The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 238: No one missing

Chapter 238 No one is missing

At this time, the Meng family who were practicing around the well on the ground all felt that the spiritual energy was getting less and less these days. Today they actually felt that the spiritual energy inside was not as rich as the spiritual energy outside before. Some people went out to take a look and felt that the spiritual energy outside was The aura is getting weaker.

People outside saw the people coming out and asked why the spiritual energy was getting less and less.

At this time, people in each family's residence also felt the change in spiritual energy. At first, they didn't take it seriously, but now every family has discovered that something is wrong. There is too little spiritual energy.

 The heads of the nine families all came to the house without making an appointment.

Just at this time, the Meng family who were cultivating also came out and wanted to go back to report, so they met the heads of nine families at once, which made it easier.

"What's going on?" The head of the Xu family was the first to ask.

  A few days ago, the Xu family just came from the Long family to ask for three cultivation times. It's not yet their turn. Why has the spiritual energy here suddenly decreased?

 If this is the case, wouldn’t the Xu family suffer a big loss?

The people practicing inside were members of the Meng family of the swordsmanship family. They all looked at the Meng family leader. At this time, the Meng family leader also knew that the matter could not be discussed in private, so he said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The Meng family heard the head of the family speak, and the young master of the Meng family replied, "We don't know what's going on. The spiritual energy has been gradually decreasing in the past few days, and it is especially obvious today. We are just about to go back and report."

“Did anything happen during your cultivation?” asked the head of the Xu family.

The young master of the Meng family told the truth, "No, we have been practicing quietly inside according to the rules. At the beginning, the reduction of spiritual energy was not obvious. Only a few people felt it. In the past two days, almost everyone has clearly felt it. Now The aura inside is not as strong as the aura outside before.”

"Why didn't you report it earlier?" The head of the Xu family was a little unhappy.

The Meng family were speechless. How could they say that no one was willing to waste their cultivation time?

"You all come out, let's go in and take a look." The head of the Meng family hurriedly rescued his family.

At the same time, each family is asked to send someone to invite the elders of each family. Of course, the person invited must be the one who has the final say. This matter is definitely not a trivial matter. Their family head alone cannot make the decision.

The situation of each family is similar. Although there are heads of families who manage family affairs, the person who really has the final say is the elder with the strongest cultivation.

Each family head sent someone back to invite people, and the Meng family members who were cultivating inside also came out, and the nine family heads immediately went in.

The nine people gathered around the well and looked down. They all let go of their spiritual consciousness to perceive each other. After a while, they looked at each other. The leader of the Meng family was the first to say, "Why is the spiritual energy missing so much?"

The other eight family heads all looked at the Meng family. The Xu family leader asked in a bad tone, "Are you sure the Meng family didn't do anything small?"

Each family has some descendants who are the offspring of family members and outsiders, and there are also some talented ones among them, who are taken back and trained by each family.

 Such a person can go there, but due to bloodline discrimination, each family has regulations that do not allow such descendants to come here to practice or get close to each other.

 They cannot tolerate people of their bloodline whose cultivation talents exceed those of their own family.

 Now it is not just the Xu family head who suspects that the Meng family has done something, several other family heads also have such suspicions.

 Because it happened that the Meng family had three such extremely talented descendants living in the Meng family.

The head of the Meng family can be sure that he did not do this, but he cannot guarantee whether any of the descendants of the Meng family have privately accepted any bribes to let others go.

Master Meng immediately looked at all the Meng family members who were practicing here and asked, "Have you let the three of them come in to practice?" Everyone present immediately shook their heads. Young Master Meng took the initiative and said, "It's our Meng family's turn to practice. I have been here all the time, and the three of them have never been here, we can swear that.”

Others also echoed, "How can we let the three of them come here to practice, let alone go down."

The other eight family heads also understood that each family was very repulsive to such descendants, and it was indeed unlikely that they would be allowed to practice.

At this time, the elders from each family also arrived. Except for the second elder from the Xu family, the elders from other families came. Moreover, the second elder of the Xu family is now also at the eighth level of the clan level. They don't know when he made a breakthrough.

Only the Xu family knows that this is all thanks to Ji Jiuzhong, which is one of the reasons why the Xu family is even more afraid of Ji Jiuzhong.

It is possible for the second elder who has not broken through for a long time to break through to the eighth level of the clan. No one among the nine families has been able to do it, otherwise there would not be only four people with this level of cultivation.

However, while the Xu family is afraid, they are also grateful to Ji Jiuzhong. In this way, the Xu family's status among the nine families will not change after losing the eldest elder.

The house is not big, and the space for eighteen people standing inside is not very spacious. The Meng family practitioners all stood outside the door and watched.

It was the first time in history that the heads of each family and the elders who had the final say gathered together, but no one was in the mood to look at them at this time. They were all waiting for the results of their investigation.

 The nine elders are mainly four elders with eighth-level sect cultivation. After investigation, they came to the conclusion that someone below is definitely absorbing spiritual energy.

 Everyone was stunned when they heard this conclusion. They all wanted to know who was absorbing the spiritual energy below?

Each household owner reacted and immediately sent people to check if everyone in their house who could go out was there?

 For a time, the residences of the nine families were in chaos, and other family members who heard the news also rushed over to watch outside.

 Almost all the nine families gathered outside the house.

Soon the people from each family who went back to check came back, and no one was missing.

How come there is no one missing?

Everyone thought of two people at once and looked at the Xu Family Head and the Long Family Head.

The hairs on the backs of the heads of the Xu family and the Long family stood up, but it was definitely not the two of them.

 But let alone other people, even the two of them suspected that it was Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo.

But the two of them were still calm. The head of the Long family and the head of the Xu family looked at each other and said, "When they left, not only we sent people to keep an eye on them, but also your families should have sent people to keep an eye on them. Now we can only arrange for people to go." See if they are still practicing in Wanghai Forest. If they are not there, Jiu Chuanxin will ask people outside to check their whereabouts to find out if it is them."

 The Xu family head and the Long family head did not shirk the blame, which made the other families feel comfortable.

As for who should be sent to check whether they are there, the heads of the Xu family and the Long family agreed that people should be sent from the other seven families to check.

 This will also prevent them from thinking that the Xu family and the Long family have any selfish motives.

 (End of this chapter)

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