The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 283: you like me

Chapter 283 You like me

Ji Jiuzhong took Yan Xiangluo and did not return to the rented yard, but walked towards the city gate as quickly as possible.

Before everyone in Daqian Auction House came out, the two of them had already left the city and left the control area of ​​Siyun City where flying in the air was not allowed. They immediately took off in the air and left.

Yan Xiangluo was pulled by Ji Jiuzhong all the way without resisting. The two of them landed in the woods where they rested before entering the city.

"Do you have clothes of other colors?" Ji Jiuzhong asked as soon as he landed.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Yes, but they are all men's clothing."

 She prepared it when she went to Lingquan Secret Realm for convenience.

 “Men’s clothes are better, change into them quickly.”

Her appearance is so outstanding that anyone who has seen her will find it difficult to forget her appearance. The red dress is too eye-catching. If she wants to hide her identity, she must change the red dress to cover her original appearance.

After Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, he turned his back and took out a set of black brocade robes to put on.

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood what he meant. She flipped through it and took out a set of black men's clothes to put on. She also changed her shoes into men's boots. I took off my bun and combed my hair in a manly style. But she didn't have a jade crown to stand her hair up, so she was going to tie it up with silk satin, when she saw Ji Jiuzhong took out one of his jade crowns and stood her hair up.

Yan Xiangluo blurted out, "You are really well prepared. I usually only see you wearing white clothes, and the jade crown is also white jade. I didn't expect you to have black ones."

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her, "I often need to disguise myself, so I have clothes of all colors, styles, and levels for people of all levels."

Yan Xiangluo looked at him in surprise for a while, and then sighed, "It's not easy for you either."

Ji Jiuzhong laughed and said, "How can anyone have an easy life? No matter what level people live at, they will always have troubles. Even if they are the most powerful and wealthy people in the world, they still have their troubles."

“It makes sense. The emperor of Tianqian Continent is not worried about anyone taking his throne.” Yuan Xiangluo nodded in agreement with his words.

 Speaking of the emperor, Yan Xiangluo asked curiously, "Can I know what happened to Emperor Tianshun?"

They have all left the Tianqian Continent, and the Tianshun Empire has nothing to do with them. It shouldn't be rude to ask now.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her. This girl must have been curious all the time. It was already very bearable for her to not ask herself until now.

Ji Jiuzhong took out the face-changing Xuanwen and changed the appearance of the two of them. Although they were both good-looking, they were much inferior to their original appearances.

The two of them were not in a hurry to leave, so they found a place to sit down. Ji Jiuzhong told Yan Xiangluo what he had done to the Emperor of Tianshun Empire.

"He always thought that my father was partial to me and that I was the biggest threat to his throne. In fact, he didn't know that my father never wanted to pass the throne to me, and I never wanted to be the emperor of the Tianshun Empire. From me After awakening the Ji family bloodline, I had only one purpose from the beginning to the end, which was to come to the Higher Continent. But my father told me that he didn't believe it. Later, my father passed away and the throne was passed to him. I also made it clear that he would. I still don’t believe it. I was demoted to the most barren place and given the title of Prince Li. I think it doesn’t matter if this can reassure him. The palace is not as comfortable as Prince Li’s mansion for me.”

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes were filled with memories.

"However, as I grew up, he was still worried. Every year he sent countless people to assassinate me. I suspected that the Tianshun Empire was getting worse and worse in his hands just because he put all his thoughts into it. It was against me. I still endured it. After all, I didn’t know how long I could live at that time. "However, at the age of sixteen, he actually granted me a marriage, but he still lost all his blessings and was rumored to have lost his five spiritual roots. A talented ten-year-old girl, this is an insult to me. Since he has no bottom line, I decided not to tolerate it anymore. Since he cares so much about the throne, I will let him lie down every day. Enjoy it on the dragon bed. It just so happened that his sons also coveted the throne. I took the opportunity to get rid of all the ineffective ones. I was not the emperor, so I became the regent. At the same time, I also started to train the next one. Emperor, you should know what happened next.”

Ji Jiuzhong shrugged and looked at Yan Xiangluo, who was sitting side by side with him. Although the little girl's appearance had changed, her penetrating eyes had not changed.

 “Alas, you are quite pitiful.” Yan Xiangluo looked at him with pity.

 “Aren’t you angry with me?” Ji Jiuzhong asked curiously.

“Why are you angry with you?” Yan Xiangluo asked, blinking her long eyelashes in confusion.

 “I’m not satisfied with the engagement with you.” Ji Jiuzhong opened the matter directly.

It was also because of this incident that he couldn't bear it anymore. Everyone could see that he was not satisfied with the marriage. If he's not satisfied with the marriage, he doesn't dislike her. In fact, he doesn't really dislike her, he's just dissatisfied with the emperor's actions. But the world doesn’t know that and only looks at things superficially.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, but she forgot that the person he said was engaged was her. She said in a panic, "I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me, the person you are engaged to is me."

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her speechlessly. Did he have such no sense of existence in her heart?

"Actually, there is nothing to be angry about. After all, my reputation in the Imperial City of Tianshun Empire is indeed very bad. If I were you, I would feel insulted. Although I have been bullied a lot because of my reputation as your fiancée, But, also, because of this name, I was protected for three years, until someone couldn't bear it anymore. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to survive. I broke off your engagement in front of everyone, and used you to break off my concubine. The relationship between the two families is considered even."

Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect that she would be so broad-minded. If this happened to any girl, she would hate him for the rest of her life. She actually said it was even.

 Even though I felt very sorry for her, she actually didn't feel aggrieved at all. What kind of woman was she?

 “Do you hate me?” Ji Jiuzhong asked after thinking for a while.

 Actually, he wanted to ask if she would be willing to get engaged again. He didn't dare to ask so directly, so he asked a related question in a roundabout way.

Yan Xiangluo said without even thinking, "I don't hate it."

She felt that there was only one kind of person like Ji Jiuzhong who would hate him, and that was someone who couldn't compare with him or was inferior to him.

Ji Jiuzhong felt like a bunch of fireworks were set off in his heart, his eyes lit up, and he blurted out, "Then do you like me?"

If he shrinks back at this time, he will not be a man.

Yan Xiangluo was about to say that she liked her, but she suddenly realized something and turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong, just in time to catch his gentle gaze.

Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized something, bit her lower lip hesitantly and asked, "Do you like me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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