The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 246: Only then can you give up

 Chapter 246 to give up

Ji Jiuzhong has already made an experience plan for Changfeng, the three of them and the hidden guards. It is so detailed that it will be for each of them. They will be able to find him in up to half a year.

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised by Ji Jiuzhong's arrangement. Not to mention that her own people used it conveniently, he was different from her.

 After going to the higher continent, she at least still has her parents to trust and rely on, as well as her master and sworn brother. Ji Jiuzhong had few people he could trust when he arrived in the higher continent, so he would naturally arrange for Changfeng and the others to go there early.

They all have the blood of nine families, which has been passed down from generation to generation. They don't know how many blood lines they have. But one thing is certain, that is, their cultivation talents are better than those born and raised in Tianqian Continent, especially when they were originally Xu. The one chosen by the best of the family originally wanted to control Ji Jiuzhong, but he didn't expect that he would take him back as one of his own.

 Among them, Yunfeng was born and raised in the Xu family, and his surname is Xu. Mu Zixian and Jin Yutang, like Ji Jiuchong and Yuan Xiangluo, both have fathers from mainland China, so their surname is not Xu. Most of the hidden guards are not named Xu.

 Otherwise it would not be so easy to recover.

Even so, isn’t there still someone like Yu Ge? Yu Ge’s surname is not Xu, but he still doesn’t share the same heart with Ji Jiuchong.

Thinking about it this way, there are actually many women from various families who marry outside. However, there are very few people who have reached the level of Ji Jiuzhong. This also shows that talent is only one aspect. If you want to become a strong person, hard work is more important. .

Yan Xiangluo didn't know how many trump cards Ji Jiuzhong had, but she always felt that he didn't do anything in a hurry, and that he had a feeling that everything was under his control.

Even when he appeared in front of her in the most embarrassing state, she never saw him panic or decadent.

 Therefore, since he said, let them find him, that means he has absolute confidence that Changfeng and they can achieve the strength to leave here.

Yu sighed in her heart, if the nine families had thought about it earlier and turned to nurturing the most talented children in the family, they would definitely have left here earlier, and they would have been trapped here for hundreds or thousands of years.

 “Do you need to say goodbye for a while?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "No, they will protect us. When we break through the clan level and leave, they will go and practice."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and borrowed Ji Jiuzhong's favor again.

Although he has broken through the clan level, he is still worried about being disturbed. With them protecting the law, there is no need to worry.

Even if she doesn’t leave together with him, she still has the Pangu Space to break through and advance without worrying about safety. However, the fact is that she has borrowed his light again.

"Let's get started." Ji Jiuzhong sat cross-legged first. Since everyone had arrived, he didn't want to wait any longer. He had been waiting for this day for several years.

Yanxiang sat down three meters away from him. After the two looked at each other, they started to break through the clan level together.

Changfeng and Mu Zixian stood on either side of Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo respectively. Jin Yutang stood guard in the middle. With a wave of his hand, the hidden guards spread out instantly, forming an arc to protect the two.

At this time, a figure in the woods in the distance was hiding behind the trees and watching them.

Beitang Yunfeng came yesterday. He really couldn't stand this kind of psychological torture. He must know who left with Yu Xiangluo.

 Actually, he had guessed it a long time ago, but he just didn't want to admit it in his heart.

The Tianshun Empire is one of the strongest countries in the entire Tianqian Continent, especially in the hands of Ji Jiuzhong in recent years, it has become much stronger.

Just when he knew that Yan Xiangluo was leaving, the Tianshun Empire also experienced great changes. First, the emperor who had been in a coma for many years died due to poisoning. Everyone thought that Ji Jiuchong would succeed him, but the new emperor was someone no one expected.

At first, everyone thought that Ji Jiuzhong didn't want to be the emperor, so the person who succeeded him would be either the second prince or the third prince.

Because Ji Jiuzhong was not happy with the queen, they all preferred the third prince to succeed, but the new emperor happened to be someone they had forgotten.

The new emperor is an insignificant prince born to a palace maid. He is one year younger than San Huanzi, but he has no status. He just reached the crown this year. Not only is he talented in cultivation, but he is also the best among the princes.

 At least the third prince with the most talent among the princes cannot compare.

Beitang Yunfeng secretly checked and found out that this prince was secretly trained by Ji Jiuzhong. Anyone who could be noticed by Ji Jiuzhong would naturally not be an ordinary person.

In this month, the Tianshun Empire has undergone earth-shaking changes. The day when the new emperor ascended the throne was also the wedding day. The queen was the legitimate daughter of the current general, and her cultivation level was not much lower than that of the emperor.

The emperor and the empress were both very capable. In less than half a month, the new emperor took control of the former dynasty and the empress took control of the harem.

 The late emperor's concubines and concubines who had children were all released from the palace and lived with their children. Those who have no children are all arranged in Anyang Palace. Anyang Palace is located on the mountain outside the city. The surrounding environment is excellent and the palace is so luxuriously decorated that no one can fault it.

The late empress, the mother of the second prince, was no exception. She also went to live in the residence of the second prince who had been crowned king.

At the beginning, she was still clamoring that she was the empress and she would be the empress dowager when any prince ascended the throne. When the new emperor came up with a thick pile of accusations against her, she could only voluntarily give up the title of empress dowager and move to the second prince's residence.

 Because she knew very well that any one of these crimes could not only cost her her life, but could even lead to the annihilation of her mother clan.

Although the new emperor did all this, the people in power in each empire knew that Ji Jiuzhong stood behind the new emperor.

 They once again lamented Ji Jiuzhong's unfathomable methods and strength.

When Beitang Yunfeng got the news, the first thing that came to his mind was that Ji Jiujiu had to leave here. Otherwise, he would not let go of the imperial power of Tianshun Empire, and the person who made an appointment with Yan Xiangluo to leave together should be Ji Jiuzhong.

He feels bad in his heart. He has been compared with Ji Jiuzhong since he was a child. Although he is already excellent, Ji Jiuzhong will always be better than him.

As a man, he is very aware of Yan Xiangluo's attraction to strong men. With Ji Jiuzhong's strength and means, Yan Xiangluo will never escape his grasp.

 There is really no possibility that he and Yan Xiangluo are together.

Even though he was sure in his heart, he still couldn't help but come over and see with his own eyes, so that he could give up his mind.

He arrived last night and waited until now. Ji Jiuzhong arrived early in the morning. In fact, he had already confirmed it, but he didn't know why he didn't leave.

Now that I have witnessed the arrival of Yan Xiangluo and personally confirmed that Yan Xiangluo indeed left with Ji Jiuzhong, my heart still hurts.

He knew that Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation would definitely detect his existence, but he ignored him and told himself clearly that he did not have the capital to fight with him.

 (End of this chapter)

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