The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 307: second to none

Chapter 307 Unparalleled in the world

 The place they were talking about was the place where more than 300 god-level practitioners died as recorded in historical records.

How they knew it was because of the eye-catching signs, the seven bare peaks.

It is recorded in historical records that the place where more than 300 people died was a mountain with seven bare peaks in the center of the Death Mountain.

The place of death in the eyes of humans is called a sacred mountain by monsters and spiritual beasts.

 Obviously, the help there to monsters and spiritual beasts is not that great. It can be named after a god, and so many monsters and spiritual beasts can surrender and receive power in a worshiping posture. This shows how powerful the power emanating from the sacred mountain is.

The most important thing is that this kind of power plant cannot sense and will not benefit from it. It is really evil. So can human monks feel it, and will it also be helpful to human monks?

Both of them understand formations, so they also know some Qimen Dunjia. The seven peaks are obviously a formation. Without seeing it with your own eyes, you don’t know whether it is man-made or natural.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yan Xiangluo's shining eyes and said helplessly, "We can't go there with our current strength."

Yan Xiangluo's big almond-shaped eyes flashed, "Maybe some high-level formation, a rare opportunity."

"That's not possible, we can't risk our lives." Ji Jiuzhong refused sternly.

He understood that Yan Xiangluo was interested in the seven peaks, and he was also very interested, but he was more rational. In a place where more than three hundred powerful men with god-level cultivation died, two of them with sect-level cultivation Can you still come back alive?

How much luck it takes.

Yan Xiangluo sighed. She knew that Ji Jiuzhong's decision was right, but he didn't know that he had Pangu Space to rely on.

She actually knew very well that even if there was Pangu Space, it would still be very dangerous to rely on it.

“Okay, I won’t go if I don’t want to go.” Yan Xiangluo spread her hands and said.

Ji Jiuzhong did not relax because of her words. The main purpose of their coming in was to find a flying spirit beast or a demon beast to use as a mount. But now all the demon beasts and spirit beasts have gone to the sacred mountain, whether they want to find a flying spirit beast or a demon beast to ride on. It is impossible to use monsters and spiritual beasts as mounts, or to fight with monsters and spiritual beasts to gain experience.

Then they stayed in the Death Mountain for three days, which was actually meaningless at all.

  Otherwise, they should wait inside for three days. After three days, all the monsters and spirit beasts will return to normal, and they will then look for opportunities to find flying monsters or spirit beasts. Otherwise, just leave and stay away from this dangerous place completely.

 But he was unwilling to do so.

“Then what should we do next?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyes to look at the night sky and made a decision, "Wait."

Yan Xiangluo knew what he meant, which was to wait until all the monsters and spiritual beasts returned to normal behavior before looking for flying mounts and training.

I just don’t know what the strength of the monsters and spiritual beasts will be after they are promoted, and whether they can successfully find mounts.

"Then you continue to absorb the power of the soft dumplings." Yan Xiangluo didn't waste any time, took out the soft dumplings and threw them to Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong caught the soft dumpling and said, "Are you going to call it soft dumpling?"

The soft dumpling who was wandering in the space came out again. He was stunned for a moment. When he saw that he was in Ji Jiuzhong's hands again, he continued to act good.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the soft dumplings. There really was no good name for the soft dumplings, so she asked Ji Jiuzhong, "How about you give it a name?" Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyes. This girl was too lazy to think of a name. He could pick one up, "Let me think about it."

Seeing that Ji Jiuchong agreed, Yan Xiangluo was curious about what he would name the soft dumpling.

After a moment, Ji Jiuzhong said, "Its ability is to nourish and purify spiritual roots, and it is also a spiritual root that has been cultivated for a long time. It is probably the only spiritual root that can survive without the body and possess such unique power. Whether its existence or its ability can be said to be unparalleled in the world, how about calling it unparalleled? "

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly lit up, "Okay, let's call it Wushuang. This name is too appropriate."

Ji Jiuzhong saw that she liked him and smiled, "I don't know if Wushuang will get closer in the future and whether he can transform."

The soft dumpling in Ji Jiuzhong's hand, no, now it has a name, it's called Wushuang, which means unparalleled in the world. Wushuang suddenly realized that Ji Jiuzhong was not so scary anymore, and actually gave it such a sweet name, Ji Jiuzhong The image in Wushuang's mind instantly grew taller.

At the same time, he also had a new goal because of his words. Since he has been practicing for such a long time and has not developed any other skills that can be used for fighting, he might as well try practicing transformation. If he can transform into a human form, then there is no need to do this. Being treated as a toy by Yun Tuan.

It no longer wants to be played around with by the clouds.

Moreover, now that it has a master, and the master still has such a powerful Pangu Space, it no longer worries about safety issues, and it doesn't care so much about whether it can develop the ability to fight.

Didn’t you notice that Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian are also very weak in combat, but they are equally liked by their masters.

Yan Xiangluo has a contract with Wushuang, so she is naturally aware of its thoughts. She feels that Wushuang is indeed a very smart spiritual creature and knows what choices are best for it.

 And you won’t feel depressed because of what you can’t get. On the contrary, you will be excited about what you can do.

With this kind of mentality, anyone can live a happy life. This is the expression of contentment.

“Wu Shuang would be very cute if he could transform.” Yan Xiangluo encouraged.

Since it is your own spiritual creature, you should pamper it. Happiness is what everyone and spiritual creatures need.

"Yeah." Although Ji Jiuzhong only said one word, he agreed with what Yan Xiangluo said. Wushuang's body is crystal clear. He can be said to be the cleanest spiritual creature in the world. If he can transform, he must be an extremely clean person. Son.

Wushuang feels even more beautiful. Look, the master thinks that he will be very cute after transforming, so he should work hard to practice transforming.

Ji Jiuzhong felt that the Wushuang aura in his hand had changed, and seemed to be more peaceful. If he hadn't looked at it in his hand, he wouldn't have sensed its existence, but it had not forgotten to release its aura to himself.

 Have you started practicing?

 No wonder it can hide even now without being discovered by those people. This concealment ability is indeed very strong.

Ji Jiuzhong closed his eyes and continued to absorb the spiritual energy released by Wushuang.

Yan Xiangluo saw that Ji Jiuzhong had started practicing again, so she took out the book and started reading it.

 Shu Yi Lu was left to her by her parents. The medical skills and pharmacology she learned in another life were combined with the medical skills in Shu Yi Lu to achieve her current medical skills.

 Later, she learned about the origin of Shuyilu from Master Qianhe. At that time, she just heard about it, but after reading the Higher Continental Historical Records, she realized how powerful Master Shuyi really was.

 (End of this chapter)

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