The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 260: Danger is coming

Chapter 260 Danger is coming

Although she didn’t know the reason, it was a rare opportunity to review her life in such an unmissable way, so she still looked at it very seriously. Not for anything else, just to see if I have any regrets about my past self.

 The image ends when she flies into the chasm.

Yan Xiangluo discovered that in another life, apart from being in poor health and not being able to do many of the things she wanted to do, she really had no other regrets.

 However, I actually have quite a lot of regrets in this life.

When I was a child, I had two regrets. The first one was that my talent was not good. I actually felt very inferior. After all, my parents were both geniuses. Parents are the first idols in a child’s life. But when I was a child, She felt that her talent was not good and she would never be able to catch up with her parents' achievements, let alone surpass them.

Even though her parents told her that she had great talent, but the opportunity hadn't come yet, she was still young and didn't quite believe what her parents said. She only saw that she had not been promoted for ten years, and she thought in her heart that she was not qualified. Really useless material.

 The second regret is the disapproval of her grandparents. In fact, she was really looking forward to having many relatives. At that time, she didn’t know that her grandparents’ home was not hers.

 When she grew older, she regretted that her parents were not closely related. Otherwise, why would she have to be separated from her parents at the age of ten? Children from other families would still act like a spoiled child in front of their parents, but she had to make a living on her own.

When she went to the royal training place of the Tianshun Empire, she actually knew in her heart that it was the Yu family who wanted her life, and she was determined to die in retribution.

She had never wanted to go to Qingyun Sect in the first place. Her plan was to go to Xianyun Sect, but she was delayed because she had not made a breakthrough in cultivation. I didn’t expect that her family would be so cruel and secretly signed her up. If she didn’t sign up, she would be dead. You can imagine how broken she felt at that time.

  No matter how many life-saving things her parents left for her, they would never be able to use them all.

The moment she fell off the cliff, she thought she was certain to die, but she didn't expect that her soul from another life would just return.

Although she later realized after reading the letter left by her father that all this was planned by her mother, she did not know it before. The helplessness and despair before her death once again unfolded before her eyes.

Yanxiang's tears fell. At this time, she was already standing on the top of the mountain. She could see a large town below. The road down the mountain was still winding stone steps, but she was not in the mood at this time. Go down the mountain.

With no one around, Yan Xiangluo allowed herself to cry loudly, venting out all the hardships and grievances she had experienced after her parents left and after her soul returned.

She squatted on the ground, hugging her knees and sobbing.

When Ji Jiuzhong walked out of the desert, he saw the girl in the red dress squatting and hugging her knees, crying bitterly.

 His whole body was filled with despair and helplessness, and his heart sank suddenly. Seeing her like this, she was not surprised or puzzled at all. After all, he had just experienced it once. It's just that I'm used to seeing her calm and composed, so it hurts to see her collapse like this.

But he knew why she was crying, because when he went up the mountain, he also saw his life since he had memories. Although he didn't cry, he felt uncomfortable. His experience was not much better than hers, but he was a man. When a man sheds tears, he just doesn't shed them easily.

But Yan Xiangluo is a girl, so it is not easy to persist until now. The psychological pressure she endures is not something that ordinary people can bear.

 It will do her good to cry.

 Therefore, although Ji Jiuzhong wanted to comfort her, he still stood quietly not far from her and did not go over to disturb her.

Feng Miao looked at the town below, thinking about what they should do if they went down.

He knew that he and Yan Xiangluo were not in the same place when they came out of the snowfield. The snowfield was the initial place of experience for people like them from the lower continent.      It is an opportunity to improve your cultivation and state of mind.

 The places they come out are different, which may be related to your life experience and different moods. He appeared in the desert because his heart itself was desolate, and the only piece of green was the fragrance.

 So when he came out of the desert, he was not as excited as Yan Xiangluo. On the contrary, it was because he had seen his own experience and understood his own heart better, so after he came out, he felt very relaxed.

He can understand that Yan Xiangluo is so excited. After all, her experiences are different. She is still a girl and has higher needs for affection.

 It was because his parents were both dead and the royal family had no true feelings to speak of, so when he was six years old, he knew that he was not related.

Yan Xiangluo was different from him. She had not known before that the Yan family were not her blood relatives. In addition, she knew very well that her parents were still alive but could not meet because of some irresistible reasons. Various emotions of worry and longing accompanied her. Growing up, now I once again see my own experience as a bystander, and I naturally feel deeply.

 It will be of great benefit to her to vent her anger by crying now.

 It doesn’t matter where she appears.

 The two of them stood on the top of the mountain today to say goodbye to their past lives, and going down to the bottom of the mountain was the beginning of their new lives.

Yan Xiangluo cried heartily, her body and mind feeling relaxed as never before.

 In fact, she noticed Ji Jiuzhong when he first appeared, but she did not suppress her emotions because of it.

She knew very well that if she didn't vent her emotions now, she might not have a chance to vent them in the future.

This is also a kind of experience, a mental experience that helps them reach a higher realm. This kind of experience can only be effective when they come from a lower continent to a higher continent. No matter how much I experience in the higher continent in the future, I will never have such feelings again.

 Therefore, she allowed herself to show her true emotions in front of him for once.

Even so, she was still a little embarrassed and didn't look at Ji Jiuzhong when she stood up.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her red eyes and felt distressed, but he felt that she was even cuter like this, and his heart was beating faster and faster.

"There is a town down there. Our experience in coming to the higher continent should be over." Ji Jiuzhong said naturally, as if he didn't see the pain she looked just now.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo looked at the town below and felt a little more at ease, "I'm afraid there is a reason why this town was built here. We still have to be more cautious."

Ji Jiuzhong agreed, "There should be only one way out here. The way that man showed us should be directly here, which means that we will miss the experience of the snowfield, but now it also means that his master It should be here."

 It means that the real danger is coming.

 (End of this chapter)

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