The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 306: Special ability

Chapter 306 Special Skills

Yan Xiangluo looked around. It was quiet. Ji Jiuzhong was still absorbing spiritual energy. One night passed, and the two of them were not disturbed at all.

It really doesn’t even have a monster or a spiritual beast.

Yan Xiangluo was a little worried about Zhe Tian. Why did she not come back after going to investigate all night? Although it can mix well in Wanghai Forest, it doesn't mean it can also mix well in the Death Mountains where it is the first time.

 Even if she could sense it if it was dangerous, she wouldn't worry.

 She immediately used her spiritual consciousness to contact Zhetian, "Zhetian, where are you? Why didn't you come back all night?"

"Master, I'll be there soon." A voice that covered the sky came.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo heard about Zhe Tian, ​​she came back immediately. She felt relieved and did not continue to ask about it.

Within a moment, Zhetian arrived at their location. To them, the trap set up by Ji Jiuzhong seemed to not exist, and they came in without any hindrance.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that although his two spiritual pets had little fighting power, they seemed to have some special abilities. For example, all formations and barriers seemed useless to them.

We talked about the soft dumpling yesterday. There were both formation and barrier obstacles where it was located. Didn't they also get the soft dumpling back? Obviously, neither the formation nor the barrier was useful to them.

Sensing that the trap formation had been touched, Ji Jiuzhong suddenly opened his eyes and saw Zhe Tian returning.

“It understands formations?” Ji Jiuzhong wanted to ask this question last night when he heard Yan Xiangluo say that there were formations and barriers where Ruantuanzi was.

Boundaries are an existence that they are currently out of touch with. Only those who have reached the **** level can have the ability to create barriers.

However, Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian actually found the soft dumplings from the double protection of the formation and the formation and brought them out, which shows that they can come and go freely in the formation and formation. Now that he has seen with his own eyes that Zhe Tian can come and go freely in the formation he set up, he is even more sure of this matter.

Yan Xiangluo shook his head and said, "I also just realized that formations and barriers are useless to them. I don't know if they have their own abilities or if they learned them later."

After listening to the conversation between the two, Zhetian immediately communicated with Yan Xiangluo’s consciousness, “Master, barriers and formations have no effect on divine beasts and divine plants.”

Yan Xiangluo heard this and asked curiously, "Does it have no effect on all divine beasts and divine plants?"

Zhetian nodded, "As long as we become divine beasts, divine plant barriers and formations will have no effect on us, unless it is the super power to gain eternal life."

This time Yan Xiangluo really believed that Yun Tuan was a mythical beast.

She explained it to Ji Jiuzhong. Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyebrows and thought about his spiritual beast Wuji. He wondered if Wuji could become a divine beast one day.

“I’ll first listen to Zhe Tian tell me about what he found.” Yan Xiangluo thought that Zhe Tian had been there all night and didn’t know what he had found.

Ji Jiudian nodded and handed the soft dumpling in his hand to Yan Xiangluo, asking her to put it away first and absorb it when he had time. Yan Xiangluo threw the soft dumpling into Pangu space, and did not forget to throw its house into it.

 As soon as Soft Dumpling entered the space, it was different from before. When it came in before, this was someone else's territory, so it could only squint. Now it's its owner's territory, can it be the same?

 The excited and curious Ruantuanzi was about to travel around the Pangu space when he noticed the gaze that penetrated into his consciousness yesterday.

Looking along the feeling, I saw Yun Tuan stretching out his little claws to kick the black turtle shell aside and staring at it.

Seeing Yun Tuan's wolf-like eyes, Ruantuanzi shivered and moved aside. It was this guy who dug him out of the ground, and the vine just caught him, so he couldn't run away even if he wanted to. Can't run.

After living for so long, it feels so helpless for the first time.

But it was because of the two of them that I was able to leave the place where I had been trapped for who knows how long. I recognized the owner, and I didn’t know whether my decision was good or bad.

 No matter what the outcome is, it has no right to choose. When I saw the clouds at this time, although they all belonged to the owner, I was still afraid of the clouds.

Yun Tuan raised his little paw and slapped Ruan Tuanzi accurately. Ruan Tuanzi didn't dare to resist. Besides, he couldn't resist. He was immediately patted into a round cake.

Yun Tuan’s eyes lit up, as if he had found a fun toy, and he started playing with it endlessly.

The soft dumplings who did not dare to resist were patted back and forth by the clouds and made into various shapes. Not only did the soft dumplings not dare to hide, they also cooperated to form the shapes that the clouds wanted to see. They completely became the toys of the clouds.

 Fortunately, it was smart and made the cloud happy. After having enough fun, it finally let it go.

The soft dumpling ran away quickly. It wanted to stay away from this hairy and evil little thing. It wanted to see how big the owner’s space was. It liked the smell here when it first came in.

No one noticed that the aura that Ruanduanzi had been emitting since entering filled the space and quietly changed the aura in the space.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was listening to Zhe Tian telling him about the situation he had found.

"Master, it's not that there are no monsters and spirit beasts in the Death Mountains, but all the spirit beasts and monster beasts have gone to the foot of a mountain in the center. That mountain is not very high, but it has seven peaks, and the seven peaks are like The seven pillars stood abruptly. There were lush trees on the mountain, and there were all kinds of rare plants, but there were no weeds on the seven peaks. All the monsters and spiritual beasts were prostrate at the foot of the mountain, motionless. Except for the sound of the walking of the monsters and spiritual beasts that had just arrived, there was no other sound. Even when I passed by, those monsters and spiritual beasts didn't pay attention at all, and they still prostrate themselves on the ground, feeling very pious. I even kicked the nearby monster, but it didn't move. I wanted to inquire about the situation, but no monster or spirit beast responded to me. Later, I found a monster plant and got some information."

 “What’s the news?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"They call that mountain the Holy Mountain. Yesterday morning, the Holy Mountain trembled, and then it emitted a smell. This smell is very attractive to monsters and spiritual beasts, but it has no attraction to plants. They don't even smell anything. This happens from time to time, about once every few years. Every time these monsters and spiritual beasts come here and crawl like this for three days and three nights. It’s a great gain. My cultivation level will advance and I will be back to the original state in just three days. Although I am a divine plant, I can only be regarded as a spiritual plant and can’t sense anything at all. I haven’t sensed any power at all. The spiritual beasts absorb it. I don’t know how they advanced, so I can only come back and tell the master first.”

Yan Xiangluo told Ji Jiuzhong what Zhe Tian had said. The two looked at each other and said in unison, "That's where the sacred mountain is."

 (End of this chapter)

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