The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 232: I must say

 Chapter 232 I must say

After a pause, Yan Xiangluo said bluntly, "Don't underestimate the people from the lower continent. The only difference between them and the people from the higher continent is that they were born in different places. But talent is not something that you were born in because you were born in the higher continent." It will be stronger. I don’t believe it. There is no useless person in the higher continent, there is no person who cannot practice, and there is no person who can’t improve his cultivation even if he puts in effort.”

What Yan Xiangluo said was very straightforward. Everyone present could not understand it, and they were all shocked. Yu Xiangluo actually wanted to break the rules of the nine families.

"The situations of the nine families are the same but still different, but in comparison, the situation of the Long family is pretty good. Although this box made the Long family feel dependent, this dependence gradually turned into The inner demons. Now that the box has been opened and the skills have been passed down and taken away by me, this is the best opportunity to break the inner demons of the Long family and change the fate of the Long family."

Yan Xiangluo didn't pay attention to their looks. If she didn't say these words now, she wouldn't say them in the future.

 But the Long family is her mother's family after all, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if things get better. Even if it was to repay the great elder's kindness in protecting her, it was more because of the apology he asked her to bring to her mother.

Seeing everyone who was silent, Yan Xiangluo pulled her words back, "These are just my thoughts and opinions. I am young and have little experience. I may not think carefully, and it is up to you whether you listen or not, but I must say it. "Run Xiangluo saluted again, got up and walked out.

The great elder was also shocked by what Yan Xiangluo said. He had previously praised Yan Xiangluo for his transparency, but now he understood what true transparency was.

He glanced at the people who were still in a daze, sighed and said, "Let the whole clan come out to the door to see Xiangluo girl off."

The head of the Long family reacted. Although he felt that there was no need to send Yu Xiangluo away with such a loud noise, he did not refute because he knew that every decision made by the elder was for the good of the Long family.

 Wuzhi passed the news to Ji Jiuzhong when Yan Xiangluo came out of the meeting hall.

 “Master, the concubine is out.”

Ji Jiuchong stood up after hearing the words, put down his teacup, and walked towards the courtyard door to greet him.

As soon as he opened the courtyard door, he saw a woman in a red dress coming towards her. She had a beautiful face and a free and easy aura. He didn't leave her for a while, but why did he feel that the aura on her body had changed a lot from before.

Even if there were changes, every move she made made him feel happy, as if each step was not on the ground, but on his heart.

I don’t know when it started, but whenever I saw her, I felt inexplicably better.

Yan Xiangluo smiled brightly when she saw Ji Jiuzhong, "Let's leave."

 “Okay.” Ji Jiuzhong responded with a smile.

Yan Xiangluo saw his smile and blurted out, "You look better when you smile."

"Really?" Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, and the smile on his face became wider. In fact, he really wanted to ask, since it looks good, do you like it, but he didn't dare to ask.

 Because there was such obsession and love in Yan Xiangluo's eyes when she said these words, she was simply praising him for his good looks.

However, Ji Jiuzhong was not discouraged at all. At least she felt that her face was very good-looking. This was a good start.

 The two of them walked side by side towards the gate of Long's house. Yan Xiangluo found that the door of Long's house was wide open. When she walked to the door, she realized that there were many people outside. She glanced at the head of the Long family and the first elder standing outside the gate with confusion. The meaning was obvious, what are you doing?

The great elder said, "Xiangluo will probably not come back after leaving. I asked the Long family to see you off and get to know you. If anyone can meet you in the higher continent in the future, they must at least know you as one of their own." people."

Ruan Xiangluo was speechless. Is this necessary? Let alone how many of these people can go to the higher continent. Even if they can go, it is not certain when they can go. She is not familiar with them. Even if they meet her after going, there will be no guarantee. what relationship?

However, she only thought about these thoughts in her heart and did not say them out. Instead, she looked at the Long family one by one very seriously. She didn't care whether she could remember them or not.

The great elder looked at Ji Jiuchong and said, "From now on, Xiangluo will be entrusted to Mr. Ji."

Ji Jiuzhong nodded and saluted the great elder, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Xiangluo. Jiuchong thanked the great elder for protecting Xiangluo."

The great elder was shocked after hearing what Ji Jiuzhong said. How did Ji Jiuzhong know that he was protecting the Dharma for Yuan Xiangluo?

Since Yuan Xiangluo left the meeting hall, his consciousness has been following her, not to monitor her, but to see if she really has no nostalgia for the Long family at all. Therefore, he knows very well that Yuan Xiangluo does not Tell Ji Jiuzhong what happened in the meeting hall.

It was then that he realized that this boy he didn't care about had a strength that frightened him, and this strength was not cultivation.

The head of the Long family was also shocked when he heard what he said. He remembered what Ji Jiuzhong said when he went to invite Yan Xiangluo before. Only then did he realize that Ji Jiuzhong was not arrogant, but that he could really do it.

 No wonder the Xu family is so afraid of him.

“You’re welcome from my family.” The elder had lived for decades and had experienced great storms. Although he was shocked in his heart, it didn’t show on the outside at all.

Ji Jiuzhong said nothing and left the Long family side by side with Yan Xiangluo. He said this just to cut off future troubles and prevent some greedy and short-sighted people from having any plans against them. He was not afraid of their actions or trouble, he just wanted to accompany Yu Xiangluo quietly.

When Yan Xiangluo saw her grandparents in the crowd, she nodded to them before leaving.

Just one action made the two old men's eyes blurred with tears.

“Ran’er’s child really looks like her.” The couple said almost in unison.

 After looking at each other, they happily watched Yan Xiangluo leave as she rose into the air.

Others didn't see the look of Ruan Xiangluo, but the elder saw it clearly and sighed in his heart. He was obviously a caring and righteous child, but he forced himself to be cold-hearted and unfeeling. This child can be so forbearing at such a young age. , the future achievements will not be low.

 No wonder the cold and ruthless grandson of the Xu family fell in love with her.

It wasn't until Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong disappeared completely that the elder told everyone in the Long family what had happened. At the same time, he also said that the family rules would be changed and he would discuss them with the head of the family before announcing them.

The Long family members were all shocked. Although some well-informed people had already gotten the news from the elders, they still felt very complicated after hearing what the elder said.

 (End of this chapter)

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