The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 318: It was leveled

Chapter 318: Flattened

 The most important thing at the moment is to work hard to improve her cultivation. Only when she becomes truly strong can she retrieve her past memories as soon as possible and know what her agreement with her senior brothers is.

Yan Xiangluo, who had calmed down and wanted to understand, looked down the mountain. Such a big movement in the Death Mountains should have attracted the attention of the Sunset Continent and even the entire higher continent.

The obstacle in the Death Mountain should have been set up by the fifth senior brother. Now that the fifth brother has disappeared, this obstacle should also have disappeared. Many strong people will inevitably come in to check. The main thing now is to leave the Death Mountain safely.

Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation has not yet recovered, so Yan Xiangluo decided to leave the mountains alone. With Pangu Space in her hands, she could avoid people coming in to search.

 She did it as she thought. She changed her clothes and changed her face with Yan Xuanwen. She was still dressed like a teenager. After all, they had met two bounty hunters before, so they could avoid some unnecessary trouble.

Now Yan Xiangluo knows that she can't have any luck in the future. One mistake may lead to catastrophe. Doesn't the ending of the master and senior brothers illustrate this point?

After getting ready, she called out to Zhe Tian, ​​and asked Zhe Tian to lead the way to the nearest road, and then flew out of the mountains.

 Although she was flying in the air, she did not exceed the height of the tree to avoid being discovered.

 With Youzhetian, a little expert in the forest, she doesn't have to take the wrong path.

She is now dressed as a man, and it is inconvenient to turn it into a hairpin and insert it into her bun. It is wrapped around her wrist, like a bracelet carved into a vine, with the sleeves open so that others cannot see it, and it is also convenient for it to be given to her. Yan Xiangluo pointed the direction.

At this time, the obstacle of the Death Mountain has indeed disappeared. The Lord of the Old Age Continent did not waste a moment and personally led people in to search. His goal was clear and he went straight to the direction of the Holy Mountain.

And those strong men with god-level cultivation are all rushing towards the direction of the sacred mountain. No matter whether the Lord of the Old Age Continent is willing or not, whoever arrives first at this time has the most advantage, in case the treasure really appears. It’s over.

 Their greed made them all forget that more than 300 god-level experts died fighting for this treasure.

 God-level experts can teleport. Although the distance and number of teleports are limited, they only need to teleport once to reach the sacred mountain.

 Hence, those who were cultivating below the **** level watched the figures disappear in front of their eyes in an instant.

No matter how envious and jealous they are, they have no choice but to rush away as soon as possible in their own way.

After Yan Xiangluo left the sacred mountain, in a moment, figures appeared at the foot of the sacred mountain. The first ones to arrive were all god-level powerhouses.

People of other cultivation levels also used their own methods to rush to the sacred mountain as quickly as possible. In a short time, many people gathered at the foot of the sacred mountain.

They all used various methods to reach the sacred mountain in an instant, so that Yan Xiangluo was perfectly missed from them.

Yan Xiangluo is still very surprised. Why is no one coming in? It’s impossible?

But in the forest is the world of Zhetian. Zhetian learned about the situation of the sacred mountain through the monster plants he met on the road and told Yuan Xiangluo.

Yanxiang understood at the same time, she was also glad that she left quickly enough, otherwise she would have been stuck there. In that case, she could only hide in the space and wait for them to leave before leaving.

 She couldn't help feeling sorry for the greed of these people. Fortunately, she had taken away the glass lamp, otherwise it would have been another catastrophe that could be recorded in historical records.

 Thinking that the treasure that had killed more than 300 god-level experts was actually his own glass lamp, Yan Xiangluo didn't know whether to be proud or sad. I am proud that my treasure is so powerful, but I am sad that these people are greedy and ugly.

“Zhetian, let me know if you encounter flying monsters or spiritual beasts on the road.” Yan Xiangluo has not forgotten their original intention of entering the Death Mountain, and they are looking for a flying spiritual beast on their way.

 “Master, let me ask you something.”

Zhetian immediately communicated with the nearby demonic plants and asked them to help find if there were any flying demonic beasts and spiritual beasts nearby. Of course, not all kinds were required, as long as they were strong, those that were too weak would not be useful to the owner. It is best used on spiritual animals.

 The reason why the monster beast did not become a spiritual beast is that its mind is not firm enough and its nature is greedy and selfish. Spiritual beasts can become spiritual beasts only after passing the test of heaven. Naturally, their conduct is much better than that of monster beasts.

Soon the news came from those demonic plants. Zhetian happily told Yuan Xiangluo, "Master, there is a cliff in front of you. There are three flying spirits living there on the cliff. But spiritual beasts are different from demonic beasts. They are very aloof. Not necessarily willing to be a flying mount.”

Yan Xiangluo said, "You lead the way, let's go over and give it a try."

  No matter how noble the spiritual beasts are, they still have what they need. As long as you can help them when they need it, it is not difficult to tame them and use them as flying mounts.

Isn't this the precedent of those monster beasts and spiritual beasts in Hope Sea Forest?

Yan Xiangluo was running towards the cliff where the flying spirit beast was, and the Shenshan Mountain was also very lively at this time. Those people who were originally guarding outside the Death Mountain all showed their magical powers and arrived at the foot of the sacred mountain. However, when they saw the messy sacred mountain, their eyes were in disbelief.

 Sacred Mountain is the name in the minds of monsters and spiritual beasts. In the minds of advanced continental people, this mountain is called Shenyu Mountain.

It got its name because more than 300 powerful men with god-level cultivation died because of robbing the treasures under this mountain.

They couldn't believe it because even though more than 300 god-level warriors had died here, the mountain was still lush and green, with many unknown plants growing on it, and it was not affected by the battles of those god-level warriors at all, just like It is like another world that exists independently.

 But the scene they saw now was exactly the same as that in the Death Mountain. If they were not sure that this was the God's Meteor Mountain, they would have thought they had gone to the wrong place.

The god-level experts present used their spiritual senses to investigate. They could not sense the breath of the treasure at all, and knew in their hearts that the treasure had probably been taken away.

 But some people are still lucky in their hearts. After all, how could a treasure that has not been taken away by more than 300 god-level experts be taken away like this?

 How come they didn’t know that such a figure appeared in the mainland?

 They are no longer afraid of the Shenyu Mountain. Coupled with the attraction of the treasure, they have forgotten their fear.

They all used their spiritual power to attack the Shenyu Mountain. For a moment, the rocks and soil from the Shenyu Mountain were flying. The attacks of so many god-level experts turned the Shenyu Mountain upside down in just a moment. Yu leveled the Shenyu Mountain, and in an instant the Shenyu Mountain no longer existed.

Even so, these people did not give up and continued to dig downward until the location of the Shenyu Mountain became a huge pit, and they stopped unwillingly.

 (End of this chapter)

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