The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 234: Yuelao red line

 Chapter 234 Yuelao Red Line

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong understood why she was so determined and unwilling to give up when she proposed to break off the engagement. He was really not in her eyes. It was hard for her to bear the title of her fiancée for three years. How could she endure it? of.

 The whole night was spent in Ji Jiuzhong's mood of serious self-doubt.

And Yan Xiangluo seemed to have forgotten that she had inherited the soul-controlling technique and had no intention of practicing it at all.

Ji Jiuzhong can guarantee that if any of the Long family members were to inherit the soul control technique, they would start practicing immediately and not wait for a while.

But naturally he would not ask her about the soul control technique. He knew very well that practicing the technique was the greatest privacy for anyone.

Their relationship is not so good that they can talk about everything and have no secrets. Especially when he had doubted himself all night last night, he would not ask.

 Early in the morning, the two simply ate something and continued walking outside.

 In another place, where the monster that had been arranged yesterday was already waiting, Yan Xiangluo started another day of fighting.

Ji Jiuzhong felt quite sad when he saw her fighting the monsters, because in his eyes, these monsters were just monster pills with different attributes.

When he used to fight these monsters, he almost killed them. At that time, he collected a lot of demon pills. Demon pills are where monsters store their power. Although monks cannot use this power, spiritual beasts can use it. Spirit beasts have A way to purify and absorb the power in the demon pill.

 That’s why those monsters trembled when they saw him yesterday. If it weren’t for the attraction of Yan Xiangluo’s elixir, no monsters would come to trade with Yuan Xiangluo as long as he was around.

However, the monster didn't feel the murderous intention from him, and it became bolder. At least it didn't tremble all over after seeing him today.

It was like this for two consecutive days. The two of them walked out and fought with the monsters. The power of their consciousness that had been watching them was withdrawn one by one, and the ones left behind were not so closely watched.

 After the two woke up on the third morning, they looked at each other and secretly found out that they still had two spiritual powers.

Ji Jiuchong blinked and sent a message to her, "It seems they won't be relieved if we don't leave Wanghai Forest."

“Let’s leave first to reassure them, and then we’ll come back.” Yan Xiangluo also understood that these two spiritual consciousnesses should belong to the Xu family and the Long family.

"That's all." Ji Jiuzhong was not surprised that the Xu family and the Long family were so cautious.

After the two of them had eaten, Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo, "There's something going on in the court, let's go back first, and I'll accompany you to practice after it's over."

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo sounded like she didn’t really want to leave, but she had to go because she had something to do.

Ji Jiuzhong pulled her out quickly, coaxing others as he walked, "There are many opportunities for experience. Don't worry, I will wait for you to ascend and leave together."

She rejected all the monsters that came to see Yan Xiangluo, telling them that they would come to fight with them if they had the chance in the future.

Hearing this, the monsters stopped disturbing them.

The two of them were moving very fast. In one day, they were already far away from the residences of the nine families.

 At night, when the two of them were looking for a place to practice, they finally no longer felt any spiritual consciousness following them.

 “Is it okay?” Yan Xiangluo asked cautiously through voice transmission.

Ji Jiuzhong was a little amused by her caution, but he also knew that Yan Xiangluo's ability to survive safely at the age of ten had a lot to do with her caution.

Remembering when she came out of the royal training ground, if she had not left Tianshun Imperial City immediately and cautiously, I am afraid she would not have achieved what she has achieved today.

 “Let’s rest first and we’ll go there later.” Ji Jiuzhong also sent a message to her. Yan Xiangluo nodded clearly. He could only go to a place in the middle of the night, so he had to avoid people. This place must be related to the nine families.

Her almond eyes lit up. Could it be the place where Ji Jiuzhong took her to see the place where nine families practiced in shifts?

But if you go there at night, it’s the same. It’s just a room with practitioners inside and outside. What’s the difference between going there during the day and at night?

 Isn’t it somewhere?

Since she couldn't figure it out, Yan Xiangluo didn't embarrass herself. After eating something, she told Ji Jiuzhong that the time was up and she went to sleep peacefully.

Ji Jiuchong was very happy that Yan Xiangluo trusted him. Yan Xiangluo didn't realize that she had an inexplicable trust in Ji Jiuzhong.

At midnight, Ji Jiuzhong woke up Yan Xiangluo on time. The moment Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes, she became clear.

He glanced at the sky and said, "Go now?"

Ji Jiudian nodded and jumped down from the tree first. Yan Xiangluo followed him and jumped down from the tree.

“Where are we going?” Yan Xiangluo straightened her clothes and asked.

“The residence of nine families.” Ji Jiuzhong took out two flat pieces of jade while speaking.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, "Are you going to the place you took me to see?"

Ji Jiudian nodded and handed her a piece of jade, "Yes, this is the hidden mysterious pattern."

“Is it carved with patterns?” Yan Xiangluo is also a pattern engraver, and as soon as Ji Jiuzhong took it out, he could sense the aura of mysterious patterns on it.

"Yeah." Ji Jiuzhong knew that Yan Xiangluo's tattoo talent was not low, but no matter how low it was, her training time was short and she would not be as high as him. Therefore, she directly used her own hidden mysterious patterns for the two of them. .

 “Are you going to use it now, or will you use it later?” Yan Xiangluo examined the carving technique in her hand to hide the mysterious patterns.

"Use it now, otherwise we will be discovered before we arrive." Ji Jiuzhong took out another red ribbon, tied it around his own wrist, and tied the other end to Yan Xiangluo's wrist.

 While tying the knot, he explained, "We can't see each other after hiding, and we can't use our spiritual sense to detect. It's best not to even use sound transmission, so as to prevent us from finding each other.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the red silk that tied their wrists and blurted out, "Why does it look like the red thread of Yue Lao?"

·As soon as the words came out, I felt something was wrong, so I quickly said, "It doesn't look like it, not at all."

  At first, she was very happy to hear her say that the red thread girl looked like Yue Lao, but before she could raise the corners of her mouth, she heard what she said next, and the raised corners of her mouth suddenly turned into twitching.

Wisely, he didn’t answer her words and pretended he didn’t hear her. “Use the hidden mysterious pattern.”

Yan Xiangluo was a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw that Ji Jiuzhong had no reaction, she quickly input her spiritual power into the hidden mysterious pattern, and her figure disappeared immediately, and the embarrassment also disappeared.

Ji Jiuzhong also used the Hidden Mysterious Pattern after she used it. Their figures were hidden, and not only that, but their auras were also hidden.

Yan Xiangluo exclaimed, "You are so powerful. The level of Xuan Wen is much higher than mine."

“I have been learning Xuanwen carving since I was five years old. If you study for a short time, you will be able to carve higher-level Xuanwen in the future.” Ji Jiuzhong explained.

 (End of this chapter)

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