The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 316: It's the fifth senior brother

Chapter 316 It’s the fifth senior brother

There is nothing empty here, so what are you doing here?

 “Is there anyone there?” Yan Xiangluo shouted.

Her voice echoed in the space. I thought no one would answer, but an ethereal voice came.

 “There is no human being, but there is one spiritual consciousness.”

Yan Xiangluo was startled, and someone actually answered her, no, it’s not a human being, it’s a spiritual consciousness.

Following the sound, a ray of light fell, and a figure appeared in front of her in the light. He is a handsome man wearing a snow-white brocade robe.

 Hey, why do the patterns on this robe look familiar?

By the way, the pattern is the same as the pattern on the robe worn by the owner of the copper tower he got in Wanghai Forest, who claims to be his senior brother.

"You are not my senior brother, are you?" Yan Xiangluo asked casually.

 The man was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Junior sister is still so innocent. How many senior brothers have you met?"

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that this person was really his senior brother. He thought that his senior brother had said that there were several senior brothers among them, but he didn't specify how many there were. How many senior brothers was this one in front of him?

 “I have met senior brother before.” Yan Xiangluo sighed.

“Oh, it’s Senior Brother. Senior Brother has the gentlest personality. Why do you still have such an expression?”

Yan Xiangluo was speechless, "I don't even know you, but senior brother said that you have a nose and eyes. I can't believe it or not. Now there is another senior brother, and I don't know how to face you. By the way, Who are you, my senior brother?”

The man's mouth twitched, "You haven't recovered any memory?"

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "To be honest, I only felt a little bit familiar when I got here, and I have no memory at all."

 The man looked at him for a moment, "Is the injury so serious?"

Yan Xiangluo’s apricot eyes changed. What does it mean to be so seriously injured? You weren't injured yourself?

The man then said, "Don't worry. Since you have come to me, it means that it won't be too long before you can recover your memory. I am your fifth senior brother. I have been waiting for you here for a long time. I don't know if you come or not." Can I wait for you?"

Yan Xiangluo inexplicably heard the loneliness in his tone, and his tone became much softer, "Are you like the senior brother, unable to be reincarnated and disappear completely?"

The fifth senior brother nodded, "Yes, there are seven of us senior brothers. You are the youngest among us. We all call you Xiao Qi. Only the senior brother calls you little junior sister. You are also the only woman among our senior brothers. Whether it is Master It’s still the case that our brothers and sisters love you so much that they protect you too much and make you too innocent.”

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that she had six senior brothers in her life that she didn't know about, and they all doted on her. She lacked love and couldn't understand what kind of happiness it was.

However, from the tone of the fifth senior brother, it seemed that because they protected themselves so well that they were too innocent, something must have happened.

"Are the other senior brothers the same as the fifth senior brother and the first senior brother?" Yan Xiangluo didn't know what happened at that time to put the master and senior brothers in such a state.

Elder brother told her not to forget their agreement. What agreement was it?

The fifth senior brother nodded, "We made the decision together, so we are all the same. We all left a spiritual consciousness to meet you, and each has his own mission." Yan Xiangluo didn't know what kind of feelings made them actually make this decision. Such a decision.

Death in a lifetime may be acceptable. After all, this is reincarnation and no one can avoid it. But complete disappearance means never appearing in any world again. Who is willing to give up?

“Senior Brother asked me not to forget our agreement. Fifth Senior Brother, can you tell me what the agreement is?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Since what happened cannot be changed, she tried her best to make up for their regrets. If this agreement was their persistence, then if she had the strength to fulfill it, it would be regarded as the end of their friendship as fellow seniors.

"You can only remember the promise yourself. Now I tell you, you can't do it. On the contrary, it will increase your troubles, affect your state of mind, and is not conducive to your cultivation." The fifth senior brother rejected her.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. What kind of agreement was it? So much so that telling her now would affect her state of mind.

 It doesn’t have something to do with the fact that they are all in a state of disbelief, right?

“Fifth Senior Brother left this spiritual consciousness here just to meet me, right?” Yan Xiangluo asked, looking at the man in front of her.

She knew that there was a time limit for taking photos of spiritual consciousness. Especially for a piece of spiritual consciousness like theirs that was left before their souls flew away, and after an unknown amount of time was consumed, there might not be much time left to talk to themselves.

The eldest brother met her to leave his space magic weapon copper tower to her, and the fifth brother definitely didn't just want to meet her.

The fifth senior brother looked at her with some sadness, "Xiao Qi, Master said before that although you are the youngest and the only woman among us, you are the most resilient one. Along the way of cultivation, your achievements will be great." Higher than all our brothers."

Yan Xiangluo raised her brows. The senior brother also mentioned the master's praise for her. Does the master think so highly of her?

The fifth senior brother continued, "At that time, the six of us were still very unconvinced. It was not because we were jealous of you, but because we felt that our talents in the test were almost the same. We are men, and as your senior brothers, how could it be possible that we had practiced earlier than you? My cultivation level is lower than yours."

Speaking of this, the fifth senior brother looked at her seriously, "But what happened later made us know how wise the master is and how good his vision is. Xiao Qi, when you regain your memory in the future, you will remember everything. Don’t be sad or sad, this is all of our own free will. The moment we make the decision, we understand the true meaning of cultivation.”

Yan Xiangluo did not interrupt the fifth senior brother's words, and took his every word into her heart very seriously. Through the fifth senior brother's words, she could guess that their agreement was definitely not a simple matter.

"Xiao Qi, senior brother, we don't have much time. Let's get down to business quickly. All six of us brothers have their own tasks. The senior brother must have left his magic weapon to you. The fifth senior brother's task is to take your colored glaze. I'll give you the lamp. As for the missions of the other four senior brothers, you will know when you meet them later." The fifth senior brother spoke much faster.

Yan Xiangluo knew that her time was indeed running out.

 “Thank you, Fifth Senior Brother.” Yan Xiangluo’s words were sincere.

Although she still doesn’t know what price the six senior brothers and master paid for the agreement she doesn’t know yet, and why she is the only one who can be reincarnated, she can imagine that this matter is earth-shattering after all.

 (End of this chapter)

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