The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 312: true self

Chapter 312 True Self

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong didn't know how advanced the formation masters of the higher mainland were, but one thing was certain. Even the formation masters with god-level cultivation at that time could not break this seven-star formation, or they could not break it in time. , that’s why so many people died. The level of the Seven Star Formation is definitely an existence that even high-level mainlanders are afraid of.

Now, six of the seven peaks at the eye of the Seven-Star Formation have collapsed and only one remains. This situation shows that the Seven-Star Formation has been broken for some reasons.

 They don’t know why the Seven Star Formation broke for no reason, whether it was man-made or there is an unknown reason.

But there is still one of the seven formation eyes, which shows that the protective power of the seven-star formation has not been completely lost. The seven-star formation is different from other formations. The seven peaks are seven formation eyes. The seven formation eyes can also form an independent formation. This This is the most frightening part of the Seven Star Formation.

Although there is only one peak left, which is the formation eye, it still has protective capabilities. But this protective strength is only one-seventh left.

Although both of them are proficient in formations, they are still unable to determine the level of the seven-star formation in front of them, let alone which one of the remaining formation eyes is?

So even though there is only one-seventh of the protective strength left, they dare not underestimate it.

 What confused them was that yesterday's earthquake in the Death Mountains could almost be described as earth-shaking, and there were hardly many trees still standing. But the plants on the sacred mountain were not damaged at all. It was as if yesterday's earthquake had nothing to do with this place. It was abnormal no matter how you looked at it.

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong and saw that his brows were also frowning. She knew that he was also thinking about the seven-star formation. Which one has the remaining protective strength? How strong is it?

After a while, Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo, "Wait here while I go up to check."

Yan Xiangluo stretched out her hand to hold him, "No, I want to go together."

Both of them understand the formation, and they both know that if they want to find out the true power of the formation, the only way is to touch the formation and let its power burst out.

 Coming to the Holy Mountain was something I had repeatedly asked to come to. There was no reason for Ji Jiuzhong to go through it when he was in danger.

Ji Jiuzhong knew what Yan Xiangluo meant and advised softly, "You know the strength of my formation. The Seven-Star Formation has lost six-sevenths of its strength, and the remaining one cannot do anything to me."

Yan Xiangluo shook her head stubbornly, "My formation level is not low, so you can't fool me. Besides, I'm coming to the sacred mountain, so there's no reason for you to take risks."

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes dimmed, “Do you have to tell me apart so clearly?”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment. Seeing the lost emotion in Ji Jiuzhong's eyes, she pursed her lips and said, "This is not a matter of distinction. I have the absolute ability to protect myself. You should understand me. I am absolutely sure that I can save my life." Won’t take risks.”

Ji Jiuzhong looked into her eyes and said, "Unless you can let me know that you can save your life in any dangerous situation, I will never let you take the risk."

His requirements are not high, as long as she can save her life. After all, in unknown dangers, it is good luck to save her life, and injuries may not be avoided.

Yan Xiangluo was helpless. She had never thought of telling anyone about the existence of Pangu Space. Even when she saw her parents in the future, she never thought of telling them, let alone Ji Jiuzhong.

 Don’t say that she hasn’t decided to accept him yet. Even if she accepts him, she is not sure whether she will tell him that she owns Pangu Space.

 It is even more impossible now, even if he is here to accompany him through life and death.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo suddenly felt that she was a selfish and indifferent person.

 Because of this incident, she seemed to see another self, a self that she didn't even know about. She was disgusted by being selfish and indifferent. Why did Ji Jiuchong like him so much? Yan Xiangluo had to face the reality that she lived in two lives until she was thirteen years old. At this age, her character had already been developed.

If it hadn't been for what happened today, she wouldn't have discovered that there was another self hidden in her heart. She knew that this self was caused by a lack of love and insecurity in her two lives.

Yihun Yiyou is in poor health. She has never met her biological parents, and her tribe despises her. Only her grandmother protected her, but she also only protected her until she was ten years old.

 In her heart she is the abandoned one.

 Her parents stayed with her until she was ten years old. Although she still had the love and affection of her parents before she was ten years old, her father abandoned her for her mother when she was ten years old.

Although her father made a lot of preparations before leaving and tried his best to ensure that she could grow up safely, she felt in her heart that she was not as important as her mother in her father's heart, and the psychological hurt of being abandoned still existed.

  The experience of two worlds has made her develop a kind of self-protection in her bones, and she does not trust anyone. She felt that even her biological parents could not love her wholeheartedly, let alone other people who were not related by blood.

Ji Jiuzhong saw that she was silent and the aura on her body had even become alienated. He sighed and said, "I know that you can't trust me as much as you trust yourself. I also understand that this is related to your life experience. I It was the same before, I didn’t trust anyone, but after I met you, I was willing to try to trust you, and you have never let me down. I hope you can also try to trust me, and I will definitely not let you down.”

Yan Xiangluo's heart was deeply touched by his words. She looked at Ji Jiuzhong with her apricot eyes, but still didn't say anything because she didn't know what to say.

 I am moved, but the self-protection instinct hidden in my bones is not so easy to overcome.

Ji Jiuzhong pulled her and said, "You don't have to make any decision now. Since neither of us can convince the other, let's go together. It's not a bad idea to live and die together."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly lit up. Life and death were the same. These four simple words knocked on the door of her heart that she didn't know she had closed. Although it hadn't been opened yet, the light was already showing in the door.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the hand held tightly by him and finally made a decision, "Okay, I will also try to trust you."

Although I can’t trust him right away, I am willing to try to understand him and trust him. This is an opportunity for him and an opportunity for myself.

After listening to her words, Ji Jiuzhong's eyes burst with indescribable joy. She was finally willing to take a step towards herself. Although it was just a step, in his heart it was the way to get closer to her.

"I will never let you down." Ji Jiuzhong had a joyful smile that he had never seen before, but his tone was firm.

Yan Xiangluo also smiled, "Okay."

Although she has never experienced love and does not understand what love is like, it does not mean that she does not yearn for it.

 (End of this chapter)

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