The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 241: wait for me

Chapter 241: Wait for me

If it weren't for the fetal poison, he would have left here as early as fifteen or sixteen years old, and he would have met Yu Xiangluo there.

If he couldn't meet her, Ji Jiuzhong knew that he would probably be alone on the road to strength for the rest of his life. After all, a woman who could impress his heart didn't appear so easily.

His relationship is very thin. His mother died when he was born, and his father died when he was six years old. The current emperor, his half-brother, wanted him to die because of his father's favor. He had experienced countless assassinations and poisonings. Therefore, after the marriage incident, he chose to let his royal brother lie on the dragon bed where life would be worse than death.

  I never thought that one day I would actually fall in love with a woman, the kind of love that goes deep into my bones.

 He ​​felt that maybe God couldn't bear to see the injustice of fate to him, so he gave him a lover who could walk side by side with him.

Ji Jiuzhong pulled back his distant thoughts and stood not far away with his hands behind his hands, watching Yan Xiangluo.

 “Master, the word has arrived, Changfeng and the others have already set off.” Uninhibited voice came.

With Ji Jiuzhong's thought, Wuji returned to the spirit pet space, and then came out of the spirit pet space and stood on Ji Jiuzhong's shoulders and looked at Yan Xiangluo.

“Master, are you going to break through to the ninth level of the Supreme Level?”

"should be."

 One master and one pet communicate with each other using spiritual consciousness.

"Okay, now I admit that she is as great a genius as the master." Wuji said in a tone of resignation.

Because of the rumors that Ruoxiang had lost her Five Spiritual Roots and was a waste, and that she had not broken through to the Yuan level where she could really start practicing until she was thirteen years old, Wuji was very angry. Why should she quit the relationship with its owner Ji Jiuzhong? marriage.

It’s not that Wuji likes Yan Xiangluo very much, but that he feels that if he wants to break off the engagement, his genius master should also break off the engagement.

I felt that Yan Xiangluo had no regrets and broke off the engagement in front of everyone, which made her owner lose face.

Later, Yan Xiangluo saved her owner one after another, and it finally became more palatable to her. Later, Yan Xiangluo completely detoxified its owner. In fact, it no longer had any resentment towards her, but it never admitted it. She is a genius.

Now that I see that Yan Xiangluo has reached a level of cultivation in three years that most monks cannot reach in a lifetime, I no longer want to admit it but have to face reality.

Ji Jiuzhong stretched out his finger and tapped Wuji's small body in a funny way, "This incident tells us not to look down on anyone easily."

 “It makes sense.” Wuji agreed with this sentence.

 The master and the pet chatted, waiting for Yan Xiangluo to advance.

It was already evening when the light of advancement appeared again on Yan Xiangluo's body.

As expected by Ji Jiuzhong, Yan Xiangluo made a breakthrough in cultivation to the peak of the ninth level.

After the promotion was completed, Yan Xiangluo excitedly flew into the air and spun happily in the sky. Her beautiful face, slim figure, and fiery red dress made Ji Jiuzhong unable to take his eyes away.

Wuji also raised his head and looked at the beautiful woman in the sky. He had to admit in his heart that if there must be a woman to be his mistress, it must be Yan Xiangluo.

However, in order not to disturb the master's pursuit of his wife, it wisely returned to the spiritual pet space. "Father, mother, Luo'er can go find you." Yuan Xiangluo shouted loudly to the sky.

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes dimmed after hearing her words. After being promoted successfully, the first thing she thought of was to meet her parents. Didn't she have no place in her heart at all?

After venting her excitement, Yan Xiangluo fell next to Ji Jiuzhong and said with a smile like a flower, "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how long it would take to reach the ninth level peak. You allowed me to go see my parents earlier. Thank you so much.”

If Ji Jiuzhong hadn't taken her to the underground spiritual river where the nine families lived, the amount of spiritual energy she needed to absorb for the Pangu technique would not have been able to be absorbed in a short time.

Even if she trains all over the continent to find places with strong spiritual energy, plus the spiritual energy in Pangu space, it will take one to two years at the fastest to accumulate enough spiritual energy to advance.

 Therefore, Yan Xiangluo sincerely thanked Ji Jiuzhong for helping her.

 Although this was an easy thing for Ji Jiuzhong, it did help her a lot.

Ji Jiuzhong's mood improved when he saw her cheerful smile, and he didn't care that her parents were the first in her heart. After all, she was not her, so why should she be the first in her heart.

“Didn’t you already promise that my people will not be charged for medical treatment by you in the future? There is no need to thank me anymore.”

Although what he wanted to say in his heart was that this is what I did for you willingly and no need to thank him, his reason made him bury these words in his heart. He and she still have a long way to go, and he has plenty of patience to wait.

"Don't worry, I will keep my word. Even if I go to the higher continent, I will keep my word." Yan Xiangluo was in a good mood and was naturally generous.

 After all, they are all going to the Higher Continent, and if they want to repay Ji Jiuzhong, they can only do so in the Higher Continent.

“When are you going to leave Tianqian Continent?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo's excitement calmed down, "I'm going to Xianyun Sect to see my master and two friends before leaving."

There is nothing she misses in the Tianqian Continent, and she is not prepared to care about the concubine family in the Tianshun Empire anymore. Her parents were safe, and she didn't want to be ruthless. With the temperament and talent of her family, it was difficult for anyone to reach the level of cultivation that left this continent. This was already the harshest punishment for them.

Ji Jiuzhong guessed that she would leave as soon as possible, and also knew who the two friends she wanted to see were. Thinking of the troubles in the Tianshun Empire, he rubbed his temples, "Can you wait for me to leave together?"

Although he disliked the royal family of the Tianshun Empire, seeing that this was the kingdom that his father had worked so hard to conquer, he still couldn't bear to let the Tianshun Empire be abolished. He needed to make arrangements before leaving. Although he had already started making preparations, The final explanation also takes time.

"When can you leave?" Although Yan Xiangluo wanted to leave as soon as possible, Ji Jiuzhong had already spoken, and she couldn't refuse by burning bridges.

As long as it doesn’t take too long, it doesn’t hurt to wait for him. Besides, being able to make an appointment with someone on the way to ascension is unprecedented and unprecedented.

"One month." Ji Jiuzhong calculated that one month was enough for him to settle down the affairs of the Tianshun Empire royal family.

“Okay, let’s take today as the term and we’ll meet at the chasm in a month’s time.”

One month is still acceptable to Yan Xiangluo. She can take advantage of this time to spend some time with Master Qianhe, and she can also get together with her two friends Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong.

 After all, she only has these two friends here. Even if both of them have good talents, they will not go to the higher continent soon. They may meet again decades later.

 (End of this chapter)

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