The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 245: Won't let you wait

Chapter 245 I won’t let you wait

Beitang Yunyu shook his head, "She didn't say anything and we didn't ask any questions."

Beitang Yunfeng frowned. Yan Xiangluo's master had already left. Who else in Tianqian Continent had reached the level of cultivation that he had left?

 Who is the most important person who can make Yan Xiangluo agree to leave with him?

Beitang Yunfeng only stayed in Xianyun Sect for one night and then went back. Before going back, he wanted to see Yan Xiangluo again, but Yan Xiangluo was there with Master Qianhe.

Master Qianhe never saw visitors from outside, not even the disciples of his sect could see him. Only a few of his direct disciples could see people. Yuan Xiangluo could go to him at any time since he entered the sect, which was considered a special case.

Beitang Yunfeng could only leave with regret.

He knew in his heart that yesterday's meeting might be their last meeting in Tianqian Continent.

 In the next month, besides accompanying Master Qianhe and discussing alchemy with him, Yan Xiangluo spent time with Jin Xinrong and Beitang Yunyu.

 During this period, I also prepared gifts for them and gave them to them the day before leaving.

"I know you don't lack anything. What you need most is the spiritual stones for promotion. I have left all my spiritual stones for you, hoping to help you go to the High and Low Continent as soon as possible." Yan Xiangluo said a little sadly. road.

Although they have known each other for three years, they have not spent much time together. The fate of people is very wonderful. They just like each other very much. Being friends is a great blessing in life.

 In the past, if we didn’t meet, at least we knew that we could meet if we wanted to. Now that we are really separated, we don’t know when we will meet again, how can we not feel sad.

Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong still have a long way to go. If something happens during this period, they may not have a chance to go to the higher continent. So if they say goodbye today, it will be forever.

Not only Yan Xiangluo knows this, but Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong also know it. Otherwise, why would so many talented people never have the chance to leave here in their entire lives?

Jin Xinrong couldn't control her emotions and cried.

Beitang Yunyu was also a little excited. Ruan Xiangluo had helped him a lot. She had saved him and even helped him save his brother. Now he had left so many spiritual stones for cultivation to the couple. Ruan Xiangluo was so kind to them. It seems there is nothing to repay.

Yan Xiangluo didn't like such a sad scene of parting. She waved her hands and said calmly, "I will leave tomorrow morning. Don't come to see me off. I don't like the sadness of parting. If you miss me, just practice hard. Let's get married soon." See you on the mainland.”

Jin Xinrong cried even harder. Beitang Yunyu hugged her and said to Yuan Xiangluo, "We will definitely go to the Higher Continent to find you."

Yu Xiangluo didn't say anything, and went back to cook dinner for Master Qianhe, which was also their farewell feast.

This month she cooked a lot of dishes that Master Qianhe liked to eat, put them in a food box in a space ring, and left them with Master Qianhe after dinner.

 Similarly tell Master Qianhe that she will leave quietly tomorrow morning, don't send her off.

Master Qianhe smiled and nodded, "Okay, Master doesn't like the atmosphere of parting either. Master wishes Xiao Luo'er every success and that the road to becoming a strong person will go higher and higher."

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo responded and went back to her room.

 I didn’t see Master Qianhe’s eyes moisten as soon as she turned around.

He was not so sad when Yao Tu left. Xiao Luo'er brought him happiness that he had never thought of in his life. He had never been married or had any relatives in his life. Xiao Luo'er made him experience the deep love between ancestors and grandchildren for three years.

Early the next morning, Yan Xiangluo packed up and took a look at Master Qianhe's room. She knew that Master Qianhe was standing in the door. She pursed her lower lip, knelt down and knelt down in front of Master Qianhe's door. After finishing his head, he stood up and flew into the air, flying towards the gate of Xianyun Sect.

Master Qianhe finally endured it and did not go out. Let's go, the child still has a long way to go, he can only send blessings.

Yan Xiangluo looked at everything in the Xianyun Sect below. This place gave her a place to stay when she was most helpless, gave her a master who loved her, gave her two friends, and gave her precious memories. , I really have to say goodbye forever.

 Because it was very early, the sect was still very quiet, and no disciples came out, making the two people standing in the square very conspicuous.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly turned red. Didn't she say she wouldn't let them come to deliver her? Why did she come anyway? It made her want to cry.

Yan Xiangluo did not stop and waved to Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong. Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong also waved desperately to her.

Flying through the air until she could no longer be seen, Jin Xinrong cried loudly in Yunyu's arms in Beitang.

Beitang Yunyu patted her back comfortingly, "Let's practice hard and try to see her as soon as possible."

Yanxiang landed in front of the mountain gate. She turned around and looked solemnly at the mountain gate of Xianyun Sect. With sadness, she took out the formation disk and teleported directly to Tiancha Chaogou.

I thought she was the one who arrived early, but as soon as she appeared in front of the chasm, I saw Ji Jiuzhong standing in front of the chasm with his hands behind his back.

Beside him stood Changfeng, Jin Yutang, and Mu Zixian, as well as a group of hidden guards standing neatly not far away.

This is also the first time that Yan Xiangluo has seen all Ji Jiuzhong's hidden guards. There are only thirty of them, but all of them have good cultivation talents.

Yan Xiangluo took a look at their cultivation levels. They were all at the seventh or eighth level. They had not yet reached the cultivation level to leave. They should have come to see Ji Jiuzhong off.

 “Here we come.” Ji Jiuzhong turned back to look at her.

 He felt it as soon as she appeared and felt relaxed.

He didn't know what he was worried about. He knew that Yan Xiangluo wanted to leave more urgently than him and would never break the promise, but he was still worried for no reason.

Now that I see people, my wandering heart has settled down.

“Well, I thought I would arrive first, but I didn’t expect you to arrive earlier than me.” Maybe she was about to leave, but Yan Xiangluo’s mood was a little complicated.

 Let’s say she doesn’t want to give up. There’s no point in saying she doesn’t want to let go. Let’s say she doesn’t care at all. There are still so many people who worry about her. Therefore it can only be described as complex.

"I didn't want you to wait, so I came first." Ji Jiuzhong's tone was gentler than Changfeng and the others had ever heard before.

Although they knew that Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo lived in harmony with each other in the nine family residences, Yan Xiangluo's attitude towards Ji Jiuzhong had not changed much, but their master's attitude towards Yan Xiangluo had changed too much.

This is the first time they have seen such a gentle master.

“Are they here to see you off?” Yan Xiangluo looked at Changfeng and the others and asked.

“Well, after sending me away, they will go to practice and find us as soon as possible.” Ji Jiuzhong also glanced at Changfeng and the others.

 They are all his people, they have sworn to be loyal to him forever, and they are trustworthy partners. Although they cannot leave with him, he has made arrangements.

 (End of this chapter)

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