The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 262: A big fight

Chapter 262 A great battle

 It seems that the Ximen family has a relatively high social status here.

Yan Xiangluo wrote down this surname. She really didn't like this surname. When she heard this surname, it reminded her of a historical figure in another life. It was really annoying.

“We prefer freedom.” Yan Xiangluo said.

She didn’t know how her parents and master got through this when they first came here, but she was certain that her parents and master would never succumb to any family.

 My parents have been baptized by various methods of the Long family, and they don’t have a good impression of the family. This is true for my own family, let alone other people’s families.

 My master is an orphan and has been free since he was a child.

 So they will never surrender to any family for any reason.

 But she did not rule out the possibility that they were taken away by force due to their lack of strength.

However, based on his understanding of his father, mother and master, even if they are not strong enough, they have many methods. Not to mention his father's cunning temper, even his master's poisonous skills are not something these people can withstand. .

 The title of Poison King is not a decoration.

 And she was not worried at all that she would not be able to leave this town. After all, she was also a little drug king.

Ji Jiuzhong is even less worried. Not only can he survive well at the age of six, but he can also control the imperial power of the Tianshun Empire in his hands, and he can also play clearly with a family like the Xu family among the nine families. How could he be defeated by this group of people?

"We have no intention of any family, please get out of the way." As soon as Yan Xiangluo finished speaking, Ji Jiuzhong spoke, his voice as cold as ice.

 The words of the two people made the chattering people on the opposite side instantly quiet down. They looked at the two people to make sure that they were serious about their rejection, and looked at each other.

"Since they don't have to drink wine as a penalty, we don't have to be polite." The thin and dry old man said in a gloomy tone.

The woman from Ximen’s family laughed and said, “It’s a good feeling, let’s each do our best!”

They all look like you don't listen to advice, so I'll give you some advice and then you'll behave and don't take them seriously at all.

 After hearing what the two said, the people on the opposite side opened their distance and surrounded the two in a semi-surrounding state.

 Obviously, people from one family are all together. There are about a dozen families in front of us.

Behind is a mountain that cannot be returned, and in front is surrounded by people. Yan Xiangluo admires Ji Jiuzhong's foresight in his heart. This person's brain is not very good. Just based on their experience, he can infer that there will be a fierce battle after going down the mountain.

"The talents of these two people are not very good. One is at the third level of the clan, and the other is at the fourth level. Don't be merciful. Call them out quickly." A very young man who has never spoken has been the man said.

Both Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at the man. It could be seen that their cultivation level meant that the man's cultivation level was higher than theirs. However, when he opened his mouth to ask for help, he should be not much higher than them, at most one. class.

As soon as the man finished speaking, many people sent out signals. After all, there were only two of them, and they had so many families, so they couldn't get enough points. They had to rely on their ability to rob. If their strong men didn't show up, they couldn't rob so many people. .

 Following the signal, figures appeared behind them one after another.

Yan Xiangluo just felt it and knew that the cultivation level of these later people was indeed higher than them.

"It looks like we can indeed have a good fight." Yan Xiangluo has bright eyes. Every time she is promoted, she likes to find stronger opponents to practice and solidify her cultivation. She fights with those monsters in Wanghai Forest. This is the purpose of the battle.

 Nowadays, the actual human masters have better experience through experience. After all, they want to capture the two of them and will not show mercy.

 The monsters were worried that they would be beaten to death and would not be able to get the elixir, so they did not use their full strength.

With a thought, the Changling Spear appeared in her hand. Although her weapons also include Flying Lotus and Junzi Sword, the current situation is obviously more suitable for using a Changling Spear that is heavy, long, and powerful in attack. arms.

 The people on the other side were surprised that her weapon was such a bulky, uh, rather flamboyant spear.

How any girl would choose such a domineering weapon? Don’t they all like to choose something light and good-looking?

Only those who are greedy for money will like this shiny gold. This little girl is so good-looking, why does she have such a special idea?

Ji Jiuzhong twitched his lips when he saw the weapon she took out. Is this weapon for girls? Knowing that she had a gentleman's sword, and looking at the people across from her, they all took out their own long swords when they saw that she had taken out a weapon. She instantly understood what she meant, but she already had the upper hand just by looking at the weapons.

 Cunning girl, seeing the eagerness to try again in her eyes, he felt that his worries were unnecessary.

This girl is very capable and has many cards. He has not forgotten who her master is.

Thinking of this, he relaxed completely, and looked at the person opposite and was eager to try. At this time, he also needed a stronger opponent to stabilize his cultivation.

 It is also a good time to take this opportunity to see the strength of the high-level mainlanders.

With a movement of his slender hand, a long sword with cold light appeared in his hand, and he attacked first without hesitation.

Since we have to fight, it is better to be proactive than passive.

When Yan Xiangluo saw that he had already taken action, the golden spear in her hand shook, and she rushed over with the spear raised.

The golden long caltrop spear suddenly became more powerful, and the sharp light it emitted was terrifying.

The two rushed over and started fighting without ceremony. They didn't expect each other to be in the same nest, but seeing their fighting prowess, they had to fight together.

It was then that they realized that they had underestimated the strength of the two of them. No wonder they sternly refused to be attached to any family. They had the confidence to do so.

If they had such strong leapfrog combat strength, they would not be willing to rely on any family. After all, life under control is not that good.

They use the word "control" euphemistically. To be honest, the word "slavery" is more appropriate for them. After all, they are not from his own clan, and even if they are from his own clan, they are still not welcome.

Even so, those who appeared later did not rush to take action, but watched the two people fight with those who came first.

To be honest, although the fighting prowess of the two people surprised them, what this world lacks most is strong men and geniuses, and they did not look down on the two people from the lower continents.

 Therefore, I always thought that although they forced their people to take action together, they did not need to take action.

 (End of this chapter)

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