The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 315: her space

 Chapter 315 Her Space

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong woke up in Pangu Space. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the blue sky and the fresh breath around him. He sat up suddenly, wasn't he dead?

 Where is this?

Turning around, he saw the sky and the clouds. The sky had turned into a miniature state, and the clouds were sitting on the vines covering the sky, looking at Ji Jiuzhong with his dark eyes.

Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes shrank, and the sky and clouds were all there, but he was not dead.

 He stood up, looked around, and immediately saw the jade pond he had gone to buy with Yan Xiangluo.

The pond is placed under a thick tree, and three sets of ponds extend out, forming a unique landscape here. There is something hanging upside down on the branch of the big tree. This thing is dripping water drop by drop. No, the smell of the water is clearly a spiritual spring.

He quickly walked over and felt it carefully, and it turned out to be a spiritual spring.

Then he saw that Yan Xiangluo had no choice but to bargain for the price. The pool as big as the basin was placed just under the thing. There was a piece of jade underneath, which was the first to catch the falling soul. When the spring is full, it overflows into the first pool below. At this time, there is already a thin layer of spiritual spring in the first pool.

Ji Jiuzhong looked up. He knew without thinking that this thing should be the treasure of Lingquan that was conceived and raised in the secret realm of Lingquan. He was curious, how did Yu Xiangluo get it?

  Could it be that Lingquan Secret Realm was destroyed because this girl took out this treasure?

Thinking about it, they didn’t have much time to come out of the Lingquan Secret Realm. It would take a hundred years for this thing to drip out of a bowl in the Lingquan Secret Realm. Why is the output here so high?

 By the way, where is this?

  Could this be her secret? The ability to protect herself she mentioned is this portable space that is similar to a small world.

She sent herself in at the moment of life and death, does it mean that he is more important in her heart than her secret? Thinking of this, Ji Jiuzhong laughed beautifully.

Zhetian looked at Ji Jiuchong, who was standing there alone and giggling, and said to Yun Tuan, "Brother, isn't he stupid?"

Yun Tuan gave Zhe Tian a white look and said, "No one will be stupid if he is stupid. He is happy."

"He almost died, why is he happy?" Zhe Tian asked in confusion.

Yun Tuan looked at Zhe Tian with an idiot look, "Of course I am happy to enter the master's Pangu space."

 “This is indeed something we should be happy about.” Zhe Tian agreed.

In its heart, the master's Pangu Space is a unique treasure in the world. No one can enter it yet. Ji Jiuzhong is the first, so he should be happy.

 Yun Tuan is a little worried about his little brother’s IQ. “He is happy to come into the master’s Pangu space because he feels that the master cares about him.”

"That's it." Zhe Tian doesn't know much about human emotions. Although Yun Duan has explained it to him, Zhe Tian also has a partial understanding.

Ji Jiuzhong wanted to understand Yan Xiangluo's current situation with Yun Tuan. Unfortunately, Yun Tuan couldn't speak, and it wasn't like his spiritual pet couldn't communicate with his spiritual sense. However, it should still be possible to simply convey the meaning.

"Yun Tuan, how is your master? Nod if he's fine, shake your head if he's hurt."

The cloud glanced outside the space. At this time, the owner was falling into a black hole. It had not yet reached the bottom, but the owner was not injured, so it nodded.

Ji Jiuzhong saw Yun Tuan nodding and felt relieved, "If she is in danger, tell me quickly."

Yun Tuan was speechless. What's the point of telling you? This is the master's space. The master just sent you in and didn't give you the right to enter and exit. If the master is in danger, you can't get out. You might as well be like me and Zhe. God. Thinking that he had no fighting power against Zhe Tian, ​​it was useless to go out, and he was not much stronger than Ji Jiuzhong, he suddenly became depressed.

For the first time, Yun Tuan felt that he was useless, and Zhe Tian was not a battle pet. He wondered whether he should find a spiritual pet with strong combat power for his master in the future, so that if the master encounters danger again in the future, he would at least have a spiritual pet. Beasts can help their masters, unlike now they can only watch their masters face unknown dangers alone.

 Obviously, after Ji Jiuzhong said this, he realized that he couldn't get out at all. Even if he did, it would only be a drag and not help at all, and he was in a bad mood.

The cloud jumped on his shoulder, pointing to the place where Suanxiang stayed, telling him where to rest. This is what the master ordered.

Ji Jiuzhong looked in the direction pointed by Yun Tuan and saw Yan Xiangluo's practice room where he had lived on Qian Du Feng Shang.

It seems that she has already had her space.

He walked over quickly and opened the door. The practice room where he had lived for three days had changed drastically.

 Exquisite screens, large comfortable carpets, simple tables and chairs, and around the screen was her bedroom. The bed in the room was exactly the same as the bed he saw in the Long family's house.

But he knew that this bed was not the one in her mother's room, but the bed in Xiangluo's house in the Tianshun Empire where she had slept since childhood.

 The window curtains and the bedding on the bed are all bright red. In fact, it doesn't look like a little girl's bedroom at all, but more like a wedding room.

Ji Jiuzhong wondered how much this girl liked red. The clothes she usually wore were all bright red, and even the bedroom was decorated in bright red.

Ji Jiuzhong did not go into the bedroom. He just stood at the screen and looked at it, then turned and sat down on the carpet.

 He cannot enter a girl's boudoir without rules.

The injuries to his internal organs had healed. He knew that Yan Xiangluo should have given him the elixir, but because he tried his best to fight against the pressure, especially when he hugged her at the end, his spiritual power was almost exhausted. It's over. Since he can't help her with anything now, he should restore his spiritual power first.

He sensed that there was a difference between the aura here and the aura outside. Although he didn't know what the difference was, he felt that the aura here was more suitable for cultivation than the aura outside and was of great benefit to cultivation.

Sitting cross-legged on the carpet and starting to recover, Yun Tuan lay quietly next to the carpet. The master asked him to take care of him. Although it depends on the situation, he doesn't need to take care of him now, so he has to guard him. This is the master's territory. , he is an outsider, so be careful with him.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo finally hit the bottom, which was completely different from what she had imagined. She thought it would be dark and gloomy below.

But the truth is exactly the opposite. Below is a circular space paved with jade. She is not standing in the middle. The surrounding walls are also made of jade. I don’t know what kind of material the jade is made of. It emits a faint light and illuminates the entire space.

Yan Xiangluo felt that the restraints on her body were gone, and she could not move even after taking two steps.

 (End of this chapter)

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