The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 231: who can do it

Chapter 231 Who can do it?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the head of the Long family and the elders and said, "I have opened the box, and you have all seen it. I am the only one who can accept the method of inheriting the soul control technique. I can tell you clearly that any of you can It’s impossible to practice this soul control technique.”

The hopeful eyes dimmed one by one, and they all felt that now Yan Xiangluo had inherited the practice, no matter what she said, it was not that they couldn't practice, but that she was unwilling to tell them how to practice.

Even if they knew how to control the soul, they would not be able to steal the technique from her consciousness.

“You must be thinking that I’m hiding my secrets and don’t want to tell you how to practice, right?” Yu Xiangluo said clearly.

 Everyone's expressions were a bit unnatural. After all, it was very embarrassing for a little girl to directly reveal their selfish intentions.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed. If it were me, I would think the same way. Have you never thought that there are many talented descendants of the Long family for generations? Why is there no one who can open this box?" Yuan Xiangluo asked. road.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and finally the head of the Long family said, "Isn't it because the soul control talent is not strong enough?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Strong talent is only one of them. There is another condition that you have ignored."

“What conditions did we ignore?” the head of the Long family asked next.

Others are also curious. After all, opening this box is the desire of the Long family passed down from generation to generation. The skills inside are said to allow the Long family to reach the pinnacle of power.

“The Long family tried to open the box at the wrong time, which means the method was wrong.” Yan Xiangluo sighed. She felt that the Long family would regret it if she told the truth, but she had to tell the truth.

"Wrong way? How is it possible? Didn't you open the box this way? As for the time, the descendants of the Long family all tried it when they were teenagers, just like you." The head of the Long family asked puzzledly.

“I’m not talking about the way to open the box, but when the Long family will open the box.” Yan Xiangluo explained.

  After hearing her words, everyone became more confused. They didn't understand what she meant by when the Long family should open the box.

The Great Elder understood something at this time and felt very emotional, but he also knew that the matter was irreversible.

There were no words, waiting for Yan Xiangluo to explain clearly to them.

"This box does contain the inheritance of advanced soul-controlling techniques, but it is completely different from the soul-controlling techniques learned by the Long family. If you want to practice this technique, you must forget all the techniques you have learned before. Which of you can do it?" "Arrived?" Ren Xiangluo's loud words made everyone stunned.

After a while, the head of the Long family finally said, "You mean, the descendants of the Long family who have awakened the talent of soul control should try to open this box before they have officially practiced the Long family's soul control technique?"

"Yes, there are three conditions for opening this box. First, awaken the soul control talent; second, the soul control talent must be very strong. Only with strong soul control talent can you have enough soul control power to be absorbed by the box. You guys I have seen with my own eyes how much soul-controlling power I have absorbed; thirdly, I have not learned any other soul-controlling techniques."

Yan Xiangluo told them exactly the conditions for opening the box.

"These three conditions are indispensable, and by accident, I happened to meet these three conditions, so I opened the box and got the inheritance of the technique." After Yu Xiangluo explained to them, she felt even more lucky. It's so good.

 The meeting hall became quiet again. After a while, the great elder said, "Does everyone understand?"

 Everyone nodded.

What is there that they don’t understand now? In fact, when Yan Xiangluo was absorbed by the soul-controlling power, they knew that even if they opened the box, they would not be able to accept the inheritance of the technique. They did not have that much soul-controlling power for the box to absorb.

And Yan Xiangluo seems to be very relaxed after absorbing so much soul-controlling power. She should still have soul-controlling power in her body, but she doesn't know how much.

  No matter how much it is, it cannot be compared with them. In addition, she has received the inheritance of the skill. Thinking that she awakened the talent of soul control just by watching the thirteen elders use the power of soul control, and can still use it. She is still so strong. Now she is likely to be able to use advanced soul control. Now that she has mastered the technique, who among them would dare to risk fighting her.

“Girl Xiangluo, when are you going to leave?” After seeing the shocked expressions of everyone, the elder turned and looked at Xiangluo and asked.

Since Yan Xiangluo said she didn't want to stay here any longer, she has now accepted the inheritance of the skills and should not stay in the Long family anymore.

"Leave today." Yan Xiangluo didn't want to stay at Long's house longer. Since the matter had been resolved, it was better to leave immediately.

The great elder nodded, "You can leave anytime you want. The spiritual energy here is many times richer than outside. If you want to stay and practice, you can come back and live in the courtyard prepared for you at any time."

 The elder was expressing his position, saying that the Long family welcomes her to come back at any time.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head decisively, "I left today and will not come back. I have to go to practice. No matter how strong the spiritual energy is, it will be too slow to advance behind closed doors. I want to go to the higher continent as soon as possible."

 The elder was not surprised by her decision when he heard this. Instead, he was very concerned about what she said. Should the children in the clan who have not reached the hairpin level go out to experience, like Mo Ran, why not go to the higher continent.

Thinking of Long Moran, I still felt very guilty. After a moment of hesitation, I said, "When I see your mother, say sorry for us."

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised that the elder actually asked her to apologize to her mother. Regardless of the previous grievances between her mother and them, this apology should be what her mother wanted to hear.

"I will bring you the words, but I don't forgive me for not being able to make the decision." Yu Xiangluo said.

“Understood, just bring us our apology.” At this time, the great elder was like a kind elder who had done something wrong.

Xiangluo bowed to everyone, "Xiangluo accepted the inheritance of the Long family's highest soul-controlling technique. Although this favor should be thanked to the ancestors of the Long family, Xiangluo still has something to say."

 Everyone looked at her, wondering what she wanted to say.

Yan Xiangluo continued, "The authorities are confused, and what they are talking about is the current state of the Long family. In my opinion, the skills passed down by the Long family from generation to generation are already amazing. As long as the Long family concentrates on practicing, this unique soul-controlling skill can be achieved." The combination of law and high cultivation level will definitely make the Long family rise again. The rules are that the dead are alive. Some rules should be observed, but some rules that restrict the development of the family should be abolished! "

 (End of this chapter)

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