The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 304: its origin

 Chapter 304 Its origin

The water droplet suddenly expanded and turned into the soft ball shape before, and then released spiritual energy, as if because of what Yan Xiangluo said, it was proving something.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately shouted, "Stop and continue to hide your abilities."

 Ruantuanzi did not stop releasing spiritual energy. Ji Jiuzhong immediately understood its meaning and winked at Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo also understood and said quickly, "I believe you are a treasure, don't release your power anymore."

 Soft dumplings continued to release spiritual energy.

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes changed. If this continues, it will cause unnecessary trouble. He said decisively, "Since it is so disobedient, let's chop it into pieces with a gentleman's sword."

This sentence really worked, and the soft dumpling immediately stopped releasing spiritual energy.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked at each other. They were soft dumplings with a temper. However, the two of them did not dwell on the matter and immediately began to absorb the spiritual energy released by the soft dumpling. This spiritual energy is much richer than soaking in a hot spring. After entering the body, it goes directly to the Dantian. The spiritual root tree is swaying with nourishment. Although the spiritual root tree cannot speak, it can be seen from its performance that it likes this spiritual energy. .

 The nourishing effect of hot spring water is much better than before.

Yan Xiangluo visibly found that her spiritual root tree was becoming clearer and clearer.

It took a while for the two of them to absorb the spiritual energy released by the soft dumpling. They looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief, expressing the same idea. It was too dangerous.

 Fortunately, there was a trapping formation, so the spiritual energy did not leak out. Fortunately, they stopped Soft Tuanzi from releasing his spiritual energy in time, and the two of them tacitly absorbed the released spiritual energy.

Otherwise, if such an obvious aura is discovered, people will definitely know that there is a treasure like the treasure in Quan City, and the Lord of Quan City will definitely know that the lost treasure is in the Death Mountain, and they who have just entered the Death Mountain will become suspect.

Although they can continue to change their faces, they can't guarantee whether the other party has any treasures that can track them down.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuchong and then at the soft dumpling, asking with his eyes, what should I do with this thing?

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed over and thought deeply. Although they knew that this soft dumpling was a treasure, they didn't know what it was specifically, let alone how to deal with it.

Suddenly her eyes twitched. This thing was obviously spiritual. In other words, it could be regarded as a living thing. The storage ring could not hold any living thing. Where did she put the soft dumpling before?

 The spiritual pet space cannot accommodate living creatures other than the spiritual pets you have contracted with.

Thinking again that the medicinal materials Zhe Tian had picked for her before were all made of soil, something suddenly occurred to her. Could it be that this girl had a portable space, the kind of space that was said to be just like a small world that was planted to accommodate living creatures?

 This is her secret?

Ji Jiuchong was extremely shocked, but it didn't show on his face at all.

“Try to see if you can contract it.” Ji Jiuzhong suggested. Even if she has such a heaven-defying portable space, it is safe to contract a treasure like this to truly become her own.

As soon as he heard about the contract, Ruantuanzi immediately jumped off Yan Xiangluo's lap, obviously not wanting to be contracted.

Yan Xiangluo knew that Ji Jiuzhong was right, and contracting with Ruantuanzi was the best solution.

Therefore, he pointed the gentleman's sword in his hand at it and said, "I'll give you two choices. One, make a contract with me and I will protect you from now on. Two, I will use the gentleman's sword to destroy you and save you from falling into the trap of someone with bad character." In the hands of others, what will they do with you?”

 The soft dumplings suddenly became soft cakes again.

"There's no point in pretending to be a bear. Make your choice quickly. I don't have time to waste with you." Yan Xiangluo tapped the black turtle shell with the gentleman's sword.

The soft cake stood up stunned and slowly walked towards Yan Xiangluo, looking like he was forced to give in but was unwilling to die. Walking to Yan Xiangluo, the soft dumpling jumped onto her lap and remained motionless, meaning you should contract with me.

Yan Xiangluo did not give it a chance to regret. A drop of blood fell on the soft dumpling. The bright red blood beads formed a sharp contrast with the transparent soft dumpling. It rolled around on the soft dumpling but could not be integrated.

Ji Jiuzhong said coldly, "Since it doesn't want to be contracted, don't waste time and deal with it quickly!"

As soon as Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, the drop of blood rolling around on Ruanduanzi immediately melted into Ruanduanzi's body.

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of his mouth, why did you come here? You are a tough guy but not soft, are you smart or stupid?

 No matter what, the contract can proceed anyway. A red light enveloped Yan Xiangluo and Ruantuanzi, and the master-servant contract was established.

There is an additional connection in Yan Xiangluo's consciousness, and it is Ruantuanzi's.

Yan Xiangluo used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Ruantuanzi, "What are you..., uh, baby?"

Yan Xiangluo wanted to ask what it was, but thinking that it was now hers, it was a bit hurtful to ask. She had already said the word "东", so she changed her words to the word "treasure".

“Master, I am the powerful spiritual root of an ancient person who almost gained eternal life...”

Yan Xiangluo was shocked. Did she really not expect that Ruantuanzi was actually a spiritual root that had reached the pinnacle of cultivation? Can the spiritual root still leave the human body and live freely?

She listened to Ruantuanzi’s origin story with mixed emotions. Yan Xiangluo also knew how Ruantuanzi became what it is now.

 Although the great master had reached the highest level of cultivation, he did not really break through the last level until his life was about to expire. One of his disciples wanted to dig out his spiritual roots and nourish his own spiritual roots, thinking that this way he might have a better chance of winning when he breaks through the final level in the future.

So a trap was set up to plot against Da Neng. Da Neng did not expect that his most proud disciple would actually do such a thing to him. He hated him extremely, but he could not prevent his spiritual roots from being dug out.

He used his last cultivation to wrap the spiritual root that was about to be dug out with his spiritual consciousness and threw it down from the Nine Heavens, landing in the Three Thousand Small Worlds.

Since the spiritual root is destined to be dug out, he will not let the rebels get it. This spiritual root is just a soft dumpling.

 The soft dumpling who fell into the Three Thousand Small Worlds has developed spiritual consciousness after a long time. However, because his body is spiritual root, apart from having stronger spiritual energy that can nourish people's spiritual roots, his only other ability is to be fast.

  But the ability of Soft Tuanzi is useless in front of strong humans. It is very smart and always hides its aura in sparsely populated places.

After meeting the black turtle shell, a sturdy and durable house, it used the black turtle shell as a place to live and hid in it. It hid itself deep underground and hid its breath.

 On the one hand, you can ensure your own safety, and on the other hand, you can continue to practice.

 (End of this chapter)

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