The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 233: Too much contrast

Chapter 233 The contrast is too big

To be honest, their superiority in nature made them look down upon Yan Xiangluo, a person with only half of the Long family bloodline, and they did not think that she could open the box at all.

I even felt that the head of the family and the elders who mobilized so much to get Yan Xiangluo back and try to open the box were simply unnecessary.

Now this person they looked down on not only opened the box, but also accepted the inheritance of the technique. As long as she can grow up, her future achievements in soul control will surely be higher than those of the family ancestor who obtained the soul control technique. This is a level that they will never reach in their entire lives.

 The disdain for her before was like a slap in their face.

 Made them feel a little embarrassed.

  Previously, they didn’t understand why the head of the family and the great elder asked Yan Xiangluo to take away the soul-controlling technique. But now, after the great elder’s explanation, they all understood.

Although some people still feel angry and feel that the technique belongs to the Long family and should not be taken away by Yan Xiangluo, they also know that there is no way to take back this kind of inheritance.

The elder did not hide anything and told everyone what Yan Xiangluo said before leaving, word for word.

The elder also has selfish motives. He wants to take this opportunity to get rid of the inner demons buried in the hearts of the Long family.

Although he is very clear that people have different levels of realm and different qualifications. It is impossible for everyone to get rid of their inner demons at once, let alone change everyone at once.

 However, no matter how many people can take this opportunity to get rid of their inner demons and change their state of mind, it will be a good thing for the Long family.

 Changing the Long family is not something that happens in a day, two days, a month, or two months, but a long process that requires at least the efforts and persistence of one or two generations.

Yan Xiangluo forgot about the Long family's affairs as soon as he left. He crossed the hilltop and looked at the Xu family not far ahead. Yan Xiangluo asked Ji Jiuchong, "Are you leaving or going back to the Xu family?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "I told the Xu family before going to the Long family that we will leave here directly after leaving the Long family and will not come back again."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and sighed silently in her heart. Ji Jiuchong's fate was so similar to her own.

However, I seem to have better luck than him, at least my parents are still alive.

Ji Jiuzhong's mother died after giving birth to him, and his father was the emperor of the Tianshun Empire. Although he doted on him, he only enjoyed his father's love for six years. It would be difficult to imagine his life after his parents left when he was ten years old, and even more What's more, he was only six years old at the time and had to face the dangers of the world.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized that Ji Jiuzhong was actually nothing like a member of the Tianshun Imperial family. Although the imperial power of the Tianshun Empire was in his hands, she always felt that he was incompatible with the Tianshun Imperial family.

Withdrawing his thoughts of random moves, Yukong headed outside the residence of the nine families.

Although the two of them did not see anyone from other families, their spiritual consciousness was very strong, and they could sense that strong men from each family were emitting their spiritual consciousness to investigate them.

 The two of them directly left the residence of the nine families and entered Wanghai Forest again.

"I want to practice fighting the monsters here again, and run away while fighting. What about you?" Yan Xiangluo glanced at her and said to Ji Jiuzhong as soon as she came out, the monsters chasing after her eagerly.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the trembling and obedient monsters. A dark light flashed across his phoenix eyes. This girl was going to demolish the bridge when she crossed the river. She didn't want to go with him, and he wouldn't let her go. She got her wish.

"Your current cultivation level will not be as effective as before when fighting them, but it is better than nothing. You can fight them for two more days. After two days, I will take you to a place where the aura is just right for you now." Ji Jiuzhong Talk to her via voice mode. Yan Xiangluo was stunned. Since Ji Jiuzhong used sound transmission, he must be guarding against people from the Nine Families, so the place he said he wanted to take him to should be related to the Nine Families.

Does the nine families have any secret training places?

Ji Jiuzhong didn't wait for her to answer, so he didn't need to send a message to answer what she just asked, "I'm fine. I'll practice with you and go out together."

Yan Xiangluo naturally understood that Ji Jiuzhong's words were meant for those who were secretly observing them with their spiritual senses.

Thinking that there is no better place for him to practice now, the place Ji Jiuzhong is interested in must not be an ordinary place.

As for whether she has anything to do with the nine families, it doesn't matter to her. This world is a world where the strong are respected. Whoever has strength will get more, which is more obvious in practice. Even within the family, there is overt and covert competition for training resources, and all blood and family ties come first.

She also sent a message to Ji Jiuzhong and said, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

 After dealing with the affairs of the Long family, she had only one purpose left, which was to seize the time to practice and leave as soon as possible to find her parents in the higher continent.

 There are not many places suitable for cultivation in the lower continent except for the major sects, so the place Ji Jiuzhong chose will definitely be good. She would repay the favor she owed him with her medical skills, and she could accept Ji Jiuzhong's overtures with peace of mind.

Since I have to go in two days, I can't waste these two days. I looked at the waiting monsters and picked out a few monsters, and arranged my time for today and tomorrow.

Ji Jiuzhong watched her fight with the monster quietly from the sidelines. Only then did he realize that the little girl was cruel.

 At night, the two found a tree and planned to rest on it for the night.

Although the monsters in Wanghai Forest now pose no danger to her, Yan Xiangluo, who is used to not letting down her guard under any circumstances, still called Zhe Tian out.

 Before she went to Long's house, she placed both the sky and the clouds in the Pangu space.

As soon as Zhetian came out, it automatically turned into a vine hairpin and inserted it into her bun.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Zhetian without saying anything. He leaned against the tree and closed his eyes. He was not sleeping and resting, but practicing.

Yan Xiangluo was actually resting. After all, she was still very tired after fighting monsters for a day.

However, even though she was sleeping, Shan Tian was still absorbing spiritual power on her own, which surprised Ji Jiuzhong.

His spiritual perception was correct. Yan Xiangluo was indeed asleep, and she slept deeply. But there were still spiritual energy fluctuations around her, indicating that she was still absorbing spiritual energy. How did she manage to practice while sleeping?

Ji Jiuzhong has for the first time envied other people's cultivation methods since he was a child. Ji Jiuzhong, who had more contact with Yan Xiangluo, found that she seemed to have endless secrets in her body.

I feel more and more that my road to chasing a wife is getting more and more difficult.

 He once felt that no woman in the entire Tianqian Continent could stand shoulder to shoulder with him because of his excellence. Now he was doubting whether he was qualified to stand beside her. The contrast in his heart was so great that it made him doubt his life.

 (End of this chapter)

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