The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 308: Treat everyone equally

Chapter 308 Treat everyone equally

  Shuyi Master Sima Qingyun is a master of alchemy, medicine, and poison that no one in the Higher Continent can surpass. In other words, he has practiced alchemy, medicine, and poison at the same time to a height that is unattainable in the eyes of the world.

Yan Xiangluo was very curious as to why such a powerful person’s book had fallen into the lower continent and into the hands of his parents.

Yan Xiangluo opened the book. The first part was what she had read and studied in the lower continent, about one-third of it, and the last two-thirds was the part that she couldn't open.

Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath before turning over the remaining two-thirds. As she expected, she turned over easily.

 As expected, you need to go to a higher continent to learn it.

The first part of Shuyilu she had read was about medical skills, and the latter part she thought was about elixir refining and poison skills, but when she opened it and saw it, she realized that the medical skills in the first part were only superficial, and the more difficult ones started from here. Medical skills.

She was not in a hurry to learn these medical skills, but continued to flip through the pages to see if she could read all the books.

 Turning over page after page until the last page, Yan Xiangluo confirmed that Shu Yi Lu could only be read in its entirety in the higher continent.

Although she did not read the contents carefully, she also understood that the fact that the latter part could not be read in lower continents probably had something to do with the high level of alchemy inside.

A book in Yilu made Yan Xiangluo realize that Master Shuyi should be a person with a broad mind.

He set the Book of Clothes Records so that people from the lower continent and the higher continent can read it. This means that he has no intention of hiding anything. He will not be biased or look down on you because you are from the lower continent. He is learning his medical skills. In alchemy and poisoning, everyone is treated equally, as long as you have talent, you can learn it.

In the lower continent, Xiangluo's alchemy is already at the highest level. Even if she is allowed to see a higher level of alchemy, she will not be able to refine it because some medicinal materials are not available. This will also affect her state of mind, which is not good for her. Improvement of alchemy achievements in the future.

 This is also the main reason why Shuyi Master divided a book into two parts. He was very thoughtful.

 Since you can read them all, it means you can learn them all.

 Yan Xiangluo is very interested in medical skills, so she has no intention of skipping medical skills to learn alchemy and poison.

Decided to learn medical skills well first. After all, medical skills are not something you can master just by looking at them. You have to practice them according to the actual situation to improve your medical skills.

 So she first understood the medical skills and memorized them in her mind, so that she could practice them directly when she got the chance.

While Ji Jiuzhong was absorbing the Wushuang spiritual energy, Yan Xiangluo was quietly studying medical skills.

 After she had read all the medical skills, a feeling of enlightenment suddenly emerged. She has always been proud of her superb medical talent. Only after seeing this part of her medical skills did she realize how narrow-minded her thoughts are.

 The essence of medical skills is not to seek solutions blindly, but to restore them.

This kind of medical skill is particularly suitable in this fantasy world.

 You have to know that ordinary people love to get sick. As long as a monk is rarely sick in his life, he is often injured.

However, as long as a monk is sick, it must be incomparable to ordinary people's illness. If they want to be cured, the method of treatment is different from that of ordinary people.

If we describe the medical skills in Shuyilu accurately, the former part is suitable for treating ordinary people, and the latter part is suitable for treating various difficult and complicated diseases of monks.

Perhaps you will think that this is not absolute. Didn't Yan Xiangluo use the medical skills in the previous part to cure Ji Jiuzhong's fetal poison? Ji Jiuzhong's fetal poison was brought from his mother's womb. At that time, he was just a fetus and not a monk. Therefore, the fetal poison in him can be regarded as a disease suffered by ordinary people. In the later stage, it was because he became a monk and started practicing so that he could maintain his life and grow up.

 If he had not awakened his spiritual roots and could not cultivate, he would have died long ago.

Yan Xiangluo studied medical skills eagerly, and Shu Yi Lu seemed to open a door to powerful medical skills in front of her eyes.

One day and one night passed, Ji Jiuzhong watched as his already clear and transparent spiritual roots stopped absorbing Wushuang's spiritual energy.

He discovered that although Wushuang's spiritual energy could nourish and purify spiritual roots, the maximum limit was to nourish the spiritual roots into the purity of Wushuang's body.

No wonder Yan Xiangluo told him to nourish his spiritual roots until they were as clear as Wushuang's body.

Although it can only have the same purity as Wushuang's body, this is a spiritual root that monks can only find and cannot find. Even those who are peerless geniuses have mixed spiritual roots.

Ji Jiuzhong could predict how fast his cultivation would advance.

Before, he didn't have the confidence to go to the Ji family's inheritance and wanted to experience it while going. Now he is not worried at all that he can't accept the Ji family's inheritance.

 Looking at Wushuang in his hand, he saw that its aura was still calm, and it was obviously still practicing. It could be seen that Wushuang was also looking forward to the transformation.

Feng Yan raised her eyes and saw that Yan Xiangluo was holding a book and reading, having forgotten the surrounding environment. Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the content in the book. It was about medical skills. No wonder she was so serious.

 Withdrawing his gaze, he stopped absorbing Wushuang's spiritual energy, and Wushuang stopped releasing his spiritual energy. Obviously, although it was practicing, it was very aware of the surrounding situation.

Holding Wushuang in hand, Ji Jiuzhong stood up and looked into the distance. He released his spiritual consciousness and sensed the aura in the Death Mountains. He still did not sense the aura of the monsters or spiritual beasts.

Two days have passed. After today, the weirdness in the sacred mountain will end. Ji Jiuzhongfeng narrowed his eyes. Although he prevented the fragrance from falling, he also wanted to take a look.

There is no formation mage who is not interested in such a magical formation, but reason has overcome curiosity. Let's wait until the strength rises to above the **** level.

Yan Xiangluo was still studying medical skills. He took out Yan Xiangluo's formation disk and continued to study the formation disk. He promised to refine a higher-level formation disk for her, and he would do it.

  They were both immersed in their studies. It was almost noon when the ground suddenly shook.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong stood up at the same time. After looking at each other, they released their spiritual senses to investigate.

Ji Jiuzhong also broke the trap formation at the same time.

As soon as their spiritual consciousness was released, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other. The time has not come yet. What is going on? Why do they feel that the auras of the monsters and spiritual beasts in the Death Mountain are a bit violent?

"Zhetian, why don't you find a demon to ask what's going on?" Yan Xiangluo immediately called Zhetian out of the Pangu space and asked him to inquire about the situation.

Zhe Tian left in response, very quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yan Xiangluo shouted, "Don't go too far. Come back if you can't find her. Safety comes first."

 (End of this chapter)

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