The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 250: Still beautiful

Chapter 250 Still Beautiful

"The only useful news is that there are opportunities for newcomers like us in this snowfield. As for whether we can get them all, I don't know. That person just doesn't want us to get the opportunities here, and wants us to follow what he points out. Let's go to his master." Yu Xiangluo thought of what the man was thinking.

"No wonder everyone wants to come here. There is an opportunity waiting for them as soon as they arrive. Such a good thing does not happen in Tianqian Continent." Ji Jiuzhong said lightly.

As for why the man let them go to his master, you don’t need to think about it. There must be some way to control them and enslave them to do whatever they want.

 They who are new here cannot do anything blindly. They should first improve their strength and understand everything about the higher continent.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the direction the man asked them to go, "Do you think his master lives in the snowy field or outside the snowy field?"

"He said it's two or three days' journey. Do you think we can get out of this snowfield in two or three days?" Ji Jiuzhong reminded her.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "We are new here, so we should take care of ourselves first!"

“Is it possible that you still want to do harm to the people as soon as you come here?” Ji Jiuzhong teased her.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "Aren't you afraid that your people will be deceived by him later? They don't have the ability like me."

Ji Jiuzhong was choked by her words, and then looked at her speechlessly, "Are my people that stupid?"

This time it was Yan Xiangluo's turn to be speechless and rolled her eyes at him again, "Just make sure there is no one stupid."

Seeing that she was a little unhappy, Ji Jiuzhong ignored the question of whether the person discussing him was stupid, and echoed her previous words, "You are right. When we first arrive, we should take care of ourselves first and do things to eliminate harm for the people when we have the opportunity." Very good.”

Yan Xiangluo just wanted to argue with him to relieve her emotions. Seeing that he didn't argue with her, she was too embarrassed to argue with him anymore, so she said, "Accumulate merit and get more blessings."

This sentence was often said by my grandmother who practiced Buddhism in another life, but now she uses it here.

The two of them walked aimlessly. Ji Jiuzhong said, "Although we don't have cotton-padded clothes, we can wear more layers of single clothes."

Yan Xiangluo thought about it, found a few cotton underwear, took off the coat, and put it on layer by layer. After all, cotton is warmer than gauze clothing. After wearing seven or eight layers, I couldn't put it on any longer, so I put on my coat, and continued to put it on layer by layer. I didn't stop until I couldn't put it on anymore.

The same goes for Ji Jiuzhong. The two of them wore so many layers of clothes, but their figures still looked good. It’s just that there’s really nothing I can do about the shoes, and they can’t be worn in pairs.

  When the spiritual power was removed, I shivered immediately. Although it was not as cold as before, it was still freezing all at once, and I still needed to use my spiritual power to protect my feet.

But this saves a lot of spiritual energy, and fortunately it can last a little longer.

“Ten layers of sheets are not as good as one layer of cotton.” Yan Xiangluo muttered, and glanced at the falling snowflakes in the sky.

“It makes sense.” Ji Jiuzhong agreed.

Yan Xiangluo took out a piece of red silk as a scarf and wrapped her head tightly, leaving only a pair of **** eyes. Now her whole body was red.

  Looking at Ji Jiuzhong, he took out a piece of red silk and handed it to him, "Don't dislike it. It's both warm and conspicuous. Otherwise, with your clothes, I wouldn't be able to find you if we were separated."

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the snow-white brocade robe with dark silver patterns on his body. At this time, he was competing with Xue You. Standing in the wind and snow, he almost merged with the snow field.

"Who said I despise what you gave me?" Ji Jiuzhong took the red silk that Yan Xiangluo gave him, followed her example and wrapped his head tightly, leaving only a pair of burning phoenix eyes to look at The fragrance falls.

 The red scarf made a person who was originally cold feel warm all of a sudden.

Yan Xiangluo’s apricot eyes curled up, “He is indeed the most handsome man in Tianqian Continent. Even in this condition, he is still very beautiful.”

Ji Jiuzhong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Thank you for the compliment, Miss Yu."

If someone had complimented him on his beauty, he would have died a long time ago. You see, he is still very doting on his beloved little girl.

Yan Xiangluo laughed out loud, and the crisp sound echoed in the wind and snow, making Ji Jiuzhong's mood soar. Why did he feel that he was not so cold anymore.

 After the two of them are done, they continue to move forward.

"You also heard that person say that the lower continent and the higher continent are one. A higher continent has many lower continents. So how many such existences are there in the three thousand small worlds?" Yan Xiangluo thought about that. The words of human beings said with emotion.

“No matter how many there are, they will eventually lead to the ninth heaven.” Ji Jiuzhong hit the point in one sentence.

Because of Ji Jiuzhong's words, Yan Xiangluo's desire that had been buried in her heart came out. Her goal was to step on the land of Jiuchong and see the evergreen trees that bloom once every thousand years as long as the heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, she remembered the dream she had when she got the divine bead in the secret realm of Lingquan. She had to confirm whether Jiuchongtian was what she had in her dream.

Thinking of the divine beads, she felt depressed again. She had been refining the divine beads smoothly before, but then she couldn't refine them for some reason, so she stopped. She still doesn't know the reason.

Her cultivation is different from that of normal people. Until now, her lotus platform has not really been revealed. Now the Nascent Soul is wrapped like an egg, and the lotus platform cannot even be seen. She doesn’t know when the lotus platform will be revealed. Really show up.

 Her beautiful star-like eyes erupted with blazing light. No matter how difficult it was, she would not back down.

Yan Xiangluo looked up at the vast sky. She could see nothing but wind and snow. She said in a yearning voice, "I wonder where the road to the Nine Heavens is?"

Ji Jiuzhong was very happy after hearing her words. Look, the little girl he likes has the same goal as him, and there is deep yearning in his tone, "I will always know."

Yan Xiangluo retracted her gaze and put aside those unrealistic thoughts. They still had a long way to go if they wanted to go to Jiuchongtian.

“Let’s look at the present first and think about how to find the opportunities here.”

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand to block the drifting snow, "My spiritual sense can't detect anything. It's useless to stop where I am. It will only make it colder. Let's look for it while walking."

It was the first time that Yan Xiangluo and his wife experienced snowy weather. Although they were curious, they were more worried. There was heavy snow everywhere and there was no place for them to rest. If they could not find their own opportunity to leave here as soon as possible, , I can’t stand the cold alone.

“Have you felt that the snow is getting heavier and heavier?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong reached out to catch a snowflake, looked at it and said, "Indeed, the snowflakes have become bigger."

 (End of this chapter)

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