The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 317: own calamity

Chapter 317: My own calamity

 Senior Brother Five smiled, "Xiao Qi is still so emotional."

Then his smile dimmed again, and he looked at Yan Xiangluo with complicated eyes, and sighed, "Xiao Qi, the fifth senior brother knows your feelings for him. Even if you are reincarnated, you still meet again. The previous five The senior brother wanted to kill him to prevent him from affecting you again in the future, but you still saved him at the last moment. Even though you have no memory of the past, and your feelings for him are not as deep as before, you still want to save him. He exposed his secret. Xiaoqi, Fifth Brother can't do anything to him now. You have to walk and choose your own path in the future. As for whether he will still be your disaster in this life, time will prove it! Fifth Senior Brother only hopes that Xiao Qi can get the life you want in this life. "

Yan Xiangluo was extremely shocked. She knew exactly who the senior brother was talking about. It's Ji Jiuchong.

Ji Jiuchong almost lost his life before because of the fifth senior brother. The fifth senior brother really wanted to kill him. It turns out that I had an entanglement with Ji Jiuzhong in his previous life, and he also influenced me and became my disaster.

This realization made Yan Xiangluo's heart twitch. How would she face Ji Jiuzhong in the future?

The fifth senior brother obviously saw her entanglement, "Xiao Qi doesn't have to struggle with this matter. One day you will both get your memories back. At that time, if you look at his choices, you will be able to prove what you have done for him before. Is it worth it?" Brother Five comforted her when he saw her shocked expression.

 After saying these words, the figure of the fifth senior brother has begun to become illusory, "Xiao Qi, the fifth senior brother is really leaving."

Yan Xiangluo felt a surge of sadness in her heart and shed tears. Although she still had no memories of the past, it was impossible not to be touched by what her senior brother and fifth senior brother did for her. What kind of feelings was it for them to do for her? to this extent.

“Xiao Qi, don’t cry. Fifth senior brother will feel sorry for you. Fifth senior brother prefers to see the little girl who always had a bright smile.”

There were tears on Yan Xiangluo's face, but she immediately broke into a bright smile. He waved to the fifth senior brother, "Fifth senior brother, don't worry, I will definitely fulfill our agreement, and I will definitely be happy in this life." ”

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo made a firm decision in her heart. No matter how difficult their agreement was, she must make it happen, just to live up to the friendship that her master and her senior brothers had for her.

“Okay, when Xiao Qi sees Master in the future, he must tell Master that Fifth Senior Brother did not bully you this time.” Fifth Senior Brother also said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, the illusive fifth senior brother raised his hand, and Yuan Xiangluo's body flew upwards.

Yan Xiangluo quickly looked down and saw the smiling figure of the fifth senior brother turning into little stars and disappearing.

The space where she was standing just now shook, shrunk rapidly, and finally turned into a glass lamp and flew toward her.

Yan Xiangluo cried and reached out to take it, but the glazed lamp passed her hand and flew directly into her consciousness.

There was a crystal clear glass lamp in her consciousness, but she didn't feel unfamiliar at all. After the glass lamp entered her sea of ​​consciousness, she knew the purpose of this lamp.

 Is it because this glazed lamp used to be yours?

Although she knew the usefulness of the glazed lamp, she was still unable to use it with her current cultivation level. Yan Xiangluo was shocked at what level of cultivation she had in the past, and she actually had such a powerful magic weapon as the glazed lamp.

In an instant, his body flew out of the black hole and landed on the sacred mountain. The black hole also disappeared after Yan Xiangluo flew out.

The ground was very flat. If the glazed lamp hadn't really existed in her sea of ​​consciousness, she would have doubted whether everything just happened was a dream.

But Yan Xiangluo was in a very low mood. This time she saw the fifth senior brother, she felt more deeply than when she saw the senior brother before. When she saw her senior brother, it was like meeting a stranger. Meeting the fifth senior brother this time seemed to touch the feelings buried deep in her soul. She didn't feel strange when she saw Fifth Senior Brother.

  Since you are so sad this time, how will you feel when you see the other four senior brothers in the future?

By the way, there is also the master. The fifth senior brother told her that when she sees the master in the future, she must tell the master that the fifth senior brother did not bully her this time.

Yan Xiangluo was silent for a while, then looked up at the sacred mountain. At this time, the sacred mountain was as messy as the Death Mountain, and the plants she didn't recognize were gone.

“Xiao Qi, didn’t you like these rare and rare herbs grown by the fifth senior brother in the past? You would always steal them quietly. Now the fifth senior brother has given them all to Xiao Qi.”

The voice of the fifth senior brother rang in her sea of ​​consciousness. Yan Xiangluo was pleasantly surprised to think that the fifth senior brother was still there, and shouted repeatedly, "Fifth senior brother, fifth senior brother."

But the fifth senior brother never responded to her. Yan Xiangluo squatted on the ground and cried loudly. Her heart-wrenching cry made the clouds and sky covering the Pangu space feel uncomfortable.

Pangu Space did not release authority to Ji Jiuzhong, so he did not know what Yan Xiangluo had experienced, but Pangu Space had no restrictions on Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian, ​​so they had seen with their own eyes everything that Yan Xiangluo had just experienced. The owner is so sad and sad, and the two hearts are also sad.

Yun Tuan responded quickly, "Master, all the rare and exotic herbs of your fifth senior brother are in the space."

As expected, Yan Xiangluo's sad mood was interrupted by Yun Tuan's words. She looked into the Pangu space with her spiritual consciousness, and she saw a large area of ​​rare and exotic grasses inside. She didn't even see the end of it. It was on the sacred mountain. Plants growing that she didn't recognize now.

“Fifth Senior Brother, don’t worry, I will take good care of them.” Yu Xiangluo said silently in her heart.

Although she still doesn’t know what these rare and exotic herbs are, she is not in a hurry and will find out when her memory recovers.

There are no plants that do not grow well in Pangu space. Yan Xiangluo is not worried that these plants will not grow well. They will definitely grow better than on the sacred mountain. If it doesn't work, doesn't she still have a spiritual spring? She doesn't believe that they can grow well even if they are watered with spiritual spring water.

Yan Xiangluo spent some time sorting out her mood.

 Looking at Ji Jiuzhong who was still recovering from cultivation in her room, she felt a little complicated when she thought of what the fifth senior brother said about their previous relationship.

 Fate is really a magical thing. Now they have no memory of the past, but they met again magically.

However, Yan Xiangluo didn't plan to tell Ji Jiuchong this now. Since sooner or later they would get back their memories, let's wait until that day.

Even if Ji Jiuzhong is told now, both of them have no previous memories and can only make blind guesses, which is meaningless except for adding trouble.

 (End of this chapter)

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