The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 261: like picking goods

Chapter 261 Like picking up goods

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I think there should be more than one or two people like his master in the town below, otherwise there wouldn't be such a large town here."

Ji Jiu was reborn in the royal family and was used to seeing all kinds of people. He had seen too much about people's greed, anger, obsession, and resentment, as well as various mentalities. In order to achieve his goals, he would do whatever it took, and he could use any tricks. There was no moral bottom line at all.

 So, when he saw the town at the foot of the mountain, he had already thought of this.

"Be prepared, we may have a fierce battle when we go down to the foot of the mountain." Ji Jiuzhong said.

 “Fight?” Yan Xiangluo looked at him.

"That person can receive people from the lower continent to the higher continent there. Obviously the master behind him has extraordinary strength and power. No matter which road we take, we will come out from here. In this case, he wants us to miss it The experience and opportunity in the snowfield should not make our cultivation level too high."

"In other words, it is still easy for them to manipulate our junior sect-level cultivation strength. When we first came here, although our cultivation was at the sect-level, it was not the first-level sect-level cultivation. Any one of their local People with first-level cultivation in the mainland can beat us. However, we can come from a low-level continent to a high-level continent, and our talents are not generally good. They should know this very well. After training in the snow field, we will definitely improve. Improvement, I don't know how much the ordinary people's cultivation level has improved, but with our level of cultivation, if they can't be persuaded verbally, they will definitely take action. If we don't want to be controlled by others, we must rely on our strength. Fight out."

Although Ji Jiuzhong didn't know what those people wanted them to do, one thing was certain, it would definitely not be a good thing. If it was a good thing, they wouldn't lie to them in this way.

Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I feel like I have endless energy all over my body. It would be great if there was a hearty battle."

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the eager people and smiled, "This can be regarded as our first real joint fight."

 “It’s a pleasure to cooperate.” Yan Xiangluo said cheerfully.

Ji Jiu nodded, "Yes, it's a pleasure to cooperate."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the road down the mountain, her almond-shaped eyes full of excitement, "Let's go, let's go and see how strong the people in the higher continent are."

Ji Jiuzhong walked down first, "I go first."

Yan Xiangluo didn't fight with him. The road down the mountain could only accommodate one person, and the distance between them was not far. Besides, there was no guarantee that they would immediately enter a fighting state when they went down, so they had to adapt accordingly.

The two of them walked down the mountain along the steps one after another. The entire mountain should be restricted. They didn't encounter anything on the way down the mountain, but they couldn't fly in the air. Even if they could walk, it took them less than a moment. It's time to reach the bottom of the mountain.

As soon as I left the steps, the steps behind me disappeared. I guess a special method is needed to enter the mountain, otherwise so many people wouldn't be waiting outside, and there would only be one person inside to receive people.

The foot of the mountain is still some distance away from the town. From a distance, the town is very lively, with people coming and going, and it is very prosperous.

 But just after the steps on the mountain disappeared behind the two of them, figures appeared opposite them.

 Men, women, old and young, although they are different in age and wear different clothes, they all have the same gaze.

The unabashed gazes like picking goods floated back and forth on the two of them. From their increasingly brighter gazes, the two of them could tell that the people opposite were very satisfied with them. The two of them are outstanding in terms of appearance, figure and talent. There is almost no fault to be found, so how could they be dissatisfied.

"Oh, this is the first time I've seen such a young person come from a lower continent. With this appearance, this figure, and this talent, if you don't choose our Ximen family, your talent will definitely be wasted." A man in his thirties The woman dressed up in a voluptuous look looked at Yuan Xiangluo and said.

Before Yan Xiangluo could say anything, another man said, "Do you want to show some respect? Aren't the men and women from two months ago taken away by your Ximen family? These two have no share of yours." "

The woman was not angry, and still said with a smile, "I only want this little girl, and you can each rely on your abilities for the other one."

Yuan Xiangluo was speechless. Did she look down on them nakedly? Do they both look so easy to bully?

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo's hand and prepared to bypass the crowd and walk into the town. At the same time, he told Yan Xiangluo through a voice transmission, "Be prepared to fight, don't be reluctant to fight, leave as soon as you can, and don't stay in the town. As soon as we separate, I will go find you and you protect yourself."

Yan Xiangluo noticed something in the hand he held hers.

Ji Jiuzhong put the thing in his hand and held her hand, "This is the sound transmission stone, please keep it."

Yan Xiangluo was surprised that Ji Jiuzhong actually gave her such a precious thing.

You have to know how luxurious it is to have a sound transmission stone in the lower continents. He has already been envied and jealous of having a recording stone.

However, this was not the time to shirk. Yan Xiangluo put away the sound transmission stone with a thought.

 At the same time, those people also saw their movements to leave, forming a thick human wall to block them in front.

"You are new here. You don't know how difficult it is to survive and practice in our higher continent. The best way is to attach yourself to one of the families. Only with the protection can you survive well and practice." A thin and dry old man stared at them. Said, his eyes mainly focused on Ji Jiuzhong.

Others are also talking about the benefits of joining their family, telling them how difficult it is to be alone in the higher continent, as if their higher continent is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

But looking at them, it does feel like they are in a dragon's den.

"Sorry, we have no intention of attaching ourselves to any family." Ji Jiuzhong refused coldly.

"Listen to others and eat your fill. You haven't experienced the cruel training environment in the higher mainland, let alone the dangerous human heart. If you regret it in the future, it will be too late. To join our family, you only need to do some things for the family. The family will give you enough training resources and blessings, so you have the best of both worlds, so why do you have any hesitation?" The woman from just now said again, looking as domineering as the strongest in our family.

 From what other people said, there were people who came to the Higher Continent two months ago and were brought back by this woman. The family behind her was named Ximen.

 (End of this chapter)

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