The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 247: Vast snowfield

Chapter 247 The vast snowfield

At this moment, Beitang Yunfeng clenched his fists and focused his eyes on Yan Xiangluo. He wanted to remember this moment. Since he can't get her, he will go to higher places desperately. Even if he goes to the higher continent later than them, he will not admit defeat and will never admit that he is not as good as Ji Jiuzhong.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong broke through very quickly. It can be said that Ji Jiuzhong was waiting for Yan Xiangluo to break through, because when Yan Xiangluo broke through, Ji Jiuzhong also started to break through.

 The two of them succeeded in breaking through the clan level almost in tandem.

The moment Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes, Changfeng and the others clearly felt the change in her aura. Those incomparably beautiful pair of apricot eyes seemed to be filled with bright stars. At this time, Yan Xiangluo was so beautiful that she seemed to be out of this world. The nine-day fairy with fireworks.

They didn't dare to take another look at her, as if they would be blaspheming her if they looked at her again.

Fortunately, Ji Jiuzhong also succeeded in breaking through. Changfeng, Jin Yutang, Mu Zixian and all the hidden guards knelt down on one knee and congratulated in unison, "Congratulations, Master, Miss Yu, for successfully breaking through to the clan level."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, feeling that she was just borrowing Ji Jiuzhong's light, and it was Ji Jiuzhong who they sincerely congratulated.

How did she know that Changfeng and the others were sincere in their congratulations to both Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo? Not only did they know that Yan Xiangluo would be their mistress in the future, but also because of their psychological admiration for Yan Xiangluo.

 That is the respect that all monks have for the strong.

Yan Xiangluo never realized that she had already been a strong person in Tianqian Continent. In her opinion, a person who can reach the ninth level of genius is a real strong person.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand to ask them to get up, "We are leaving now. Come as soon as possible."

 “Yes.” Everyone responded in unison.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo, and his voice became much gentler, "Let's go."

Yan Xiangluo nodded. The pressure from heaven was getting heavier and heavier. They couldn't bear it if they didn't leave.

She looked at the misty opposite side with her bright almond eyes. The last time she came here was to see her master off. She didn't expect that she could leave so quickly. She was still very excited.

Ji Jiuzhong's slender hand held hers. Before Yan Xiangluo could say anything, he explained, "It's foggy across the street. I don't know what will happen. It's better for us not to separate when we're new here."

Yan Xiangluo was right. The two of them could take care of each other together, which was better than being alone.

Judging from the fact that all nine families were demoted to such a situation and still looked aloof, she had no expectations of how gentle the higher-level mainlanders would be towards them.

 Therefore, he did not break away from Ji Jiuzhong's hand, but shook his hand again.

Ji Jiuzhong's expression did not change, but his heart blossomed with joy. This was the first time Yan Xiangluo responded to him. Although it was different from the response he expected, it was still a big improvement. At least she trusted him.

Beitang Yunfeng, who had been standing in the woods watching them, saw their hands holding each other, and thought they had expressed their feelings to each other. Yan Xiangluo had accepted Ji Jiuzhong, and this moment was considered the real giving up.

Yan Xiangluo had no idea that Ji Jiuzhong started to pinch her peach blossoms at this moment, and he pinched her right at the right time. It seemed that he did nothing, but his method was extremely cruel. He attacked the human heart and broke it in an instant. .

It's not that Ruan Xiangluo couldn't notice the presence of Yunfeng in Beitang, she just didn't pay attention to it. In fact, there were many people hiding not far away, all of them were strong men. She didn't have the thought to care about who they were, so she didn't use her spiritual consciousness. When I went to check, I naturally didn’t know that Beitang Yunfeng was coming.

At this time, Changfeng and the others lined up and sent them off respectfully with their eyes.

The two held hands and rose into the air, flying towards the opposite side. The suppression of the laws of heaven on their bodies became weaker and weaker.

And they left behind two figures, one red and one white, for the people behind them, and also left behind their legend in Tianqian Continent. Many people heard that Ji Jiuzhong's divorce from Yan Xiangluo was a fake and was done to protect the source of her growth. They didn't believe it at first, but now they have seen it with their own eyes and they left hand in hand, they all believe it.

 Therefore, after they left, various rumors about them spread across the Tianqian Continent, and without exception, they were all beautified into a couple of gods who were deeply in love and never left each other.

Even Jin Xinrong and Beitang Yunyu were surprised. They had never heard Yan Xiangluo say this before. Many people came to them for confirmation. They could only deal with it by not discussing the private affairs of powerful people.

All this is a story later. After Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong disappeared into the thick fog on the opposite side, Changfeng and the others left immediately. Although Ji Jiuzhong gave them half a year, after witnessing their departure, Changfeng They also wanted to chase him as soon as possible.

What surprised Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong was that when they passed through the thick fog, they found a sheet of white snow on the opposite side. They could not see the end at a glance. There was also thick snow under their feet. A chill that penetrated into the bone marrow hit them. Instinctively mobilize spiritual energy to keep out the cold.

Tianqian Continent is almost a place where the four seasons are not much different. It should be said that there is one missing winter.

 But behind the thick fog is actually a vast snowfield. Looking at the two people wearing midsummer clothes, a feeling that is seriously inconsistent with the scenery arises spontaneously.

 The two looked at each other and smiled.

Ji Jiuzhong let go of Yan Xiangluo's hand and said, "I made what I thought was a very comprehensive preparation, but I really didn't expect to face such a situation."

Yan Xiangluo teased, "There are also things you can't think of. It's really rare."

Ji Jiuzhong wants to say that there is nothing he can't think of. He didn't think of it when she took the initiative to break off the engagement, but he couldn't talk about it.

“Although the climate is not very good, the spiritual energy is indeed much richer than that of Tianqian Continent.” Ji Jiuzhong changed the subject.

Both of them are at the sect level. Although they can use spiritual energy to resist the cold, the amount of spiritual energy consumed is not normal. After all, they cannot stop for a moment.

Yan Xiangluo agreed, "That's true, but where are we going now?"

Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual consciousness has already checked it out, but it didn't reach the end.

How big is this snowfield?

"Get some clothes on first. You can't keep using your spiritual energy to resist the cold." Ji Jiuzhong said.

 “I don’t have thick clothes.” Yan Xiangluo said helplessly.

 “Me neither.” Ji Jiuzhong sighed, he was actually stumped sometimes.

Although Yan Xiangluo has Pangu Space, Ji Jiuzhong cannot enter it. Besides, she cannot always stay in the space.

The snowfield does not exist for no reason. The person who ascends has the space to carry it with him. Therefore, the existence of the snowfield definitely has a purpose.

"Let's take a walk first. We can't just stand here and do nothing." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and just as the two were about to move forward, a man wearing a fur made of snow-white animal skin appeared in front of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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