The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 276: I don’t know young master

Chapter 276 I don’t know the young master

“Young Master, someone bought all the lords of the continent and all the information about Yunshang Palace.”

There was a man wearing a snow-white brocade robe sitting behind the desk. There was a thick stack of various books on the table. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "I want all the lords of the continent and all the information about Yunshang Palace." ?”

I don’t know that it has been passed down for thousands of years since its establishment. This is the first time that someone has bought so much information so arrogantly. Who is the other party? What is he going to do?

If you pay attention to a certain continent lord, you can think that he is ambitious and wants to be the continent's lord. But what does it mean to pay attention to all continent lords? Does he want to be the king of the continent?

 So we also pay attention to the information about Yunshang Palace. After all, the owner of Yunshang Palace is the one who really has the final say in the mainland.

"Yes, there is a man and woman who are not very old. The woman is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and the man is at most twenty years old. Both of them have outstanding looks. Even the most handsome man and the most beautiful woman in mainland China are not as good as them. One out of ten, the man was very generous, and he took out so many high-grade spiritual stones without even blinking. "

 Otherwise, he would not have come to report immediately. Not only did he not know the identities of these two people, but they were also acting so abnormally. It would be impossible not to report them. He didn’t know what they were doing. How could he get away with the information that he didn’t know?

The young master chuckled. It was interesting. People at such a young age and with such outstanding appearance wanted to hide their identity on the mainland. Unless it was deliberately done by the top forces, then what was the purpose of letting them show up now?

“What kind of cultivation are they?” the young master asked again.

“It looks like he has a cultivation level of the first or second level.” This answer was very cautious. After all, there are many magic weapons that hide cultivation levels in this world, and he was not sure whether the cultivation level he saw was the real cultivation level of the two of them.

The young master's hand holding the booklet paused, and he became more and more interested. "Check his identity. Uncertain factors and information are not allowed to exist."

I don’t know that the achievements and strength they have today are not due to luck, but to their family’s clever minds and superb methods.

To say that the entire high continent has the most important strength that the masters of various continents are, and there is only one. There is only one, that is, the hidden guard of the family.

 They are people trained by the Ignorance family using unique methods, and they have penetrated into various places and forces in the continent.

 They are the main source of information for the I-know-how family to maintain the family business. There is no information that the I-know-what family wants to check that cannot be found.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were walking to the inn where Cheng Hui and the others were staying.

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly pulled Yan Xiangluo into a shop. Yan Xiangluo didn't even realize what was going on. He was stunned for a moment and saw Ji Jiuzhong looking at the two people walking past the door.

Those two people were Cheng Hui's people. Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong in confusion. Even if they had problems, was it necessary to hide like this?

 “What snacks does the girl want to buy?” The shop owner asked from behind.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that they were entering a shop selling snacks. Since they were all in, they should buy some, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Yan Xiangluo looked at several snacks and chose them and paid the crystal coins. These snacks were all made with Lingmi and Lingmai, and they were not cheap.

The boss looked at them as if they were hiding from someone. He didn’t expect them to buy electric snacks. He didn’t expect that the little girl was very generous and bought so many kinds of snacks. He happily wrapped the snacks in oil paper.

 The boss was thinking, if there are more people like this, business will definitely be very good today.

Yan Xiangluo took the snacks and put them away. She didn't buy them because she wanted to eat them. She just came in and was embarrassed to leave empty-handed. In addition, her cooking skills were already good, and the smell of the snacks was still very fragrant. .

The boss sent the two of them out the door with a smile, "Our dim sum is the best in the whole Siyun City. The girl eats delicious food. Come and take care of my business." Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of her mouth, this boss is really good at it. It’s business, but what he said was not an exaggeration, otherwise she wouldn’t have bought so many snacks. If she was embarrassed, just buy one or two packs for a while. It was because she smelled the aroma of the snacks that she thought the snacks from this store were The aroma was so tempting, it must be delicious, so she picked a few more types that she liked and bought them.

Do not laugh at the laughter, and Xiang Xiangluo also laughed at the boss, "The snacks of your family smell very fragrant, after eating, I'll buy it again."

She did plan to go back and taste it, and if it really suited her taste, she would buy more. After all, she didn't have much time to make such time-consuming delicacies after arriving here.

The two of them left the snack shop and continued walking to the inn.

Yan Xiangluo sent a message and asked Ji Jiuchong, "Why are you avoiding the two of them?"

Ji Jiuzhong also sent a message, "There was another person in front of them. Those two were following the person in front. The three of them knew each other clearly but pretended not to know each other. There must be something they don't want people to know. It's not appropriate at this time. We see that sometimes the more we know, the more dangerous it is.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded secretly and understood the truth. Even if you know something, you should know it secretly and don't let the other party know that you know it.

Cheng Hui had arranged for a brother to wait for them at the door of the inn. When he saw the two of them approaching, he asked with a flash of his eyes, "Brother Ji and Miss Yu are here. My third brother and fourth brother went over to buy things. Did you see them?" Yet?"

Yan Xiangluo was shocked and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, Ji Jiuzhong cautiously noticed something was wrong and pulled her away. Although this person asked casually with a smile, the probing meaning in it was obvious.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and said, "I didn't see it."

Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized, "We went to buy snacks just now, did we miss it at that time?"

Hearing what the two of them said, the person who came out to pick them up breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they didn't see him.

“It’s Yu’s dim sum shop. Their dim sum is indeed delicious. If they are ranked second in the entire Siyun City, no one dares to claim the first place.”

Yan Xiangluo said sheepishly, "That's true. I was attracted by the fragrance as soon as I walked to the door."

Ji Jiuchong also said, "The little girl just likes sweets."

The man said with a smile, "The same goes for my sisters at home. My third brother and fourth brother will be back soon. Let's go in first. The food has been ordered and we are waiting for you to arrive."

The two of them followed him into the inn. Instead of going to the room where they lived, they went to a private dining room upstairs.

Cheng Hui and his brothers were already sitting inside drinking tea. When they saw the two coming, they greeted them enthusiastically. As soon as they sat down, they immediately asked the waiter to serve the food.

 (End of this chapter)

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