The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 244: opinionated

Chapter 244 Self-Righteous

After hearing what Yan Xiangluo said, Beitang Yunfeng stiffened. He never expected that Yan Xiangluo would break through to the highest level of cultivation in the mainland in such a short period of time.

He suddenly realized a problem. Since her cultivation level has reached the peak of the ninth level, she is not far away from breaking through to the sect level, which also indicates that she will leave here.

And he was only at the fifth level. He didn't know how long it would take to leave. It would take two or three years for everything to go smoothly. The sudden distance between the two made Beitang Yunfeng, who had been called a genius since childhood, very uncomfortable. blow.

"Congratulations, Miss Yu, you should be leaving soon, right?" Beitang Yunfeng hid his emotions and asked her if she had found an opportunity to break through the sect.

There are also some strong people who have clearly reached the peak of the ninth level of the clan, but they have never been able to break through the clan level in their entire lives and cannot leave.

But for someone as smart as Yan Xiangluo, Beitang Yunfeng never thought that she would not understand the opportunity to break through the clan level, just like he never doubted that he could not leave here.

“Well, come back to see Master, Yunyu, and Xinrong, and leave in a month.” Yan Xiangluo’s tone was casual, as if leaving Tianqian Continent was a very common thing.

Beitang Yunfeng stiffened again. He was about to leave so soon. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't leave with her.

 “Miss Yu, you let me know what a monster-like talent looks like.” Beitang Yunfeng said with emotion.

He was telling the truth when he said this. At the same time, he knew in his heart that there was no possibility between him and Yan Xiangluo. The love he felt before he could express it out loud could only be buried in his heart forever.

It will take at least five to six years for him to go to the Higher Continent. And what height will Yuan Xiangluo stand at after five or six years of going to the Higher Continent five or six years before him?

She was able to advance at such a speed even though the cultivation conditions in the Tianqian Continent were so poor. But when she went to a higher continent with richer cultivation resources, her advancement speed could only be faster.

Because of this understanding, Beitang Yunfeng felt even more uncomfortable.

 What could be more cruel than being unable to express love?

At this time, he regretted his previous blindness. Now that he understood his own heart, why did he treat her with a superior attitude and unstable mind? Why didn't he expect that she would be so dazzling that he could notice it and others would notice it, let alone others? I thought that one day she would become something beyond my reach.

 Thinking about how she felt honored that she liked her before, now that I think about my previous thoughts, I feel how self-righteous I am.

If you care about discovering your feelings, confess to her, and treat her well, will the relationship between the two be different?

Beitang Yunfeng has never regretted so much.

"Yunyu is getting married. Are you not going to attend their wedding?" Beitang Yunfeng tried to save her for some time. As long as she went to her brother's wedding, he could still see her.

 After all, Jin Xinrong is also her friend.

"I made an appointment with someone to leave together. The time cannot be changed. Although I cannot attend the wedding, I still have to prepare gifts. After all, they are my friends here." Yuan Xiangluo said.

 She felt a little sad in her heart, wondering if she was too emotionally poor. She actually only had two friends, a boy and a girl, and they eventually got married. Such a weird thing would happen to her.

But this way she can feel more relieved when she leaves, and the Jin Xinrong family seems to be worried too.

I remember that in her first year at the Xianyun Sect, Jin Xinrong went home once. She was not in a good mood when she came back. It seemed that something had happened to her brother. She didn’t say much and Xiangluo didn’t ask too much. After all, it was her family’s business. She still has some sense of propriety.

The grandmother who loved her in another life believed in Buddhism and often said that you should not interfere with the cause and effect of others. Unless you have the absolute power to reverse the situation, otherwise you will create karma for yourself. Although she is not old, she has a deep understanding of this sentence. People who interfere in other people's affairs at will are indeed rarely good.

The two appeared together at Beitang Yunyu's residence, which surprised Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong. What a coincidence.

“Brother, here you are, this is Xinrong, Xinrong, this is my eldest brother.” Beitang Yunyu quickly introduced the two of them to each other.

Yan Xiangluo and his brother have known each other for a long time, so he didn't need to introduce them. Didn't you notice that they both came together?

Beitang Yunfeng met Jin Xinrong for the first time. He heard from his younger brother that she was a friend of Yan Xiangluo. Before he came, he had already found out everything about Jin Xinrong's life experience and family. There are some dirty things in every family, but Jin Xinrong's parents and brothers are of good character.

 Otherwise, it would be impossible to be recognized as a friend by Yan Xiangluo.

Although Beitang Yunfeng didn't have much contact with Yan Xiangluo, he grew up in intrigues and deceptions. He could see all the old courtiers clearly, let alone a little girl like Ruan Xiangluo.

In his opinion, in the unpredictable Tianqian Continent, Ruan Xiangluo is a simple and determined person. She clearly knows what she wants and what to do, and she knows even better when to hold back. She treats friends and even ordinary people with a normal heart.

 They will not look down upon you because of your status and strength, nor will they look down on you because you are an ordinary person who cannot practice cultivation.

Beitang Yunfeng found that he had only met Yan Xiangluo a few times, but every time he got to know her better, or like her more.

Due to the arrival of Beitang Yunfeng, Yan Xiangluo did not chat with Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong for a long time. She just briefly talked about her plans and departure time, then said goodbye and left.

Beitang Yunfeng came here because of the marriage between Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong. There were some things that he should not hear as a friend, so she wisely left space for the three of them.

Jin Xinrong asked her to meet again tomorrow, and Yan Xiangluo agreed.

Yan Xiangluo went directly back to Master Qianhe to ask for some advice on alchemy. Master Qianhe patiently told her everything he knew.

His life was short of many years, and what he was most proud of in his life was his alchemy skills. Although he had several apprentices, the one with the best talent was Yao Disciple, and he taught them all his money.

Now the young disciple Sun's alchemy talent is even higher than that of his own disciple, and he is more willing to pass on his alchemy skills.

Jin Xinrong didn't stay long after Yan Xiangluo left. The two brothers must have had private conversations. Even if she wanted to become Beitang Yunyu's wife, she wouldn't be able to listen to everything.

 After Jin Xinrong left, Beitang Yunfeng was more satisfied with her. She was well-behaved, sensible, measured, had good eyesight, and had good talents. She was very suitable for his younger brother.

The two brothers discussed some matters about marriage. Beitang Yunfeng reassured him that he would handle all the wedding matters.

After discussing the marriage, Beitang Yunfeng asked, "Yuan Xiangluo said that she had made an appointment to leave together. Do you know who left with him?"

 (End of this chapter)

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