The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 235: right here

Chapter 235 is here

“Well, I will definitely be able to carve high-level mysterious patterns in the future.”

Yan Xiangluo said without humility that although the level of the mysterious patterns she had now carved was not low, but with Ji Jiuzhong's comparison, she suddenly felt that the level of her tattoos was not good enough.

Ji Jiuzhong held her hand along the red silk, "I'll take you there and teleport it so it's quick and hard to be discovered."

Yan Xiangluo stopped struggling and said, "Okay."

Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level is higher than hers, and even the eldest elder of the Xu family is no match for him. It is indeed much safer for him to take her there than for her to use her spiritual power.

Ji Jiuzhong sensed her movements and raised the corners of his lower lips. Little girl, I won’t admit defeat because of my selfishness.

Yan Xiangluo murmured in her heart, since she was holding her hand, why bother to tie it with red silk?

But I just thought about it in my mind and didn’t ask. Ji Jiuzhong didn't give her time to ask, and directly took out a teleportation mysterious pattern and used it.

Yan Xiangluo felt that she was being hugged by Ji Jiuzhong, and before she could scream, she swayed, and the two of them appeared not far outside the house where nine family members were practicing in shifts.

Ji Jiuzhong let go of the hand holding her, making her feel embarrassed to say anything she wanted to say. They just brought her to teleport here, so what else can be said.

Looking at the house, it was midnight. There were many people sitting outside, but there was a way out of the door.

  She felt a tug on the other end of the red silk, and knew it was Ji Jiuzhong gesturing for her to follow. Yan Xiangluo quickly gathered herself and followed.

Ji Jiuzhong's heart was actually not calm at all. The brief hug just now made him clearly aware of the girl's weak body, which made him unwilling to let go, but his reason told him that he must let go quickly, otherwise he would definitely anger her.

Yan Xiangluo had already forgotten everything that happened just now, because she felt that there was a soul around her, and she was very familiar with it.

She immediately activated her soul control power and saw the sneaky Yu Ge wandering outside the house. She wanted to go in, but it seemed like something was blocking her and she couldn't get in.

Is there any restrictions on this house? Restrict souls from entering?

 At this time, they had already reached the door. Because their bodies and aura were hidden, Yu Ge's soul did not notice them.

 But for some unknown reason, Yu Ge’s soul suddenly ran away and quickly disappeared into the night.

Although Yan Xiangluo was curious, she didn't have time to catch up and see what was going on, so she looked into the house.

 Before, they were just sitting on the mountain in the distance and looking here. She only heard what Ji Jiuzhong said about the scene inside, but now she saw it for real.

The appearance of the house is indeed like a temple, but it is indeed not big inside. There is indeed a well in the middle. It can be felt that there is a strong aura radiating out, but the richness of the aura can be felt inside and outside the house. The difference is very big.

She felt comfortable both physically and mentally as she stood at the door. Every hair on her body was working hard to absorb the spiritual energy. The Nascent Soul in her Dantian had already stood up and danced, and the flowers above her head were spinning faster and faster. This all showed that the spiritual energy here was not Generally rich and pure.

 After all, her Nascent Soul is very picky, it’s not the aura she likes, and she won’t get up and dance.

  There is nothing in the house except the well that is emitting spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo glanced outside the door. Except for the people sitting cross-legged on both sides of the passage outside the door, she looked at the people who were sitting next to each other cultivating without any gaps. She finally understood why the Xu family and The Long family has been negotiating for so long to fight for the right to use this place.

It’s hard not to be tempted by such a rich aura.

 But there are so many people now and they don’t even have a place to stay. How can they get in?

Did Ji Jiuzhong bring her here and let her practice outside the door? Although a lot of spiritual energy can be absorbed here, it is difficult not to be discovered by these people with the speed and amount of spiritual energy she absorbs.

Now she has been trying her best to suppress the speed of the Nascent Soul absorbing spiritual energy in her Dantian, but the Nascent Soul is obviously not happy, and even the flower above her head is protesting.

But she couldn't see Ji Jiuzhong's expression now, and she didn't dare to send a message. She didn't know what he meant and could only wait.

 In a moment, the people inside the room stood up, and the people outside the room also stood up. Ji Jiuzhong pulled her aside.

Yan Xiangluo saw the people coming out of the house and snuggled up next to Ji Jiuzhong deftly, trying not to let the people coming out of the house touch her or the people outside.

Just as the last person in the room came out, Ji Jiuzhong pulled her in quickly.

 “Jump down.”

Ji Jiuzhong's voice came to Yan Xiangluo's consciousness, and at the same time, the red silk on her wrist was untied.

Yan Xiangluo didn't have time to think too much, because people outside had already started to come in. The room was not big, so if she didn't jump down quickly, she would soon run into the people coming in.

She jumped without thinking. She knew that Ji Jiuzhong should have already jumped.

As soon as she jumped down, she felt that her body was wrapped in a rich spiritual energy. This was the first time she encountered such a rich spiritual energy.

If she encountered such a strong aura when Pangu Flower bloomed in the second level, would she be able to pass the second level earlier?

Her thoughts only flew away for a moment and then came back because she fell into the water. Although she was curious about why there was no sound when she fell into the water, what made her even more curious was what kind of water it was and how it felt like a spiritual spring. After a fight, the aura below became more intense.

 It just has less vitality than Lingquan.

 Floating up from the water, she finally understood why there was no loud noise when she fell into the water. The water might be because the spiritual energy was too strong, and it felt a bit thick.

  It reminded her of a milk bath in another life, and it felt thicker than the milk in the milk bath.

"Don't be in a hurry to practice, come with me." Ji Jiuzhong took advantage of the movement of the water waves to accurately catch her, then held her hand and swam in one direction.

It was pitch black below, and even if her night vision was good, Yan Xiangluo couldn't see anything. However, her consciousness was not restricted, and she could sense that the space below was long and narrow, which should be the direction of the water flow they were in.

He didn’t object to being held by Ji Jiuzhong’s hand and swam along with his strength. The two swam for a quarter of an hour before Ji Jiuzhong spoke this time.

"This is it." After saying this, he pulled her ashore.

At the same time, the hidden mysterious patterns on their bodies were lifted, and they could finally see each other.

Yan Xiangluo felt that the dress on her body was clinging to her body because it was wet, so she quickly used her spiritual power to dry the dress.

Ji Jiuzhong could actually be seen, but after just one glance, he turned around, dried his own clothes, and pretended not to see her.

 (End of this chapter)

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