The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 248: ill-intentioned

Chapter 248: Bad intentions

 The two of them looked at the incoming person, and both cheered up and became alert.

“Are you coming from a lower continent?” the man looked at them and asked.

They are all well-dressed and look like they belong to a wealthy family. They seem to be able to get a lot of benefits.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, and Ji Jiuzhong said, "We have just ascended from a lower continent. Are you?"

The man sneered after hearing Ji Jiuzhong's words, "Ascension? What are you dreaming about, that going from a lower continent to a higher continent is considered ascension? You really have never seen the world."

The two people who were ridiculed for not having seen the world were stunned. Listening to this person's words, they came from a low-level continent to a high-level continent, which is not considered an ascension at all?

Before the two of them could say anything, the man said again, "Do you still want to say that when you awakened your spiritual roots, you condensed the Nascent Soul?"

Although Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong did not answer his words, they thought in their hearts, isn't it like this?

Both of them are extremely smart people. Suddenly something occurred to them and they both quickly checked the Nascent Soul in their Dantian.

Yan Xiangluo found that her Nascent Soul was wrapped in a golden eggshell, as if she had not yet been born.

How is this going?

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong. Apparently Ji Jiuzhong was also surprised.

Ji Jiuzhong gave him a comforting look, and then said to the man opposite, "We don't understand anything when we first come here, so we hope our seniors can teach us."

Yan Xiangluo was surprised at Ji Jiuzhong's ability to bend and stretch.

 The man opposite expressed satisfaction with his humility. He stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers. The meaning was obvious. This was an obvious benefit.

Neither of them looked very good. Since the man was here, that was what he was doing. He was to guide newcomers to understand this place and what to do next, but he took advantage of his position to gain benefits.

 But they also know that this kind of thing can happen anywhere. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. As long as he can provide valuable information, it is okay to give him some benefits.

Ji Jiuzhong gave her a wink, telling her to tell him something. He pretended to be rummaging through the storage ring, and he was indeed looking for something suitable for him.

When Yan Xiangluo received Ji Jiuzhong's signal, a dark light flashed in her eyes. She almost forgot that she had another skill that she hadn't used for a long time. If she hadn't suddenly wanted to know what the man opposite was thinking, she would not have thought about it. Get up.

This ability is mind-reading. She hasn't used it for a long time. She doesn't want to rely on this ability to survive, but sometimes this ability can still be used.

She doesn't care about giving the other party some good things, but she wants to know if the other party will plot against them. They don't understand anything when they first come here, and they don't know if they are being plotted against.

Although the opponent's strength is higher than hers, as long as it is not much higher, she can hear what he is thinking with her powerful spiritual power.

While Ji Jiuzhong was rummaging for things, Yan Xiangluo used her mind-reading skills, and sure enough, she heard the man's voice.

"At first glance, these two people are rich masters. They first plunder their good things and then send them to their masters. The appearance of these two people is so outstanding that even the most beautiful man in the mainland cannot compare with them. Bi, the master will definitely reward himself well this time."

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. This person actually had evil intentions and wanted to steal their treasures and then sell them. How dare he be so bold?

Isn't he the one responsible for guiding the newcomers here? How can he be so blatantly scheming and no one cares?

 Or is it just the law of the jungle that prevails here? Yan Xiangluo was a little worried about her parents and master who had come here a long time ago.

Just when she had this doubt in her mind, the man opposite him thought to himself again, "This job is really painful. The lower-class mainlanders are weak. There are so few people who can reach the clan level. I am suffering here in the cold weather." , meeting these two people is not in vain.”

Yan Xiangluo took the opportunity to ask, "Senior, are there many people coming from the lower continent? How many have you received?"

The man glanced at him and cursed in his heart: This little girl is young and beautiful. When she comes to the master's place, she might be left to enjoy it for herself. A person who becomes a master can't afford to offend him, so he should leave some room for now. Bar.

He said with a smile, "Not many people came. During my time on duty, I only received two of you."

But I said in my heart: I am lucky. Many people were on duty here and could not pick up anyone.

Yan Xiangluo listened to his inner thoughts and secretly prayed that it was a good thing he wasn't here all the time. She hoped that her parents and master would not encounter someone like him.

However, neither my parents nor my master are easy to deceive.

Now Yan Xiangluo is thinking about how to get the truth out of him.

“Senior, what’s the ascension you mentioned before?” Yan Xiangluo asked in a tone that said I was very curious.

Seeing that Ji Jiuzhong was still searching, the man said, "The lower continent and the higher continent are actually one, but they are separated by the way of heaven. A higher continent has many lower continents. Therefore, you start from the lower continent." Coming to a higher continent is not considered ascension at all, but longevity is much more real. This has something to do with your cultivation and has nothing to do with the mainland."

So that's it. Yan Xiangluo looked at the vast snowfield and asked, "Do we need to get out of this snowfield? It feels so big. How can we get out?"

The man rolled his eyes and said, "Only when you get out of here can you truly reach the higher continent. I am here to tell you the way out. There is only one way."

But he said in his heart: As long as you follow the path I told you, you will definitely reach my master. I will not tell you that this is your first opportunity to come to the higher continent. If you miss it, you will never get it again.

Yan Xiangluo felt that this skill of hers was really useful. Knowing this, it didn't matter whether others knew it or not. As long as they walked out of the snowfield, they would naturally have a way to know about the higher continent.

 She immediately sent a message to Ji Jiuzhong, "Don't give him anything, he wants to plot against us."

Ji Jiuzhong knew what Yan Xiangluo had discovered when she started talking.

His sense of men was not good at first, and his intuition was always very accurate. Now that Yan Xiangluo said the same thing, he naturally wanted to side with Yan Xiangluo.

Originally, I thought it was okay to give him something, but now I know that he wants to plot against them and take advantage of them. How can there be such a good thing?

He stopped rummaging in pain and said, "Luo'er, our spiritual stones and treasures with spiritual energy have all been upgraded and used. I really can't find anything to use. They are all our daily necessities. What should I do? ?”

 (End of this chapter)

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