The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 236: Underground Spirit River

Chapter 236 Underground Spirit River

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yan Xiangluo cleaning herself up, and then Ji Jiuzhong took out a fist-sized bead and illuminated the place where they were.

There was finally light where they were, and Yan Xiangluo could see the surroundings clearly, especially the underground river they had just swam across.

 It actually looks like milk, milky white.

“What’s going on with the water?” Yan Xiangluo asked in surprise.

“The nine families call this river the Ling River. The spiritual energy of the residences of the nine families and the spiritual energy of Hope Sea Forest all emanate from this river and overflow through the wellhead.” Ji Jiuzhong explained.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the underground Linghe River, which was not very wide, and asked puzzledly, "It's so spacious down there and the place is so big. Why don't people from the nine families come down there to practice?"

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corner of his mouth mockingly, "They thought about it, but it's a pity that they can't come down."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, then understood, "Is it because of blood?"

"Yes, only people like us can come down here. The nine families were demoted and punished. Naturally, the rules of heaven will not allow them to return to the higher continent easily. Therefore, they are given some resources to compete with the lower mainlanders. The difference limits their cultivation speed."

Yan Xiangluo understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant. The aura of this river is so rich. If people from the nine families can come down to practice, even if they need to break through to the emperor level to return to the higher continent, it will not take too long.

However, they are restricted from coming down to practice, and they can only rely on the spiritual energy overflowing from the spiritual river to practice. The time and speed of practice will be limited. The existence of this river not only made them determined to stay in the place of punishment, but also made them just a little bit short of hope. In this way, most people were hung up in the place of residence. After all, there is no place with such rich spiritual energy outside. You can practice.

Yu Xiangluo feels that the evil spirit of heaven is really good at taking advantage of people's mentality.

“Since they couldn’t come down, how did they find out there was a river below?” Yan Xiangluo asked like a curious baby.

"People like us came back to the clan and practiced here at the well. They had conflicts with the family members and fell off during the fight." Ji Jiuzhong said. This is not a secret among the nine families. If Yan Xiangluo had stayed longer, she would have known.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, but it was not surprising that he discovered the underground river below for this reason.

“In this case, why are the nine families still so obsessed with blood?”

Yan Xiangluo couldn't figure it out. Since we already knew that people who left here could come down to practice with children born in mainland China, why should we restrict marriages between people from outside?

"Who knows." Ji Jiuzhong did not answer her question.

 Actually, he understood it very well, but he didn’t want Yan Xiangluo to be exposed to the dirty thoughts of the nine families anymore.

There are such people everywhere, and eight of the families are still in the high continent. Their conduct is so bad that the entire branch has been demoted and punished, and the filth inside is even worse.

Yu Xiangluo understood more or less and didn't ask any more questions.

“Have you often come here to practice before?” Yan Xiangluo asked. From the first time she met Ji Jiuzhong, she had never noticed his cultivation level. Even if his fetal poison is not resolved, it will not be visible. Yan Xiangluo had always felt that Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation talent was too strong. Now that she knew about such a place, she felt deeply that with talent and luck, Ji Jiuzhong would not be able to live up to the favor of heaven even if his cultivation was not high.

"People like us are not allowed to get close here. When I was thirteen years old, I suffered from repeated attacks of fetal poisoning several times. The bottleneck period was too long, so I took the risk to come in in this way. After I succeeded, every time I came to practice I will come here to practice for a while during the bottleneck period, and the effect is excellent. "

Yan Xiang understood clearly. Through the behavior of the Long family, she could also imagine how the Xu family treated Ji Jiuzhong before. Otherwise, how could Ji Jiuzhong endure Qin Suyue's troubles all the time.

It was not good to cause others sadness, so Yan Xiangluo decisively shut up and did not continue the topic.

"You can practice here." Ji Jiuzhong pointed to a flat stone beside him.

  Looking at the stone that Ji Jiuzhong pointed at, it should be the place where he always comes to practice.

It doesn’t need to be said by Ji Jiuzhong that Yan Xiangluo also knows the benefits of practicing here, but she is a little worried about the speed and amount of spiritual energy she can absorb.

Seeing her hesitant frown, Ji Jiuzhong asked, "What's wrong? Don't you like it here?"

If he feels that the environment is not good, he can decorate it without any trouble. Girls are more delicate, which is normal in his opinion.

 Comparatively, Yan Xiangluo is more self-reliant than the so-called noble ladies in the imperial city of Tianshun Empire. They are the real squeamish ones.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head and said in a somewhat uneasy tone, "How could I not like such a good place to practice? I'm worried that the speed and amount of spiritual energy I absorb are a bit scary. Once I start practicing, it will be easy for me to enter the realm, and I won't be able to Control the speed of absorbing spiritual energy. If all the spiritual energy here is absorbed, will it cause big trouble? "

Yan Xiangluo has no idea about the Nascent Soul and Pangu Flower in her Dantian. After all, every time she encounters a place with strong spiritual energy, she almost absorbs all the spiritual energy inside.

Just like the previous Five Color Spiritual Lake, this is not Wanghai Forest. This is the residence of nine families. If the spiritual energy of this underground spiritual river is sucked away by her, they will probably have to pay a lot of money if they want to leave here alive. cost.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned, "Can you absorb all the spiritual energy here?"

If she really has the ability to absorb spiritual energy like this, can she directly reach the peak of the ninth level and be able to ascend and leave here?

Ji Jiuzhong took great pains to bring her here, mainly because he wanted her to improve her cultivation as soon as possible.

He himself reached the cultivation level to leave here a few years ago. If it weren't for the fact that the fetal poison had not been cured, and the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover were his hope for curing the poison, he would not have stayed until now.

Later, after contacting Yan Xiangluo, she helped him detoxify. His heart fell on her and he was reluctant to leave because he knew very well that if he left, he would not be seen again even if they met in the higher continent. And can win her heart.

Accompanying her through the most important stage in her life is the opportunity that touches her heart the most. Ji Jiuzhong, who is good at strategizing, will inevitably be emotionally moved as well.

Now that he knows that Yan Xiangluo has such a strong ability to absorb spiritual energy, Ji Jiuzhong's heart beats wildly, which means that he doesn't have to wait long before he can leave Tianqian Continent with her.

 (End of this chapter)

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