The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 249: tacit understanding

Chapter 249: Tacit Cooperation

Yan Xiangluo almost got goosebumps when he screamed. Thinking that he was cooperating with her acting, she immediately looked annoyed and said, "What should we do? How can senior show us the way without good things?"

The man opposite was stunned when he saw the two people's flawless tacit performance. He had made a mistake. The two of them were so well-dressed that they looked like children from a wealthy family, but they were so poor that they didn't even have any smart treasures?

He really couldn’t believe it.

“Spars are also fine.” The man retreated and asked for the next best thing. After finally meeting two people, he couldn’t get anything even if he didn’t want to.

Yan Xiangluo immediately looked at Ji Jiuzhong with expectant eyes.

“There are no more crystal stones.” Ji Jiuzhong said embarrassedly.

Before the man could get angry, Yan Xiangluo jumped up and said, "Did you leave all the things to your family? Those things belong to both of us. How can you be so selfish?"

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly felt guilty and said, "I didn't give it to them, I really used it all."

 But everyone could tell from his expression that he was lying.

Yan Xiangluo immediately burst into tears, scolded Ji Jiuzhong, and finally said angrily, "Huh, don't blame me for being ruthless. Let's go our separate ways."

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked forward. He was so angry that he didn't look in the direction at all. Ji Jiuzhong hurriedly caught up, "Luo'er, we haven't asked senior how to go. What should we do if we go in the wrong direction?"

"You don't have anything and you expect someone to tell you the right direction. I'm not that shameless." Yan Xiangluo kept walking and continued walking forward.

Ji Jiuzhong was chasing and coaxing people behind.

The man was stunned. What's going on? what happened? How did things become like this? Have you become a decoration?

They don’t want to break the pot and walk around, right?

  No, even if you can't get any benefits, you can't let these two people find opportunities accidentally. You must let them go to the master.

The man came back to his senses and hurriedly caught up with the two of them, "I saw that you are a pair of little enemies. You have already arrived in the high continent. What a rare thing. Why are you angry? I won't take the hard work. Just follow this If you go in the right direction, you can get out in about two or three days.”

The man was afraid that they would wander around and miss his master's location, so he quickly showed them the way.

Yan Xiangluo was still angry, but Ji Jiuzhong thanked him with a wink, "Senior, you are such a good person, thank you so much."

The man waved his hand and said, "No need to thank me, you can leave quickly."

Ji Jiuzhong pulled the awkward Yan Xiangluo towards the path pointed by the man.

Yan Xiangluo took out a piece of bacon wrapped in oil paper and threw it to the man, "Senior, if there is no good stuff, please try our delicious food."

The man caught the oil paper bag thrown by Yan Xiangluo, padded it with his hand, and smelled it. It smelled really good. It was indeed delicious.

He felt relieved after watching the two of them walking in the direction he was pointing, and quickly sent a message to his master, "Master, I have two high-quality goods that will arrive within three days."

After sending the message, the man thought happily that his master would definitely reward him with many good things this time. He opened the oil paper bag and ate the delicious bacon inside.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo walked out for a long time until they lost sight of the person. Yan Xiangluo quickly pulled Ji Jiuzhong and changed the route.

“That man has evil intentions and wants to lead us to where his master is.” Yan Xiangluo explained. From the moment Ji Jiuzhong cooperated with her in acting, Yan Xiangluo knew that he also suspected that the man had bad intentions.

Ji Jiuzhong asked doubtfully, "How do you know?"

Ruan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, she said truthfully, "I can read minds. It's the ability I gained after coming out of the royal training ground of Tianshun Empire three years ago. But I can hear not everyone's voice, but the level of cultivation I can only hear his voice if he is lower than me. People who are higher than me cannot be too much higher. There are some people who I cannot hear, such as you. Don’t ask me how I have this ability. I can’t either. I don’t know the reason. Anyway, after falling off the cliff, I found that I could hear the voices of the people next to me.”

This matter can only be explained by telling it truthfully, and since they will be together for a long time, this skill may be used again, and it is not convenient to hide it from him.

Ji Jiuzhong did not disbelieve her after hearing her words. He felt in his heart that this girl's luck seemed to have improved since she came out of the royal training ground of the Tianshun Empire.

"Your luck seems to have improved since then." Ji Jiuzhong was a little envious of her.

He can hear what other people are saying. Who doesn't want this ability? If you have this ability, you can't be deceived by others. Although he doesn't have this ability, no one can deceive him, but having this ability will save your brain. .

 “It’s not bad.” Yan Xiangluo shrugged.

She also felt that her luck had gotten better since the soul returned. Perhaps it was because she had endured the pain of separated souls since she was born. She had gone through so many hardships at such a young age that even Heaven could not stand it anymore.

"You said you can't hear my voice, is it because my cultivation level was much higher than yours before? Try again now."

Ji Jiuzhong was a little surprised. There was something special about him, but Yan Xiangluo couldn't hear his thoughts.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "When I used mind reading just now, I only heard that person's voice, not your inner voice."

She was also curious as to why she couldn't hear Ji Jiuzhong's voice. Before, she thought that Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level was much higher than hers. Now that they were at the same level of cultivation, she still couldn't hear Ji Jiuzhong's voice.

Ji Jiuzhong frowned, "Does such a person still exist?"

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "You don't think that I would try to hear anyone I see, right?"

Ji Jiuzhong touched his nose in embarrassment. It was true. No power is inexhaustible. Skills like mind reading obviously use the power of spiritual consciousness, which is even more precious.

"If I hadn't needed it today, I would have forgotten that I have this ability. I haven't used it for a long time." Yan Xiangluo was speechless.

Ji Jiuzhong said funnyly, "You are really a very special person. If others have this ability and want to use it every day, you'd better forget about it."

“I believe more in absolute strength.” Yan Xiangluo said decisively.

This is what she is saying, and she is not saying that the ability to read minds is bad or useless. In situations like today, it was used and it helped.

She just feels that skills like mind-reading can only be an auxiliary. What really helps her solve problems is her actual cultivation strength. Think about whether mind-reading is useful when you are fighting with others.

Ji Jiu nodded, "I think so too."

After finishing speaking, he looked towards the vast snowfield, "What other useful news have you heard?"

 (End of this chapter)

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