The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 239: Very surprised

Chapter 239 Very surprised

 Such a decision was in line with the wishes of the other seven families, and soon each of the seven families sent one person to investigate in Wanghai Forest.

However, they have been walking for more than ten days. Even if they are walking while experiencing, they are still far away from the residence of the nine families. The people sent to investigate were unlikely to come back soon, and they were worried that the aura here would decrease even more in the days after they returned.

Some people suggested that people from each family who can go down should go down to have a look, but some selfish people objected, fearing that they would not come up if they went down, and would absorb the spiritual energy directly down there, which would make things worse.

 Everyone was silent. They were not very friendly to the children of various families, so they did not trust them. They were worried that they would not come up if they really went down.

 There is no better solution for the time being. We can only wait for the people who went to investigate to come back.

But everyone knows in their hearts, what should they do if the people who went to investigate come back and are sure to be Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo?

None of them can go down, even if they know it is them, what can they do to them? And those who can go down are not as good as the two of them. Even if they are allowed to go down, they can't defeat Ji Jiuzhong alone, let alone Yuan Xiangluo.

 There is no good way but to wait.

In the next few days, the atmosphere of each family was not very good, because the spiritual energy had been reduced too much, and there was no longer much meaning in practicing by the well. The Meng family also withdrew first.

Everyone is worried whether this spiritual well will be like this in the future. If so, what will they do? You must know that the reason why their cultivation level can improve so quickly is because they borrow the light of this spiritual well.

 Those who have not yet reached the age of hairpins and crowns can choose to leave the family and go out to look for opportunities. What about those who are adults and cannot go out to practice?

  The nine families encountered their first unsolvable problem ever.

The atmosphere in the Long family and the Xu family is even more subdued. Not only are they worried that they don't have enough spiritual energy to practice, they are also worried that if they are really Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo, how will their two families explain to the other seven families? Together, their two families, He doesn't have that strength either.

The head of the Long family asked the great elder, "Can the soul control technique solve it?"

The first elder of the Long family glanced at the head of the Long family, "Do you think that Yan Xiangluo, who has received the strongest inheritance of soul control power, can be controlled by my soul control power?"

The head of the Long family was speechless for a moment.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what was happening above, and was still sinking into the realm, absorbing the spiritual energy. Ji Jiuzhong could guess that the higher-ups had already discovered it. After all, the aura here was no longer that strong, and it must have been even worse up there, but he wasn't worried.

He knows the hearts of the nine families very well. He will never send anyone else who can come down to check. He will also send people to find the whereabouts of the two of them to confirm whether they are down there.

 He had already made preparations before coming. How could he let the little girl have trouble absorbing the spiritual energy?

Six days later, the people who went out to investigate came back and confirmed that Ji Jiuzhong was still accompanying Yuxiangluo to practice in Wanghai Forest. Changfeng and Jin Yutang were protecting him in the dark with their hidden guards.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this result. The people who absorbed the spiritual energy in their hearts must be Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo. Now that they knew it was not them, their doubts became even heavier.

They have checked the people who can go down, and they are all here now. So who is the person down there who is absorbing spiritual energy?

The Long family and the Xu family secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it wasn't them, neither the Long family nor the Xu family could afford the consequences.

They knew that Changfeng and Jin Yutang were so nervous when they sent people to investigate. After all, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, who were still training, were the ones who had people use the Changing Pill according to their master's instructions. They also I wonder if Zixian's Yan-Changing Pill can evade their detection.

Seeing them all leave, I felt relieved, knowing that they didn't realize that these two people were fake.

"Is it possible that it's not a human being?" The head of the Meng family raised his doubts.

Since all the people who may be down there have been eliminated, there is only one possibility. It is impossible for the aura to disappear on its own. Everyone looked at him, and the head of the Meng family said awkwardly, "Who else do you think can do it? Or can the spiritual energy disappear on its own?"

Everyone was silent again.

At this time, the people guarding the well came back to report that the spiritual energy seemed to have stopped decreasing.

 Hearing the news, everyone jumped into the air and flew towards the house.

The elders and heads of the nine families rushed in, rushing to look into the well, and their spiritual senses searched down. After a while, everyone calmed down.

The head of the Long family said, "The spiritual energy has indeed stopped decreasing."

Although the spiritual energy has stopped decreasing, everyone's expressions are still not good. The current concentration of spiritual energy is not as strong as the spiritual energy in the mainland outside.

 And they are not sure whether the aura can be restored to its previous state.

 I don’t know who absorbed so much spiritual energy. At this time, they all agreed that it must be some kind of powerful spiritual beast. Why are they so sure?

 Just because in their knowledge it is impossible for someone to absorb so much spiritual energy at one time, and the most important thing is that they have not yet advanced.

If it is some powerful spiritual beast, it can be explained.

There are many powerful spiritual beasts in Wanghai Forest, and their people don’t dare to provoke them when they come in or out.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was still sitting cross-legged on the edge of the underground Ling River. He had stopped absorbing spiritual energy, but he still did not wake up from the state.

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes, what's going on? After absorbing so much spiritual energy, the water in the Linghe River has become clear. Why hasn't she advanced yet?

 Since you didn’t advance, why did you stop absorbing spiritual energy?

But now that Yan Xiangluo is still in the realm and has not exited, he can't disturb her. No matter how anxious he is, he can only wait.

 Half a day passed, and Yan Xiangluo finally opened her eyes.

Ji Jiuzhong quickly stood up and walked over, looked at her and asked, "What's going on? Why didn't you advance after absorbing so much spiritual energy?"

Ji Jiuzhong could sense that there was enough spiritual energy in her body. The spiritual energy was about to explode. There was no reason why she should not advance.

Yan Xiangluo stood up, "I suppressed the promotion, and we will find a place to advance after we leave here."

After Yan Xiangluo absorbed the spiritual energy and reached a full state, Yuan Ying and Pangu Hua stopped absorbing them. It took her half a day to suppress them before they started to advance.

Ji Jiuzhong understood. She was worried that the promotion movement here would be too big, which would arouse suspicion among the nine families.

 In fact, he has already made preparations to isolate the mysterious pattern. Although it cannot completely isolate the movement caused by her promotion, it can also ensure that nothing can be detected above.

 (End of this chapter)

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