The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 313: Bad feeling

Chapter 313 Bad feeling

 His father loves his mother so much that he is willing to give up his daughter and even his own life, which shows that his father loves his mother to the core and can give up everything to love his mother.

Although from a daughter's perspective she complained that her father didn't care about her that much, from a woman's perspective, she still envied her mother for meeting such a lover.

If she could have a life-and-death love that would never leave her, she would still be willing to accept it and give the same amount of affection.

She still doesn't know if Ji Jiuzhong is the one who gave her such love. She is only sixteen years old, and she wants to indulge herself once and pursue a love that she never thought she would have before.

Just like the man and woman under the evergreen tree she met in her dream who promised to never leave each other for eternity. If she could have that kind of love, she wouldn't care about the length of her life.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know how much her mood had changed, but he was very happy and relieved that she could take this step.

At the same time, he also knew that Yan Xiangluo's heart would only be opened to him once. If he didn't cherish it, he would never have the chance to enter her heart in this life. Even she would never open her heart to any man again.

Since she is willing to bravely take this step for herself, how can I make her regret it? He has held her hand, and he will never let it go in this life.

The two held hands and walked towards the sacred mountain without hesitation.

A few steps later, they entered the territory of the sacred mountain, and the atmosphere around them changed accordingly. Before, they could clearly smell the smell of soil that had been dug up due to the earthquake, as well as the **** smell caused by the death of monsters and spiritual beasts.

 But these smells all disappeared after they stepped into the sacred mountain. All they smelled was the fresh smell of grass and trees, which was so refreshing that it made people forget about the different scenes just a few steps away.

Yan Xiangluo looked back and was surprised to find that the messy Death Mountains outside the Holy Mountain could no longer be seen, as if there was a layer of mist blocking her sight.

Ji Jiuzhong also looked back and tested it with his spiritual consciousness. Sure enough, there was an obstacle. They couldn't leave the sacred mountain now, even though it was only a few steps away.

A sharp dark light flashed across the phoenix eyes. Why does this scene look so familiar? I just can't remember where I saw it?

Ji Jiuzhong was sure that he had never seen the Seven Star Array before, and this was his first time entering the Seven Star Array. The inexplicable sense of familiarity made him feel uneasy again and again today, as if something was about to happen.

Yan Xiangluoliu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why does it feel so familiar again?"

Ji Jiuzhong's uneasiness became clearer after hearing her words, "I also have a feeling of familiarity. I feel like something is about to happen. Be careful."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, and the two of them had no choice but to continue walking up the mountain.

“Have you noticed that the plants here are not ordinary plants?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked.

Ji Jiuzhong looked around and said, "It's true. The plants we saw when we entered the Death Mountain are different from those here. Do you recognize these plants?"

“I don’t even know them. There are so many kinds of plants, but there is not a single medicinal plant.” Yan Xiangluo was curious about what the plants on the sacred mountain were. She knew all kinds of plants, but she didn’t recognize any of them.

What she didn’t say was that even though she didn’t recognize them, she still felt inexplicably familiar, as if she had known them before but just couldn’t remember them now.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain. The sacred mountain is actually not high, only about a hundred meters high. The two of them had already walked more than half of the way while talking, and they were about to reach the top of the mountain.

And the direction they went up the mountain happened to be the only remaining formation eye of the Seven-Star Array, which was also the direction of the only remaining mountain peak.

They reached the bottom of this peak when they reached the top of the mountain.

“Are you confident about breaking the seven-star formation?” Ji Jiuzhong suddenly asked. Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I have only seen the seven-star array in the formation chart, and have studied it. I understand the principles of the seven-star array, and have ideas for breaking it, but I have never seen the seven-star array, and I have never tried to break it, so I can't guarantee it. We will definitely be able to break the Seven Star Formation.”

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I'm just like you."

"Now the Seven-Star Formation has been broken for some unknown reason, but it has not been completely broken. The remaining peak belongs to which eye of the Seven-Star Formation. If it were to kill the formation, we may not be sure we can break it." Xiang Luo said.

Although there was a feeling in her heart that she would regret it if she didn't come to the sacred mountain, she never thought of risking her life.

It is true that this healthy body is hard to come by. She has experienced the feeling of being unable to do anything with her sick body, so she cherishes her life more than ordinary people. Even during the training, she tried her best not to hurt herself and did not want to let her body suffer. Any physical harm.

 But now that Ji Jiuzhong is here, she cannot ignore his life or death in case of danger. She also wants to know, at a time of life and death, which one is more important, her own secret or Ji Jiuzhong's life.

"That depends on our luck." Ji Jiuzhong was still unable to determine which formation this peak was.

Yan Xiangluo was very nervous. She didn't know whether she was afraid of the killing array at Qixing Peak, or whether she was afraid of having to make a choice between the secret and Ji Jiuzhong.

  Although neither of them felt confident, they did not stop walking towards the mountain.

Soon the two of them reached the top of the mountain, the bottom of the only remaining mountain.

The mountain peak is very high, straight up and down, like an Optimus Prime. Yan Xiangluo regrets not seeing what it looks like when all seven peaks exist. That is the complete seven-star array.

Many formation masters will never encounter one high-level formation like this in their lifetime, but she has encountered two.

 The first one was the Junzi Formation. She was lucky enough to break through the Junzi Formation and get the Junzi Sword.

 The second one is the Seven Star Formation, which is still a destroyed Seven Star Formation with only one peak left.

However, the Seven Star Formation and the Gentleman Formation are different.

The Gentleman's Formation tests human nature, and there is no killing formation in it. If you can't break the Gentleman's Formation, it won't affect your departure.

Although the seven-star formation is mainly for defense, once someone forcibly destroys the formation, each formation is an independent formation, each of which has the ability to kill, among which the killing formation is undoubtedly the most powerful.

Therefore, Yan Xiangluo prayed in her heart that the remaining one would not be a killing formation.

Ji Jiuzhong walked around the mountain peak. Although the mountain peak was very high, it did not occupy a large area. It only took a moment to walk around it.

 “The possibility of killing the formation is very high.” Ji Jiuzhong said based on experience.

Yan Xiangluo also saw that the killing formation was indeed feasible, or it could be said that it was definitely a killing formation.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and asked, "Want to try?"

 (End of this chapter)

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