The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 305: Give it to him first

 Chapter 305 Give it to him first

It hopes that it can develop strong strength to protect itself, but over such a long period of time, it has only cultivated the shape of its body's spiritual roots into its current soft dumpling shape, which can change its shape at will.

The place where it lives is Quancheng. There are many hot springs here. Although it hides its own breath, its existence has a strong effect. Therefore, the hot springs in Quancheng have the effect of nourishing people's spiritual roots. .

Successive lords of Spring City have tried their best to find the treasure that allows the hot spring water to nourish spiritual roots. However, they have only determined the location of the treasure, but cannot find out what it is.

Therefore, the city lord's palace was built where the treasure was located, and formations and barriers were also set up to prevent the treasure from falling into the hands of others.

It can be seen how strong Ruantuanzi's hiding ability is. If he hadn't met Yun Tuan, a unique little treasure hunter in the world, I'm afraid he would have continued to practice under Quancheng.

If Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian hadn't gone together, even if Ruantuanzi wanted to leave, he wouldn't have been able to leave the area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

"Since they don't know what you look like, how do they know you're missing?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ruantuanzi said in a grown-up tone, "They put a Spirit Gathering Tower where I am. As long as I am there, the Spirit Gathering Tower will always shine brightly. I will emit more spiritual energy there than other places. I will If you leave, the light of Juling Tower will be extinguished."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, "Juling Pagoda, is there such a treasure?"

“Will the aura on your body be absorbed by the light?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Since the soft dumpling has the effect of nourishing and purifying spiritual roots, she has truly experienced the benefits. It is impossible not to use it, but since it is already her own treasure, she must take good care of it. First, ask if its spiritual energy is taken from it. It's inexhaustible. If it wasn't, she would hold it back so as not to hurt the soft dumpling.

"It's just that the spiritual energy that nourishes the spiritual roots will not be absorbed. Although I hide my aura every day, the spiritual energy is still leaking out. I can't control it. Otherwise, the hot springs in Quan City will not have the effect of nourishing the spiritual roots. Master Don’t worry and absorb it.”

  When this matter was mentioned, the soft dumpling immediately became energetic. This is what it is best at.

"Moreover, my spiritual energy not only nourishes the spiritual roots, but also has a purifying effect. The higher the purity of the spiritual roots and the higher the talent, the less likely it is that my practice will encounter obstacles. The reason why I have this ability is Because the technique that the great master practiced at the beginning had the effect of purifying the spiritual roots. He was able to practice to the highest level of cultivation, and it was also thanks to this technique that the spiritual roots were purified very pure, but his technique was not as good as it. My ability to purify spiritual roots is strong now. Master, as long as I purify my spiritual roots into the transparent state I am now, I will ensure that my talent is unparalleled in the world."

 Such is the skill of Soft Dumpling. Naturally, it has to explain its use clearly to make its owner feel that it is of great use. It has not forgotten how much its owner disliked it before.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, and she handed the soft dumpling to Ji Jiuzhong, "Holding it, absorbing its spiritual energy, and purifying the spiritual root into a soft dumpling with such transparency, your talent will be at its best."

 The soft dumpling belongs to her, and she can absorb its spiritual energy to purify her spiritual roots at any time, but Ji Jiuzhong is different, he is not its master.

Ji Jiuzhong has worked hard along the way, and she has to accept his love. Whether he is so good to her because he likes her, or for other reasons, she doesn't want to just ask for it.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know about the conversation between her and Ruantuanzi, but through the hot springs he also knew that Ruoduanzi's spiritual power was more powerful. To his surprise, Yan Xiangluo actually let him absorb the spiritual energy first.

Yan Xiangluo briefly told Ji Jiuzhong the origin of soft dumplings and their functions.

Ji Jiuzhong knew about the existence of Ruantuanzi from beginning to end. He also knew the function of its spiritual energy, and he did not try to steal it from him. He even let himself contract Ruantuanzi, which showed that he at least did not want to take Ruantuanzi as his own.

 Then, it is my own intention to let him absorb the spiritual energy first.

Ji Jiuzhong did not refuse. He held the soft dumpling in his hand and began to absorb its spiritual energy. Although Ruantuanzi is dissatisfied that he is not his master and wants to absorb his own spiritual energy, since it is his master's order, he naturally has to obey his master's words.

Besides, this man is ruthless. He asked his master to chop him with a gentleman's sword when he disagreed. However, his master still listened to him. He should be more honest. Anyway, there is a lot of spiritual energy, and he can't absorb it all.

Hence, Soft Tuanzi cooperated very well in releasing spiritual energy for Ji Jiuzhong to absorb. The amount of spiritual energy released happened to be the maximum amount that Ji Jiuzhong could absorb.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the soft dumpling in his hand. This thing should be the reason for the powerful spiritual roots. Although it did not have its own spiritual consciousness at that time, it instinctively remembered some, so it had its own spiritual consciousness. After consciousness, they are much smarter than ordinary spiritual beings that have spiritual consciousness.

  It can be said that it is the most aware of current affairs.

He has never heard that a person's spiritual roots can survive without the human body. Not only can they survive, but they can also give birth to spiritual consciousness and become an independent existence.

Maybe it is the only special case in the world. After all, no one will dig out the spiritual root after death and protect it with all their consciousness and strength.

 There are only two ways for people to die, one is prepared and the other is accidental.

 Most of those who are prepared will have their lifespan exhausted. At that time, the spiritual roots are almost in their most fragile state, and even if they are dug out, they will have no effect.

 Those who die unexpectedly do not have the opportunity to dig out their spiritual roots and cultivate them separately.

 That’s why we say that soft dumplings are the only special case in the world.

The most important thing about the soft dough being able to become an independent existence is related to the powerful cultivation method of its body owner.

If the exercises practiced by that powerful person did not have the effect of purifying the spiritual roots, it would not be purified to the best state. Without purified spiritual roots, it would be impossible to survive after leaving the human body.

Ji Jiuzhong began to absorb the power of Ruantuanzi to practice, and Yan Xiangluo was not idle either. She took out the historical records given to them by the fat old man and started reading them.

Neither she nor Ji Jiuzhong had time to read this historical record. Now she would take advantage of this time to read it first.

 Combining the information bought from unknown sources and looking at historical records, one can get a general idea of ​​the lives of the upper class people in the higher continent.

It was getting darker and darker, and I could no longer see the words clearly. I glanced at Ji Jiuzhong and saw that he was still absorbing spiritual energy. Yan Xiangluo took out an illuminating bead and continued to read.

One night passed, and Yan Xiangluo finished reading the Historical Records, but it was already dawn, why hadn't Zhe Tian come back?

 (End of this chapter)

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