The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 309: Danger is coming

Chapter 309 Danger is coming

"I know the master." Zhe Tian responded to her.

Ji Jiuzhong also released Wuji and asked him to check the situation. Wuji was small and fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The two of them felt a little heavy while waiting for the news. They both felt that the tremors on the ground were getting stronger and stronger.

 But it was too late to leave the Death Mountains now. They had walked for more than a day to get to this place. No matter how fast they wanted to leave, they would not be able to get out in a short time.

 In about a quarter of an hour, the tremor was so intense that many nearby trees were knocked down. This was no longer a tremor, but an earthquake.

 The two of them ducked and dodged to avoid being hit by falling trees.

Ji Jiuzhong said decisively, "Leave quickly and let Zhetian and Wuji come back."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and immediately used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Zhe Tian, ​​"Zhe Tian, ​​come back quickly."

 The voice that covered the sky sounded in her consciousness, "Master, it seems that we can't leave the Death Mountain now."

 “Why?” Yan Xiangluo asked with a serious look on his face.

"Something happened to the Holy Mountain. All the monsters and spiritual beasts were furious and running around. The Holy Mountain was not trembling, but more like an earth dragon turning over. The tremors in our place were affected by the Holy Mountain. The situation continues to worsen, getting more and more serious. Three of the seven peaks on the mountain have fallen. There is a power emanating from the sacred mountain, which has trapped the entire Death Mountain. The situation in the Death Mountain is such that it is impossible to enter or get out. "

 Zhe Tian had already rushed back when he communicated with Yan Xiangluo. At the same time, Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual beast Wuji also came back, and Ji Jiuzhong also learned about the situation in the sacred mountain.

Zhetian and Wuji were just inquiring, not seeing it with their own eyes, but Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had already imagined the situation in the sacred mountain.

“We can’t get out, what should we do?” Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong and asked.

Although the current situation was very bad, Ji Jiuzhong did not see a trace of fear in her eyes. On the contrary, there was a light of eagerness to try.

Ji Jiuchong was helpless. This girl had always wanted to visit the sacred mountain.

“We didn’t have the strength to explore the previous sacred mountain, and the current sacred mountain is even more difficult for us to inspect.” Ji Jiuzhong interrupted her thoughts unceremoniously.

Yan Xiangluo pouted, "The current situation in the Death Mountains is not equally dangerous wherever we are."

Ji Jiuzhong never knew that she had such a strong curiosity.

But what she said is right. They are in danger wherever they are in the Death Mountain, but the Sacred Mountain is definitely the most dangerous place.

 He shook his head firmly, "We must not go to the Holy Mountain unless we have no choice."

Seeing his persistence, Yan Xiangluo knew that she could not convince him, so she spread her hands and said, "Then we will wait here?"

At this time Zhetian also came back and went directly into Pangu space without any need for Yan Xiangluo to say anything. Although it is a plant, it is afraid of being implicated in its life if the world collapses.

Ji Jiuzhong took her hand and left, "Let's go outside first. Wherever we go, the farther away from the sacred mountain, the less dangerous it should be."

Yan Xiangluo didn’t resist, and let him pull her away from the Death Mountain.

“Try to see if you can fly in the air.” Ji Jiuzhong said.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo finished speaking, she activated her spiritual power, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fly in the air.

Ji Jiuzhong was the same. The two looked at each other and realized the seriousness of the matter. The power released by the sacred mountain was so terrifying that it actually restricted their flight in the air. Needless to say, they all speeded up in unison and rushed towards the outside of the forest.

At this time, the earthquake had reached a level that made it impossible to walk normally. All the trees fell down, smashing and hitting each other, so that they had already become a disaster scene in front of them.

Even if Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong hid quickly, they were still a little embarrassed at this time.

 But things developed far beyond their imagination, and the ground beneath their feet began to collapse downwards.

Ji Jiuzhong picked up Yan Xiangluo and jumped up on the fallen and broken trees to avoid being buried underneath.

Yan Xiangluo, who was held in her arms, looked at the situation in the Death Mountain. A dark light flashed across her almond-shaped eyes. It was obvious that something was wrong in the Death Mountain. She didn’t know what happened to the Holy Mountain, but the cause must be the Holy Mountain.

She patted Ji Jiuzhong and said, "I still want to go to the Holy Mountain. I have a feeling that I will regret it if I don't go."

Ji Jiuzhong paused when he heard this, turned around decisively and said, "Then go."

Seeing him like this, Yan Xiangluo said it was a lie in her heart that she was not moved. After all, he had strongly opposed going to the Holy Mountain before. More than 300 people with god-level cultivation had died there, and those with sect-level cultivation almost came back alive. The chance was very small, but he decided to go with him because he would regret it if he didn't go.

"I'll go by myself. You wait for me here." Yan Xiangluo didn't want Ji Jiuzhong to accompany her on the adventure.

"Do you think I will leave you alone at this time?" Ji Jiuzhong said with a somewhat unhappy voice.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused. If a person is willing to accompany you through life and death even though he knows that there is little hope of survival, can he be trusted?

Her almond eyes flashed, and she whispered into his ear, "Trust me, we will be fine."

Ji Jiuzhong nodded and said, "I believe you."

Now it's not a question of whether something happened. When she said she would regret it if she didn't go, Ji Jiuzhong understood that the reason why the current situation in Shenshan Mountain should be related to her.

Maybe there is an opportunity for her in the Holy Mountain, otherwise why the Death Mountain has always been normal, why would something like this happen when they came.

 He understands the coexistence of opportunity and danger. Since there is an opportunity for her here, he must help her get it.

Although Yan Xiangluo felt this way, she didn't know the exact direction of the sacred mountain. She didn't want to waste time, so she called Zhetian to lead the way, and they quickly headed towards the sacred mountain.

 But the place they were in was far away from the sacred mountain, and it took them a day to go back and forth at such a fast speed.

Now that they are unable to fly in the air, even at the fastest speed, it will take less than half a day to reach the location of the sacred mountain.

 And the closer they get to the sacred mountain, the worse the situation becomes. The violent monsters and spiritual beasts alone make it impossible for them to go at full speed.

 Fortunately, the violent monsters and spiritual beasts did not attack them. Even so, the speed of avoiding them was much slower.

At this time, the monks in the nearby city had received news of the strange phenomena occurring in the Death Mountain. Countless monks used various means to rush to the Death Mountain.

 In less than half an hour, many monks had gathered outside the Death Mountain, with all kinds of cultivation levels. However, without exception, they were all isolated from the outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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