The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 282: Auction method

Chapter 282 Auction method

Young Master Daqian looked at everyone and said, "The last auction item is the earth-type Five Elements Pearl. Because it is too valuable, I personally brought it to you. Everyone should know the value of the Five Elements Pearl. Even a city cannot be used to describe it." . But no matter how expensive something is, it must have a price, but the spirit stone can no longer bear the value of the Five Elements Pearl, so after discussing with my father, I decided..."

Everyone listening followed his words and their moods were up and down. When they heard Young Master Daqian say that there is no need to trade with spirit stones, they also understood in their hearts that the value of the Five Elements Pearl cannot be measured with spirit stones. They were also curious about them. The result of discussions between father and son.

Although only a very small number of them, that is, those in the room, have the strength to take pictures of the Five Elements Beads, they can still be curious.

Young Master Daqian glanced at everyone present, and did not say the final decision after the father and son discussed it. Instead, he said, "How to auction it will be discussed later. Let you take a look at the Five Elements Pearl first to make sure it is genuine. I will tell you later." Conditions of Auction.”

Yan Xiangluo's heart was beating fast. Although it was impossible for her to get the five-element earth beads, she could still take a look.

As soon as Young Master Daqian finished speaking, he raised his hand, and six old men with strong auras appeared on the auction stage. The powerful pressure made everyone present feel suffocated.

The pressure is only fleeting, just to let the people present know the strength of Daqian. Those of you who want to use the Five Elements Pearl can do it, as long as you can beat these six people.

This is for them to see. There are many such powerful people hidden in Daqian Auction House.

Young Master Daqian raised his hand, and a vermilion box appeared in his hand. Following his movements, everyone's breath became rapid. Although they tried their best to suppress it, they still couldn't help but be excited.

As soon as the box was opened, the rich earth energy poured out, and everyone could see clearly the five-element beads inside. An earth-yellow bead lay inside.

Yan Xiangluoxing's eyes were wide open. Based on her experience of getting three Five Elements Beads, this Earth Element Five Elements Bead was indeed real.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned when he saw the earth-type five-element bead. Is this the five-element bead? He also has a bead like this, but the color is different. It is golden and contains rich gold power. Could it be that his own one is also a Five Elements bead?

Ji Jiuzhong was talking about the golden bead he got in the secret realm of Lingquan. At that time, he had no idea that the bead was actually a five-element bead. He thought it was just a treasure that contained the power of gold.

A bright light flashed across the phoenix eyes.

In just a moment, the entire auction was filled with gold power. At this time, no one suspected that the Five Elements Pearl was fake.

Young Master Daqian closed the box. Although the Five Elements Beads were isolated, the golden power emitted still permeated the auction house. People present who had Jin-type spiritual energy could not control themselves and began to absorb Jin-type spiritual energy.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong did not absorb it. Both of them have five-system spiritual roots. It is not suitable for them to absorb a kind of spiritual energy alone.

Most of the people who came today are people with earth spiritual roots, and some people have one of the two spiritual roots that is earth. Therefore, they all covet the earth element Five Elements Pearl, thinking in their hearts, if they It would be great if you can get it, and your cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

It was almost time for Young Master Daqian to meet. He put away the box containing the Five Elements Beads and spoke again, "Everyone has confirmed the authenticity of the Five Elements Beads, so now I will tell you the conditions of the auction."

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone calmed down again. They all looked at Young Master Daqian, waiting for the conditions he said.

“Earth type Five Elements Pearls are only auctioned in one way, and that is the god-level baby pill. It is more appropriate to exchange it for a god-level baby pill.” Young Master Daqian finally stated his conditions.

Everyone was stunned. No one expected that the conditions of the final auction were like this. Doesn't that mean that high-level alchemists are cheap?

Young Master Daqian said again, "If anyone here today has a god-level baby pill, the deal can be completed immediately. If not, the transaction will always count. As long as someone takes the god-level baby pill to the Daqian Auction House in the inland southern continent. , it can be exchanged. Of course, Daqian has the responsibility to keep the identity of the exchange person secret and safely send the person out of the Southern Continent." Young Master Daqian said nothing more after finishing his words. He waited to see everyone's reaction and mainly focused on the rooms of a few VIPs.

There are a total of five god-level alchemists in the mainland, and all of them are in the hands of various forces without exception. This is why Daqian wants to use the Five Elements Pearl in exchange. Without the Five Elements Pearl, no family will be willing to trade a god-level baby pill with Daqian.

Time passed little by little, and no one said anything, not even the people in the VIP room.

Young Master Daqian was not disappointed. After all, the medicinal materials needed to refine the Baby Pill are difficult to obtain.

It’s not like you are a god-level alchemist and can refine the birth pill.

 Such an elixir is not necessary, and even a god-level alchemist cannot easily refine it.

Because the birth-infant pill is needed by those who have damaged Yuan Ying, and those who can use the birth-infant pill must not be people with low cultivation level. After all, in the high continent, only by breaking through the emperor level can one condense the essence. The baby is coming.

 Therefore, those who need the Infant-Birth Pill must at least be above the emperor level.

 Whose Nascent Soul in the Daqian family was injured?

 Are you still injured and need a baby pill to help you recover?

Yan Xiangluo understood at this time that Daqian Auction House had no intention of auctioning the earth-type Five Elements Pearl today. Instead, it used this method to prove the authenticity of the Five Elements Pearl. The ultimate goal was to let the family with a god-level alchemist Believe that the Five Elements Pearl is real, and then be willing to exchange it for the Baby Pill.

After a while, Young Master Daqian sighed and said, "It seems that it is impossible to exchange the Five Elements Pearl today. The Daqian family is waiting for the destined person in the southern continent."

After finishing speaking, Young Master Daqian turned around and walked down the stage.

The six people followed him, and the seven figures disappeared before the beautiful auctioneer walked to the table and said, "Today's auction ends here."

This is the end?

Those thoughtful people were stunned. They were all prepared to **** the Five Elements Beads, but all their efforts were in vain.

No one got the Five Elements Beads. The Five Elements Beads are still in the hands of Young Master Daqian, but who dares to grab the Five Elements Beads from Young Master Daqian?

Just ask, who dares?

As soon as the beautiful auctioneer finished speaking, the door opened again.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately pulled Yan Xiangluo to his feet and was the first to leave Daqian Auction House.

Ji Jiuchong was fortunate at this time. The wooden seats they bought were so far back that it was easier for them to leave.

 (End of this chapter)

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