The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 311: It's the seven-star formation

Chapter 311 is the Seven Star Formation

The Lord of the Twilight Continent ordered some people with god-level cultivation to join forces to trap the Death Mountain with formations and barriers along the isolating power. When the isolating power disappears, those who come out must go through strict tests. Search and interrogate before leaving.

At this time, those who arrived with god-level cultivation no longer cared about their own identity and status. They joined forces with each other and each guarded a section to set up barriers and formations to ensure that whoever came out of it must escape from the trap they set. Use the entrance and exit to get in or out, otherwise you'll just be trapped inside.

 Fortunately, the Death Mountain Range that is isolated by unknown forces is only part of it. If the entire mountain range is isolated, no matter how many people they have, they will not be able to surround it with barriers and formations.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had no idea what was happening outside, let alone that the Lord of the Late Continent had surrounded their area.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, they had not yet reached the sacred mountain. But the earthquake gradually stopped.

Ji Jiuzhong grabbed Yan Xiangluo and said, "It's already dark. Even if we are in danger at this time, we will double our efforts. We will rest for one night and continue on our way at dawn tomorrow morning."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the mess in front of her and the Death Mountains that were ravaged by the violent storm, and nodded, "Okay."

Anyway, the earthquake has stopped. As Ji Jiuzhong said, they continue on their way. When they arrive at the Holy Mountain, it is completely dark and they cannot observe the specific situation of the Holy Mountain. The danger is indeed doubled for them.

  Anyway, we have decided to go to Mount Kailash, so we don’t miss this one night.

"You rest, I'll keep watch." Ji Jiuzhong found a relatively clean place and said to Ruan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "Although the earthquake has stopped, it does not mean that the danger is gone. We all need to be more vigilant and practice tonight."

Ji Jiuzhong did not insist on letting her rest after hearing this, "That's fine."

Ji Jiuzhong sat down on the trunk of a thick tree that had fallen to the ground, took out the formation plate and continued to study it.

Yan Xiangluo did not continue to study Shuyilu, but closed her eyes and began to absorb Wushuang's power.

 Because Wushuang made a contract with her, she didn’t need to let Wushuang come out. She directly absorbed Wushuang’s spiritual energy from Pangu space. Wushuang noticed that she was absorbing its spiritual energy, and automatically began to release the spiritual energy for her to absorb.

Yu Xiangluo did not let Zhe Tian go back to Pangu Space, and let him be responsible for guarding outside. If anything happened, Zhe Tian should know before them.

Zhetian wrapped around Yan Xiangluo's arm, motionlessly sensing the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness.

People outside Death Mountain became even more curious after the rumbling earthquake sounds inside stopped. What happened inside? The earthquake has stopped. Has the matter been resolved?

Some people tried to see if they could get in, but the power of isolation was still there and showed no sign of weakening.

 They can only continue to wait.

As night fell, the Death Mountain became completely quiet, and the rabid monsters and spiritual beasts also quieted down and hid themselves in hiding. If it weren't for the chaos around them, they would have forgotten the devastating earthquake in the Death Mountains.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were busy on their own. The night passed, and there was no danger. It was not until the sky got slightly bright that the two of them stood up at the same time.

Yan Xiangluo asked how far away the sacred mountain is.

“We can get there in about an hour.” Zhe Tian made an estimate and said.

Yan Xiangluo took out some food and said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Eat something before leaving."

Ji Jiuzhong took the food, and the two of them looked at the surroundings while eating.

At a glance, there are many broken trees. There are not many trees still standing, so the field of vision is broadened.

After the two of them had eaten, they continued to lead the way towards the sacred mountain, led by Zhe Tian.

 An hour later, the vines covering the sky pointed in front and said, "Master, that is the sacred mountain."

Yan Xiangluo looked around. Although it was the first time he saw the sacred mountain, Yan Xiangluo felt a little familiar. Although only one of the seven peaks of the sacred mountain remains.

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you feel familiar?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong in surprise, "Do you think it's familiar to you too?"

Ji Jiudian nodded, "But I am very sure that there is no mountain similar to the sacred mountain in my memory."

Yan Xiangluo also said, "I also have a very familiar feeling, but I can't remember where I have seen it."

“We have just arrived in the Higher Continent, and it is also our first time in the Death Mountains. We have never seen them before. How come we feel this familiar?” Ji Jiuzhong frowned.

“We’re here anyway, let’s go take a look. I don’t notice any danger.” Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't sense any danger, but how could there be no danger in a sacred mountain that could drive so many high-level monsters and spiritual beasts crazy?


"Okay, let's see what secrets this sacred mountain holds." Although he had not suggested taking risks before, Ji Jiuzhong was not a person who was afraid of trouble.

The two of them got closer and closer, and they didn't hold on until they reached the foot of the sacred mountain.

The vines covering the sky pointed to the place at the foot of the mountain and said, "Those monsters and spiritual beasts are kneeling down here, prostrating themselves on the ground. No monsters or spiritual beasts go up the mountain."

Yanxiangluo looks like a sacred mountain. Unlike the trees below that were broken and fallen in various directions, the trees on the mountain were intact. Even the weeds seemed to have never experienced anything and were growing luxuriantly.

 Hence, the mountains and the mountains are like two worlds.

“Master, there were originally seven peaks, but they all collapsed, leaving only one.” Zhe Tian said while showing only the two of them the locations of the six collapsed peaks.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, and Ji Jiuzhong said, "It is indeed a formation."

"Seven-star array." Yuan Xiangluo blurted out.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Yu Xiangluo with admiring eyes. This girl's formation skills were indeed not low. She actually knew that the seven peaks were the seven-star formation just by looking at the positions indicated by Zhe Tian.

“It seems like things are a bit tricky!” Ji Jiuzhong’s eyes shrank.

Both of them are very accomplished in formations. Since they can see that it is a seven-star formation, they naturally know how powerful the seven-star formation is and what its role is.

 Seven-star formation is a formation that combines defense and attack. The main purpose is to protect, and the attack is also for better protection.

 From this point, we can see that there must be something inside here that needs to be protected by the seven-star array.

It seems that this seven-star formation was set up by taking advantage of the right time and place. The people who set up the formation are not very accomplished in formation techniques. At least neither Yan Xiangluo nor Ji Jiuzhong can do it now.

After seeing the Seven Star Formation with their own eyes, both of them knew in their hearts that the death of the more than 300 god-level cultivation masters was not a loss at all.

Just because, once the seven-star formation's protective formation is activated, no one present can escape, especially such a high-level seven-star formation.

 (End of this chapter)

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