The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 242: Huixianyun Sect

Chapter 242 Return to Xianyun Sect

"Okay, it's a deal." Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect that she would agree so happily. Thinking of leaving here with her to go to the higher continent, Ji Jiuzhong felt happier than ever before.

After making an appointment to leave, Ji Jiuzhong asked, "Before leaving, why don't you go back to the Tianshun Empire?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I'm not going back. There's nothing to miss there. I'm taking all the things from home. As for the house, just leave it there. If you can arrange it, arrange it for those who need it. In the future, My parents and I will never come back."

Ji Jiuzhong also knows that, like him, she has nothing to miss here, and there is almost no possibility of coming back.

After agreeing on a time to leave, the two of them did not delay. Ji Jiuzhong went directly back to the Tianshun Empire to arrange things after leaving.

The throne alone requires a lot of thought. Fortunately, he had made preparations long ago, otherwise, he would really not be able to get it done in a month.

Yan Xiangluo used the teleportation array given to her by her sworn brother Ge Tianjun to go to Xianyun Sect.

 Seeing the teleportation array, Xiangluo thought to herself that when she goes to the higher continent, she will not only see her parents, but also her sworn brother Ge Tianjun.

Thinking about it this way, the Higher Continent is not so strange anymore. With my parents, adopted brother and master here, why does it feel warmer than the Tianqian Continent?

 At this time, she didn’t know that she had met quite a few people she knew when she went to the Higher Continent.

After Yan Xiangluo separated from Ji Jiuzhong, she directly used the teleportation array to return to Xianyun Sect. When she landed in front of the mountain gate again, her state of mind was different again. It felt like her state of mind had changed greatly every time she came back.

Seeing her in a red dress, the disciple of the Xianyun Sect guarding the mountain gate quickly saluted, "I've seen Master Jun."

Although Yan Xiangluo has left the Xianyun Sect, she is still a member of the Xianyun Sect. What's more, she also has a master who has ascended and left, and there is also Master Qianhe who particularly likes her.

Although Yan Xiangluo has deliberately suppressed her own pressure, with her ninth-level cultivation, no matter how suppressed she is, the gatekeeper disciples can still feel her power.

Although I don’t know her cultivation level, I am sure that her cultivation level has improved again.

 The attitude is not to be disrespectful.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, rose into the air, and headed directly towards the mountain peak where Master Qianhe was.

The disciples who happened to see her passing by in the air were stunned, thinking they were being deceived. The only disciple in their Xianyun Sect wearing a red dress was Yu Xiangluo, and he had become someone they admired.

The disciples who had seen her shouted excitedly, "It's Master Jun, Master Jun is back."

The new disciples, those who had never seen her before, looked excitedly at the fiery red figure flying in the sky.

 Unexpectedly, they would have the opportunity to meet the legendary Uncle Master Yu.

Jin Xinrong and Beitang Yunyu didn't see her return, but they were very excited when they got the news of her return.

Yan Xiangluo passed by the sky and glanced at Qiandu Peak. She thought that Qiandu Peak had become lonely after she and her master left, and thought that what she saw would be a desolate scene. But at a glance, Qian Du Peak was actually more popular than when she and Master were still there.

The main hall is still standing and has been renovated. Many buildings were built below where poisonous weeds were originally planted. It looks very spacious, with many disciples coming in and out.

 What is this used for?

Just when Yan Xiangluo was wondering, she saw a stone tablet outside the main hall that was not there before, with three words "Inspirational Peak" engraved on it.

The original words "Qian Du Peak" on the palace were still there, and Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that the sect regarded Qian Du Peak as a place to encourage disciples.

There are so many disciples here, all of whom are good in terms of cultivation. It must be something the sect has done to make it a place for disciples to come and learn and communicate.

 This is not bad, it is better than leaving Qiandu Peak alone.

Yu Xiangluo came to the place where Master Qianhe lived. Master Qianhe is at the ninth level of cultivation. Due to his limited talent, he has not been able to advance to the top.

Although her cultivation level is now higher than that of Master Qianhe, she still arrived before anyone else.

 “Master, I’m back.”

When Master Qianhe heard her voice, he immediately came out of the house and saw her falling in the yard with a smile on her face.

"Xiao Luo'er, you are better than your old master. Your father was a great genius back then, and you are even better than your father."

 No matter how genius her father was, he was promoted and left in his thirties. This girl is only sixteen years old.

Master Qianhe could tell at a glance that Yan Xiangluo's cultivation level was higher than his, that is, he was at the peak cultivation level of the ninth level.

 I felt a little sad. Not long after the most beloved disciple left, the most beloved young disciple was also leaving.

Yan Xiangluo was also very happy and showed a rare arrogance, "That's right."

“Come on, now that you’re back, hurry up and cook a meal for your master. I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat the delicacies made by Xiao Luo’er again.”

Although Master Qianhe said it with a smile, Yan Xiangluo could hear the loneliness in his words.

He quickly said mischievously, "I'll make some more food for Master and put it in the space ring. Master can take it out and eat it whenever he wants. However, don't forget to think about me before eating."

"Okay, as long as you are not afraid of sneezing all the time." Master Qianhe agreed.

But I thought in my heart, everyone said that he favored the little girl. Who doesn't like such a sensible little girl, and who doesn't prefer it?

Yan Xiangluo made a large table of delicious food for Master Qianhe, drank some wine with him, and chatted for a while. Master Qianhe was very happy by her coaxing him.

In order not to disturb too many people, Yan Xiang chose the evening time to see Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong.

 But when she was passing by in the air, she was seen by Miao Yu, the master of Tianshui Peak.

At this time, Miao Yu's mood was very complicated. She thought that three years ago, her nephew fell in love with Yan Xiangluo, and she still disliked her. But in just three years, she was already beyond her nephew's reach.

Seeing Yu Xiangluo getting stronger and stronger, and then thinking about his nephew whose future was ruined and who was missing, Miao Yu sighed and suddenly realized that he should keep a low profile and be calm in the future. Nothing is useful without strength. .

Although she knew that her qualifications were not good compared to those of her senior brothers, that was relative. Compared with people outside, her talent was enviable. Otherwise, how could she become the master of a peak.

 Seeing Ruan Xiangluo fall into the residence of the inner disciples, Miao Yu turned around and went back.

Jin Xinrong knew about Yuan Xiangluo's arrival. Ever since she heard the news about Yuan Xiangluo's return, she had been looking at the sky, waiting for her to come.

"Xiangluo, I miss you so much." Jin Xinrong rushed over and hugged Xiangluo tightly.

Yan Xiangluo was also moved by Jin Xinrong's enthusiasm, her eyes became moist, and she hugged her back, "I miss you too."

Other disciples who had seen her and new disciples who had not seen her were hiding not far away and watching secretly, not daring to get close.

 (End of this chapter)

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