Long family. It was just because there were still people in the Long family who had not completely eliminated humanity.

 Sensing movement in Yan Xiangluo, the great elder turned around and met her clear eyes.

He smiled and asked, "Have you finished receiving the inheritance?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded and saluted, "I have accepted the inheritance. Thank you, Great Elder, for protecting me."

The great elder waved his hand and said, "There is not much we can do for you. As long as Xiangluo girl doesn't bear any grudge against us."

Yan Xiangluo understood what the elder meant. They felt guilty for what their mother had done and told themselves not to hold grudges.

Yan Xiangluo didn't take up the topic of the elder. She didn't know what the Long family had done to her mother. It was her bottom line not to take action against the Long family. As for whether she would remember her grudge or not, she would have to wait until she saw her mother and listened to her. Only when the truth of the matter is told can the decision be made.

 (End of this chapter)

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