The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 275: Arrogant than me

Chapter 275: Arrogant than me

The two of them walked around the street, listening to the conversations of passers-by, from which they could learn a lot of information.

Ji Jiuzhong was still thinking about one thing. It might be more difficult to get the Five Elements Pearl than he thought.

The three people who blocked the road just now made him realize that the people who came to Siyun City to participate in the auction might have stronger backgrounds than he thought.

The lords of the Old Continent have all sent people, and the lords of other continents will also send people. It can be said that as long as the lord of the continent knows the news, he will send someone, let alone others, even an old lord of the continent, they can't afford to offend them now.

Ji Jiuzhong clenched his fists. He was still too weak. He couldn't even get what his beloved woman wanted, so how could he protect her?

 For the first time in his life, he felt frustrated. He had never been so frustrated even after being tortured by fetal poison since he was a child.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know Ji Jiuzhong’s psychological activities, but she also knew that it was impossible to get the Five Elements Pearl.

 She didn't know what Ji Jiuzhong was planning, but she didn't want to risk Ji Jiuzhong.

Although she wanted to collect all the Five Elements Pearls, nothing was as important as protecting her life.

She doesn’t know what changes will happen to Pangu Space after all the Five Elements Beads are collected. The current Pangu Space already makes her very satisfied and contented.

 As for whether you can get the earth or gold five-element beads, it doesn’t really matter.

  She is an alchemist, and having fire and wood five-element beads is already a great help, not to mention she also has water-element five-element beads. She has three of the five five-element beads and is already luckier than anyone else in the world.

She learned this from her grandmother in another life to be content with what she has.

So she decided that they would just go to the auction tomorrow to take a look, and they would definitely not participate in robbing the earth-type five-element beads.

"Tomorrow, we just need to take a look. Only those who are destined to get such genius treasures like the Five Elements Bead can get it. We are new here and we still focus on safety. We all have five-element spiritual roots. It doesn't make much sense to have only one earth-element Five Elements Bead. "Ruan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong paused. He knew that Yan Xiangluo was worried that he would take the risk to get the Five Elements Beads. He felt warm in his heart and at the same time hated himself for being too weak.

"I understand." Although he felt uncomfortable, he still agreed to Yan Xiangluo and didn't want her to worry.

As for whether he can get the Five Elements Pearl, he won't be entangled. He is very calm. No matter how unwilling he is, he will not risk their lives. A Five Elements Pearl is not worth risking their lives.

Seeing Ji Jiuzhong agreed, Yan Xiangluo's heart also dropped. If she didn't want to see the appearance of the earth-type five-element bead, she actually wanted to leave Siyun City immediately. After all, she just discovered that her appearance was like a Eating the fairy peach that can turn a person into an immortal may bring disaster at any time.

While the two were talking, Ji Jiuzhong suddenly stopped.

Yan Xiangluo looked at him and saw him looking at one place, so she followed his gaze and saw a place with a plaque with the word "I don't know" hanging on it.

  What is this place and why is this plaque so unusual?

 Hey, do these two words sound familiar?

His eyes lit up, and he realized that he was the force with the most complete information in the higher continent. He was spread all over the continent. Although his name was unknown, it meant that there was nothing they didn't know. To put it bluntly, I don’t know if it’s a force that buys or sells news.

Yan Xiangluo looked back and understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant.

“Want to go in and take a look?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

“Hmm.” Ji Jiuzhong actually came out just to look up some information. Unknown to the two of them when they entered, the three people had already run back to a very luxurious mansion.

“Master, I didn’t bring him back.” The three of them knelt on the ground and reported without daring to express their dignity. They were still as arrogant as they were in front of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong just now.

Lying on the gorgeous rocking chair was a man wearing a scarlet brocade robe, with black hair and a jade crown, and a handsome face. The kneeling maid beside him was feeding the small pieces of spiritual fruit into his mouth. The man closed his eyes and enjoyed it very much.

Hearing the sound, the man opened his eyes and glanced at the three people kneeling on the ground without daring to raise their heads, "The reason."

 The three of them immediately told the story of their trip in detail, without hiding anything. In fact, it didn't matter whether he thought about it in detail or not. They only said one sentence to them in total. After the other party said one sentence, they returned in confusion.

The man squinted his eyes and said, "They are more arrogant than me. I sent someone to check. I want to find out which family they belong to."

The only people who dared to talk to his people like this were a few people from the main family of the mainland. He was curious as to which family had such a stunning beauty and could hide it so well that he didn't even know about it.

 The three of them immediately stood up and retreated with relief.

The man closed his eyes and continued to eat the spiritual fruit fed by the maid. His mind was filled with the beauty in the red dress he saw on the street.

He has seen countless women, and this is the first time that a beautiful woman can make him so eager, but he can't get it.

What a joke, his father is the Lord of the Twilight Continent, and he is the future Lord of the Twilight Continent. She is just a beauty. No matter what her status is, he can still get her.

Yan Xiangluo didn't even know that she was being noticed. Ji Jiuzhong knew in his heart that that person would never give up. Someone should have been arranged to investigate their identities by now.

 Fortunately, they have not registered as residents in any city in the Higher Continent. The other party will not be able to find out their true identities for a while. The less they can find out, the more unsure they will be, and they will not dare to take action easily.

He only needs time from today to tomorrow. The auction is over. Regardless of whether he can get the Five Elements Beads or not, he will immediately leave Siyun City with Yan Xiangluo.

Although the entire Mu Sui Continent is his territory, it is not difficult to hide his appearance with his methods.

 It seems that the time to go to the inland will be postponed. How could he let Yu Xiangluo walk alone on the mainland with such confidence?

Even if you go to other continents, this problem still exists. Lechers abound, and escaping is not a solution. Only absolute strength can lead to a good life in the higher continents.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong soon emerged from nowhere. Ji Jiuzhong bought sixteen continental lords and all the news that Yunshang Palace could buy.

The price is quite high, and I feel a little distressed when I look at it. Ji Jiuzhong gave so many high-grade spiritual stones to others without blinking an eye.

The other party took out a jade slip, rubbed all the information he wanted into the jade slip, and handed it to him.

Ji Jiuzhong put away the jade slips and left with Yan Xiangluo.

From beginning to end, the people who didn’t know it didn’t even ask what they wanted the information for, let alone their identities. They were obviously very professional.

What they didn’t know was that as soon as they left, the person who received them immediately went to the backyard to report to the unknown master.

 (End of this chapter)

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