The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 314: make a choice

Chapter 314 Making a choice

 Whether it is a killing formation can only be determined after trying it, but if you want to try it, you must touch the formation eye. Once the formation eye is touched, it is equivalent to activating the formation. They have no way out. If they want to survive, they must break the formation.

Yan Xiangluo also hesitated. The inexplicable sense of familiarity in her heart made her want to continue. However, although there was only one formation left in the seven-star formation at this level, it was not something they could challenge with their strength.

what to do?

Just when Yan Xiangluo was hesitating, the only remaining formation eye started to vibrate.

 So much so that the entire sacred mountain shook, and the tremors became stronger and stronger, no less powerful than the earthquake in the entire Death Mountain yesterday.

Ji Jiuzhong stretched out his hand to hold Yan Xiangluo and blocked her behind him, looking towards the formation with his phoenix eyes.

He knew that the formation was activated, and it was definitely a killing formation. Now they only had one way left, which was to break the seven-star formation.

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t know what kind of opportunity there was for Yan Xiangluo, but he knew that danger was coming.

He clearly felt the strong murderous intent coming towards him, and the coldness that penetrated into his bones made him shiver uncontrollably. The inexplicable feeling of familiarity came again.

This murderous intention is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time, the strong pressure makes Ji Jiuzhong's internal organs churn. He endured the discomfort and summoned up his spiritual power to resist.

 But the other party's pressure is too strong, and it is simply not something he can resist with his current clan-level cultivation.

Yan Xiangluo did not feel the murderous intention, nor was she suppressed by coercion. Therefore, she did not notice anything wrong with Ji Jiuzhong.

She watched the unknown plants on the sacred mountain break apart and collapse like the plants in the Death Mountain yesterday. In the blink of an eye, the sacred mountain was also in a mess.

Yan Xiangluo was very confused. The Seven Star Formation would only be activated if it was touched or attacked. They didn't attack, so how could the formation be activated?

Did they touch the last eye of the seven-star formation when they walked up the sacred mountain?

At this moment, she finally noticed something was wrong with Ji Jiuzhong, and the hand she held was very strong and still trembling.

 “What’s wrong with you?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong struggled to say a few words one by one, "kill, intention, peace, power, pressure."

Yan Xiangluo was surprised at the different treatment methods. Why didn’t she feel anything? Why does Ji Jiuzhong seem like he can't hold on any longer?

When Ji Jiuzhong saw that everything was normal for Yan Xiangluo, he felt relieved. This was Yan Xiangluo's opportunity, so he was the only one who was rejected. It was not just as simple as rejection, the formation clearly wanted to kill him. .

Ji Jiuzhong smiled bitterly in his heart. He was willing to live and die with the little girl, but heaven seemed not to give him this opportunity.

At the time of life and death, he suddenly realized that he was so possessive of Yan Xiangluo. When he thought that he would be separated from her by life and death, his heart ached like tearing apart, so he held her hand tighter and tighter, as if fate could not separate them.

After listening to his words, Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that this was her own opportunity and could only accommodate herself, and Ji Jiuzhong would be obliterated.

Unexpectedly, what I was worried about before has happened. The formation has been activated and people cannot get out without breaking the formation. The current situation is that Ji Jiuzhong has been suppressed and cannot do anything. She may die here in the next moment, even if she can Breaking the formation also takes time, and Ji Jiuzhong obviously can't afford to wait.

 Therefore, the choice she has never wanted to face has been placed in front of her, and she must make a choice.

Ji Jiuzhong tried his best to pull her into his arms and hugged her tightly. At this time, he was speechless. He used all his strength to hold her in his arms, thinking that he would live or die with her soon. Apart from each other, tears fell uncontrollably.

Yan Xiangluo noticed the moisture on her shoulders, and her heart was shocked. What a waste of energy he had to hug himself just once. It was said that men would not shed tears lightly, let alone everyone in the Tianshun Empire. The awe-inspiring Regent Ji Jiuzhong actually cried.

 Is he really that important in his heart?

Ji Jiuzhong spat out a mouthful of blood, and the arms hugging her lost their strength, and her body slid down. Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed. At this time, she knew very well that she didn't want Ji Jiuzhong to die. With a thought, she sent Ji Jiuzhong into the Pangu space.

Ji Jiuzhong was lying on the ground in Pangu space, motionless.

Yan Xiangluo was very anxious and wanted to go in to check on him, but she found that she could not enter Pangu Space.

 Suddenly she understood that it was the Seven Star Array that restricted her. What should she do?

She used her spiritual sense to perceive. Fortunately, her spiritual sense was still available. She immediately checked to see if Ji Jiuzhong was still breathing.

 Feeling his weak breath, Xiang Luo felt relieved. As long as he had a breath, she could save him.

Yan Xiangluo immediately took out a recovery pill and fed it to Ji Jiuzhong through spiritual control.

He vomited blood, which meant that his internal organs were injured. Use Restoration Pill to heal his internal organs, and other problems can be solved by himself when he wakes up.

Sure enough, when Yan Xiangluo felt Ji Jiuzhong's body again, his aura became more and more steady and stronger.

Ji Jiuzhong's life was no longer in danger. Yan Xiangluo was relieved and told Yun Tuan to take care of Ji Jiuzhong and let him rest in his room when he woke up.

After giving the instructions, he looked at the mountain peak standing in front of him with his apricot eyes. He struck out with a palm, and the spiritual power fell on the mountain peak with a bang, and then the mountain peak broke and collapsed.

 Since this is her opportunity and there is no murderous intention or pressure on her, then what else is she afraid of?

Yan Xiangluo dodged the falling rocks from the collapse of the mountain, and a magical scene happened.

Logically speaking, the rocks that fell down from the collapse would be piled on the ground, but all the rocks that fell actually disappeared as soon as they hit the ground, as if they were swallowed up by the earth.

How is this going?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the ground with no fallen rocks in shock, and the shaking of the entire sacred mountain still did not stop. The location of the mountain peak shook the most. Although the mountain peak was gone now, the ground collapsed downwards.

Yan Xiangluo wanted to escape, but a force suddenly pulled her body towards the collapsed place. Just when she was about to fall into the collapsed place, a hole appeared in the collapsed place, and her body Fall into the hole.

The dark hole filled the air with an aura that felt inexplicably familiar to her.

Yan Xiangluo had more and more doubts in her heart. She had just arrived in the Higher Continent not long ago, so how could she have such a familiar feeling?

 And it’s in a dangerous place like Mount Kailash.

 What is it that attracts me here? Is it really his chance as Ji Jiuzhong said?

No matter how many doubts and puzzlements she had in her heart, she couldn't stop her body from falling into the hole.

 (End of this chapter)

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